illuminating the self through astral projection mastery
-The Unpublished Manuscript-
Currently, the teachers of astral traveling are few and far between, and most of the available books on the subject begin with such inane instructions as “just roll out of your body...” If a student of astral travel were capable of doing such etheric gymnastics he or she would not need a book in the first place. But this gem of a book before you by Joseph Kenneth Boettcher is much different. It leads the serious student of astral travel every step of the way, from providing basic meditation instructions to the most advanced astral travel techniques.
-Mark Amaru Pinkham
(Grand Prior of the International Order of Gnostic Templars)
Life is But a Dream is the Light Body Travelers complete Astral Projection Mastery and Self Illumination Curriculum. The contents of this book have been meticulously composed over the course of three years by both the authors, as well as Light Body Travelers around the world.
It is our mission to share this book in the form of an unpublished manuscript, so that it is received by many thousands of readers in its true, untainted, essence. Direct communications and inspirations from within the astral realms have made this book the evolutionary treasure that it is today. Our work in Life is But a Dream has catapulted the spiritual evolution of individuals just like you all around the world.
Life is But a Dream delivers a user-friendly, comprehensive curriculum that gives you not only an infallible method of achieving highly lucid astral projection, but also a beginning study into the three metaphysical systems of Yoga, Kabbalah, and Hermetics. This book is highly esteemed in that it is packed full of life-altering information and spiritual practices that literally allow you to cross the threshold into self-illumination and conscious immortality. This is not a figure of speech, here, are given the steps to exist beyond the third dimension and experience an entirely new and illuminated perspective of this life, and your souls own journey.
Life is But a Dream is specifically designed to replace blind faith and underlying conditioned belief structures with your own personal experiences of reality. This is truly accomplished when your personal experiences within the astral and spiritual realms begin to unlock your greater existence. In the words of Sri Yukteswar, “Wisdom is not assimilated with the eyes, but with the atoms. When your conviction of a truth is not merely in your brain but in your being, you may diffidently vouch for its meaning.”
Complete access to this book and much more is available to you through our Light Body Travelers Advanced and Unlimited Memberships. Our unlimited membership program includes private instructions at your request from the authors of this work. This means that you are able to develop your astral projection abilities while receiving direct guidance from actual astral travelers as you go about your journey of learning. There are few astral projection books, if any, that deliver the amount of information covered in our curriculum, and none that provide authentic and private guidance from its authors.
You may also directly access this entire astral projection mastery and self-illumination curriculum here:
We have placed the entire contents section here, that you might review the amount of information amalgamated into this one literary treasure.
An Introduction For The Initiate, To Prepare
Developing a Schedule to Commit to the Meditations and Practices
Developing a Proper Sleep Schedule
Developing a New Program Within Your Physical Brain
The Psychology of Repetition
Moving Beyond “Group Thinking”
Chapter I: A Broader View, to Awaken Desire
The Great Arcanum and its Universal Mysteries
Today’s Faith and Socially Accepted Practices, Understanding the Paradigm at
The Human Need to Recapture Divinity
Ones Unique Experience With Astral Projection
A Brief Examination Into Humanities Historical Awareness of
Astral Projection
The Taoists Documentations in the Out of Body State
The Egyptian Book of the Dead, The Amentet and Tuat
Yoga and the Hindu Philosophies of Lin'ga S'ari-ra
The Tibetan Book of the Dead and the Bardo
Greek Philosophers, the Double Body and the Nous
