
Awakening Today

LBT member and spiritual teacher Igor Rybchinskiy brings us Awakening Today. A fresh perspective on living out your spiritual existence in today's paradigm.

Money, and its Place in Human Evolution

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     Greetings all, and thank you for taking the time to read this, as always, this article is but my own opinion and perspective on the matter of money. Only take what resonares within you as your own truth. If you follow my articles, you may notice an underlying theme in them. No matter what the topic of discussion and the theme is, YOU, the individual, always has the power to change your own life. This article will be no different. Please always use your own discernment, and with that being said, let us begin.

     MONEY!!! Oh money money money. We either love it or hate it, or anything in between. We often hear money makes the world go round and round, but no matter our view on it, or our personal feelings/attitudes towards it, one thing is for certain, if we live in “CIVILIZED” society, we rely on money for our survival. But why do you think that is? After all, we can’t eat it, it doesn’t make us grow, it doesn’t provide us with shelter, and it’s just paper or metal coin with a stamp on it. So to me, money is merely a value that we as humanity subscribe to, and we only value it due to our faith in it. If diamonds started raining from the sky they would no longer be considered as valuable as they are today due to the increased supply of said diamonds. For example, when there is excess of a currency, we suffer inflation, and the supposed value of this currency goes down because our faith in it decreases.

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Technology Do's and Don'ts

SIM March Banner


Hello and Thank You for taking a moment to read this piece on technology. As always, the information presented within is my own perspective on this matter. I only wish that this article would inspire you to find your own truth and experience it for yourself.

Let us begin with what is technology. We hear the word, and to mind comes forth images of airplanes, machines doing complicated tasks, the Internet, and men in labs discovering new things.

Technology is defined as: the collection of techniques, methods or processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, etc. or it can be embedded in machines, computers, devices and factories, which can be operated by individuals without detailed knowledge of the workings of such things.

Going by this definition of technology, we can say that something as simple as washing a stain off the kitchen floor using gloves, soap, water, sponge, heat, and friction, (rubbing action) is technology, “collection of techniques, methods or processes used in the accomplishment of an objective.” Then there are the common known examples, cars, planes, computers, machines etc. In essence, technology helps us achieve a desired outcome. “I wish to travel from point A to point B I can walk, ride a bike, drive a car, fly a plane, and so forth.” The human vehicle itself is a technological marvel, allowing souls to incarnate and experience life in this dimension using a body that was made from this dimensional frequency. We use technology every day and in ways that we never even think of.

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Love and Romance, the singles version


Hello all and thank you for taking the time to read this, we hope the information within will help expand your current view on romance in today’s day and age. As always please use your own discernment to see if the information rings true for you. With that said, let us begin.

date 1Valentines Day is upon us, and many of us are making our dinner reservations, making our plans for our moonlit romantic escapes, buying our significant others presents, and trying to figure out what it is that they want, all with the hopes of reaffirming our interest in the other person with our inventive little gestures. Yet, so many of us will be single and alone this valentine’s day, or are we?

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 dark sistractions2


Hello and welcome to the first of many blogs that I wish to share with you, to aid you on your spiritual Journey.


Before we begin I would like to take a moment to thank you for taking the time to read this.  I also wish to be clear on one point, everything in this article is my opinion and my truth. I am not trying to change anyone else’s idea of reality or their version of truth. I encourage everyone reading this to use discernment and their own heart and intuition as to whether or not the information presented within rings true for them. As an inspiring figure of mine says, if one piece of this information inspires you to seek out your own truth, then I am deeply honored.

Let us begin then.

As one awakens from the material world slumber, beginning to see a greater reality that lies beyond their five senses, their base consciousness begins to expand, as does their perspective on life. (Perspective = Reality)  Please take note of that, as it will be very important later on in the article.

As the individual is awakening, and their perspective shifts, new information is being presented to them at a rapid pace. The human perspective begins realizing that there might be life after death, there might be ET's, that maybe history wasn’t quite right the way they taught in schools, and that maybe the political system doesn’t exactly serve their best interests. The individual may be contacted by spirits, might experience ESP phenomena, and the list goes on and on, as the way in which we awaken is unique to every individual. Some may even awaken rapidly through drugs, or a near death experience, or a traumatic event.

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