Metaphysics - Ethan Volroy

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There are many types but whatever the case a cord is basically a connection between the astral and etheric bodies of two or more beings which allows for an exchange of emotional and/or etheric energy.

Fortunately all cords can be cleared fairly easily. It only takes one of the people to clear the cord and it will be cleared from the other. Through the practices learned in Past Life - Regression you can become aware of all your cords and learn to clear them. Interestingly while exploring a cord you can remember when and how it was created, how you felt about it and how it has been operating while it was there. Often cords can be seen and felt very tangibly and their effects become very apparent. As you enter the subconscious through the Third Eye you can actually remember what was happening in your subconscious during any part of your life. These can be excellent lessons in self exploration. See www.pastlife


Drug Abuse

Drugs are a very interesting topic when looked at from a metaphysical point of view. While they impact on the nervous system in a profound way, they also affect subtle bodies and states of consciousness immensely. The changes in states of consciousness caused by drugs are the reason for their widespread recreational use and provide many users with different perspectives on the World. Many of the feelings encountered through drug use are very similar to states of consciousness achieved by spiritual seekers and meditators throughout the World. States that we feel in between lives while exploring higher dimensions can be synthetically created with the right mixture of chemicals.

Although the states of consciousness achieved through drug use may feel similar to these higher dimensional states they are not the same because the ego is still playing a large part in the user’s orientation. It is possible to have real spiritual awakenings as a result of drugs but sometimes these actually lead to a further solidification of the ego. As the states are achieved through drugs and not by clearing and raising the vibration of the subtle bodies, the end result is a more chaotic and crystallized astral body which can even become cracked or begin to shatter as a result of the sudden raise in vibration caused by the drug. The possible


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