European Philosophical Traditions Regarding Astral Travel
Documentation From the Occult
From Within the New Testament, Out of Body States
The Need For Religions and Governments, How to Properly Evolve
Beyond Them
The Great Catholic Mystics
Chapter II: Practical Conception, To Satisfy the Intellect
Vibration Theory Of Astral Planes
The Frequency of Tone
A Look Into Measurement of Frequency Through Science
Non-Localized Reality, To Begin The Shift
Understanding the Function of the Brain
Capacity of Memory Recall Stored Within a Greater Matrix
The Holographic Universe
The Astral Light Pertaining to the Collective Unconsciousness
Subtle Body Theory And Explanations
From The Bio Energetic Body to the Astral Body
The Nadis, Energy Points Along the Grids and Meridians of the Energy Body
The Seven Major Energetic Centers/ Chakras
Muladhara-“base/basic”/Root Chakra
Svadisthana- “one’s own self”/Sacrum
Manipura-“diamond city of precious stone”/Solar Plexus
Anahata-”unstruck sound”/Heart Chakra
Visuddha- “purity” /Throat Chakra
Ajna-“order” “command”/Brow Chakra
Sahasrara-“thousand pedaled lotus”/Crown Chakra
Overview of the Chakra System and the Shushumna Nadi
A Word On Real-time Experiences And Astral Travel
Binaural Beats, Brain Waves, The Cerebrum And The Cerebellum
Brainwave States as Measured in Hertz
Locations of the Conscious and Unconscious Regions of the Human Brain
Dream Journaling
Building the Bridge of Emotional Links Between Dreaming and Waking
Introduction to Part II
Preparation and Overview
A Guide to Preparing for, and Following the Program
Astral Projection Mastery And Self-Illumination Process Outline
Week One Outlined. Physical Relaxation, Guiding
Awareness Into Surrender
Week Two Outlined. Breath work, Opening The Gates Of Divinity
Week Three Outlined. Energy Work, Entering The Microcosm
To Know Thy Self
Week Four Outlined. Chakra Activation, Clearing Blockages
So The Serpent May Ascend
Week Five Outlined. Elemental Integration, To Balance The
Astral Body Within Trance
Week Six Outlined. Shifting Awareness, To Awaken The Astral Body
Week Seven Outlined. Developing Regular Astral Travels,
Crossing The Threshold Into Illumination
Astral Projection Spiritual Practices, Awaken as a
Light Body Traveler
Chapter III: To Commence This Great Work
Week One. Physical Relaxation, Guiding Awareness Into Surrender
Week One Practices and the Hermetic Law of Mentalism
Learning the Art of Complete and Total Relaxation
Week One Meditation Guide, Part I physical Training
Week One Meditation Guide, Part II Mental Training
Daily Correlation Exercises of Week One
Week One Hermetic Principle Exercise, Mentalism
Chapter IV: To Cultivate the Will and Imagination
Week Two. Breath Work, Opening the Gates of Divinity
Week Two Practices and the Hermetic Law of Correspondence
The Sacred Aspects of the Breath
Week Two Meditation Guide. Part I Breath-Work, Physical Training
Breathe Extension, Pranayama
Week Two Meditation Guide. Pranayama Breath Extension
Week Two Meditation Guide. Part II Breath-Work, Mental Training
Daily Correlation Exercises of Week Two
Week Two Hermetic Exercise, Correspondence
Chapter V: To Know Thyself and Master its Facets
Week Three. Entering the Microcosm to Know Thyself
Week Three Practices and the Hermetic Law of Vibration
Entering the Microcosm, Ancient Spiritual Traditions Revealed
Understanding the Mechanics of Energy Work
Developing this Energy Work Practice of the Spiraling Vortex
Week Three Meditation Guide, Energy-work, to Know and Master the Self
Creating the First Spiraling Vortex in the Left Leg, Which Corresponds
To Your Desire/Emotion
Creating the Second Spiraling Vortex in the Right Leg, Which Corresponds
To Your Reason/Intellect
Creating the Third Spiraling Vortex in Your Left Arm, Which Corresponds
To Your Memory
Creating the Fourth Spiraling Vortex in Your Right Arm, Which Corresponds
To Your Will
Creating the Fifth Spiraling Vortex in the Spine, Which Corresponds
To Your Imagination
Philosophy And Psychology of the Kabbalah as Related to Energy Work
The Ruach, the Ein Sof, and the Creation of the Self, Through Kabbalistic
Daily Correlation Exercises of Week Three
Week Three Hermetic Principal Exercise, Vibration
Chapter VI: Ascending the Serpent Through Chakra Activation
