
Soul and Body Fusion

With Jonette Crowley (Colorado, USA)

Health and the Soul Body Fusion


While taking an in-depth look at health this month, we could not ignore the work of one of our valued SIM authors. Jonette Crowley has developed a highly innovative method of balancing both spiritual and physical health with her Soul Body Fusion method. The book and program developed have both been translated into ten languages, and have spread around the world to help many thousands achieve a higher level of healthy existence. We had the opportunity to sit down with Jonette this month and hear from her own mouth what this process is all about, and just how we can reach an elevated plane of spiritual and physical health when properly aligned with our higher self.

We’ve included here the complete overview of the Soul Body Fusion method for your convenience.

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Love as a Time Machine

Jonette Feb banner





Welcome lovers. This is Mark.

Lovers and magicians are actually very close in context, so tonight is about love as a door to magic, and magic as a door to change and to potential.  This course is taking the energies of the 8th dimension and bringing them into a place that you can call home, helping you with these higher dimensions, creating the life that you choose.  The words we are working with are love as a time machine.  Love is access to places that you can use to change your life.  The canvas for this class is your life.  Sometimes the canvas is all of humanity.  Sometimes it’s the entire galaxy, but we’re going to narrow it down to your life.

We’ll begin by having you move into that beautiful breathless expansive portal of love that is your heart, letting your consciousness move there until it finds the waves or the ripples of expansion.  Like a surfer, ride those waves out and out and out.  Out beyond the physical world, effortlessly beyond time and space. The wave just carries your awareness out.

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Multidimensional Clearing

Multidimensional ClearingPromo


Channeled from ‘MARK’

(Note: Jonette wishes for all to leap into the ease of awakening our multidimensional self. This transmission was channeled from ‘MARK’ from the recent audio course series: The 9th Dimension Part 1 – Multiple Parallel Realities, class 7.) 

Do you notice that your dreams have been somewhat prophetic and perhaps more interesting with strange twists of time and space happening? You can trust those dreams more and more. You are moving to a place where your dreams are not just the garbage of your mental processing from that day but are actually indicating pathways for you to take or pathways that you’ve already taken. We’ve introduced you to the 9th Dimension—Multiple Parallel Realities; and we want you to be able to feel the 9th dimension interspersed with your normal life so that you can feel yourself and know yourself in many seemingly impossible dimensions and realities at the same time.

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The Ten Steps for Channeling


Channeling post


The Ten Steps for Channeling

 Jonette Crowley is an internationally known channel of White Eagle and Mark – both are high Masters from the White Brotherhood.  She has been channeling since the late 1980’s and has taught hundreds of people how to connect with their own guidance.  She gives talks and private readings with White Eagle.  She teaches regular courses in being a multi-dimensional human with her guide Mark. 

 In order to encourage you and support you in strengthening your own guidance Jonette is providing these steps/guidelines for channeling.  There is so much more that can be said, but this can begin to help you along your way.

 Jonette is author of The Eagle and The Condor: A True Story of An Unexpected Mystical Journey

 1.  Create an Inner “Meeting Space”

Create a neutral, beautiful, clear and high vibrational meeting place in your mind/imagination in which to invite your guide(s) or highest self.  In the beginning it may be easiest to do this at a regular time and place in your day.

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First Spiritual Experience

Spirtualists International Magazine Monthly Feature




It is a genuine pleasure to present our monthly feature with Jonette Crowley via SoulStories.Tv in Germany.

There are few individuals on this planet who have the gift of authentically hearing what exists within the astral light, and then directly channeling messages back to humanity. Jonette Crowley is one of these few individuals who have continuously brought messages from beyond, back to humanity. Her gifts allow us jimge001to realize that the reality existing just beyond our physical senses is most real, and completely accessible, should we choose to step just beyond our conditioned perceptions.


She brings brilliance to us all, demonstrating that the veil separating our human experience from the astral and spiritual realms is thinner than we could even imagine.In this brief interview, she discusses her magnificent initiation into modern Shamanism through direct planetary voices, as well as her amazing spiritual journey over the years. In revealing these intimate conversations with Native American spirit guides, as well as planetary voices from the Andean Mountains, Jonette brings us closer to our ultimate reality through her most charming presence.

On behalf of Jonette, Spiritualists International Magazine, and the entire Light Body Travelers Society, we encourage you to continue in you your spiritual journey to manifest the courage to step into your greater reality. There exists a realm of unimaginable beauty and potentials just beyond your self.


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Reprogramming the Earth’s Crystals

The Three Cosmic Geometric Solids:

Twenty-five years ago when I first began channeling Mark, I was constantly surprised by what came out of my mouth. Now he still comes out with astonishing insights— but I’m used to it. ;-)

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 All those years ago Mark told me that great epochs of time – many millions of years — are ‘governed’ or are controlled by certain geometric shapes. The period we are in now is associated with the cube. That makes sense as we live in a limited but relatively stable 3-D world within time and space. It is constrictive. A cube has an up and down-there is polarity/duality—which often leads to conflict.

 The transitional Platonic solid or shape that moves us from the world of the cube is the three-sided, equilateral pyramid or tetrahedron. The Greek letter ‘delta,’ signified by a triangle, is used even now to signify change. I believe that the 4-sided pyramids of Giza, Mexico and elsewhere— with their square bases and triangular faces— are shapes meant to move us out of the cube and into the triangle of transition.

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 Ultimately— in millions or billions of years — we will be in the realm governed by the sphere, a shape in which all points are equal, there can be no hierarchy or duality and it is expansive, not limited.

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What We Do in the Quietness of our Soul Does Make a Difference!



Jonette Crowley-


b2ap3_thumbnail_jonette-article-pic-1.jpgI do my best meditations when I can’t sleep.(I’ve finally quit fighting the  sleeplessness, taking it as a ‘call to service.’) But several weeks ago, it was different. I was guided…demanded?… to sit up, go to the highest initiation-like space I’ve ever been, and pray as big as I’ve ever prayed. It has been over 5 years since I’ve had a similar request from Spirit. So that night, sitting up in my bed, I deliberately transmitted from that space to everyone I have ever connected to in the world…doing nothing specifically but knowing that somehow people were receiving exactly what they needed.

While I was doing this, my phone in the other room sounded an incoming text message. I NEVER get texts in the middle of the night. “This text will be confirmation for what I’ve just been doing,” I said to myself. After all, I love to expect magic!

Finishing the meditation, I padded out to the other room to read the text. It was from a dear spiritual brother: “My dear dear Jonette. You are so intuitive and so here for me… It is just past 4 am. The  body pain is so much less and the Blessings… are so magnificent. I am so grateful my dearest Jonette. You found me. You prayed. I healed. I bow to you and the Supreme Holy Ones for such Love, Grace, and Compassion.”

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