Week Four, Chakra Activation, Clearing Blockages So The Serpent May Ascend
Week Four Practices and the Hermetic Law of Polarity
Examining the Mechanics of the Chakra System
Bridging the Ren and Du Channels Through the Tongue
Mula Bandha “Root Lock” Technique
Week Four Meditation Guide. Chakra Activation
Root Chakra, Muladhara
Sacral Chakra, Svadisthana
Solar Plexus, Mainpura
Heart Chakra, Anahata
Throat Chakra, Visuddha
Brow Chakra, Ajna
Crown Chakra, Sahasrara
Daily Correlation Exercises of Week Four
Week Four Hermetic Principal Exercise, Polarity
Chapter VII: To Awaken The Elements Within
Week Five, Elemental Integration, To Balance the Astral
Body Within Trance
Week Five Practices and the Hermetic Law of Rhythm
The Elemental Tattva Symbols
Hindu Significance and Teachings of the Tattvas
Tattva Relationship to Sacred Geometries Platonic Solids
A Word on Self-Inducing Trance, and Brainwave Functions
Merging With the Elements Through Tattva Meditation
Week Five Meditation Guide, Tattva Trance Meditation
Akasha, of Ether
Vayu, of Air
Tejas, of Fire
Apas, of Water
Prithivi, of Earth
Daily Correlation Exercises of Week Five
Week Five Hermetic Principal Exercise, Rhythm
Chapter VIII: Shifting Beyond the Body, To Know Freedom
Week Six, Shifting Awareness, to Awaken the Astral Body
Week Six Practices and the Hermetic Law of Cause and Effect
Examining the Practice of Awareness Shifting
Week Six Meditation Guide, Inducing Separation. Part I
Shifting Forward and Backwards With the Breath
Shifting Left to Right With the Breath
Shifting Above and Below With the Breath
Week Six Meditation Guide, Inducing Separation. Part II
Shifting Forward
Shifting Backward
Shifting Left
Shifting Right
Shifting Above
Shifting Below
Allowing the Astral Body to Release, Embracing Vibrations
Energy Raising Technique, Additional Week Six Meditation Guide
The Taoist Tradition and Microcosmic Orbits
Daily Correlation Exercises of Week Six
Week Six Hermetic Principle Exercise, Cause and Effect,
Chapter IX: Beyond The Body, To Know Immortality
Week Seven, Developing Regular Astral Travels. Crossing The
Threshold Into Illumination
Week Seven Practices and the Hermetic Law of Gender
Naturally Experiencing Theta Brainwave States
Week Seven Meditation Guide, Early Morning Astral Projections
Elemental Integration, Tattva Meditation Guide.
Developing Astral Sensory
Prithivi, Astral Smell and Taste
Apas, Astral Feel and Sensory
Vayu, Astral Hearing, Auditory
Tejas, Astral Sight, Visual
Akasha, Astral Creation, Manifestation
Daily Correlation Exercises of Week Seven
Week Seven, Hermetic Principal Exercise, Gender
Chapter X: Astral Projection Development, to Know Immortality
Developing the Astral Body
Walking on Astral Legs
Advanced Exits
Astral Flight
Developing Astral Sensory From Within the Astral Body
Transference of Breath Into the Astral Body
Re-Entry Issues
Manifesting the Astral Environment
Tattva Applications Within the Astral
Chapter XI: Advanced Astral Travels
Understanding Affirmations
Connection and Interaction With the Higher Self
Reviewing the Ritualistic Approach
Safe Travels
Understanding and Accepting Each Astral Environment
Symbols in Dealing With Negative Entities
Scribing The Flaming Pentagram and The Crucifix
Continuous Awareness
The Fully Awakened State
Becoming the Totality of Creation
Chapter XII: Extended Practices to Illuminate the Self
Extended Practices
Yoga Applications in Astral Projection
The Gnostic Spiritual Traditions Linked
Gnostic Alchemy Examined
Kabbalistic Applications in Astral Projection
Rising on the Planes
Hermetic Applications Within the Astral and Physical Experience
Becoming the Elements in a Perfect Co-existence
With all Creation
Chapter XIII; To Conclude
Becoming a Wise Traveler
Understanding your Relationships Within the Physical
New Awareness
Understanding the Akashic Element
The State of Illuminated Awareness
The True Path of Ascension Through Love and Service
Additional Energy Work Techniques
Additional Exit Techniques
The Rope Technique
The Mirror Technique
The Vapor Technique
Ear Breathing Technique
Yoga Stretches for Astral Projection and
Meditation Preparation
Ritual Work, The Purification Of Your Environment Prior
To Astral Projection
The Lesser Banishing Ritual of the Pentagram