Metaphysics - Ethan Volroy

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more difficult to enter into a space. Once a space has been established either alone or in a group, much metaphysical and alchemical work can be done. Your light body and the various other beings that come to help are essential to any real spiritual development and without them no progress could be made.

As a person grows up and the astral body incarnates into the physical, the Samskaras from past lives are activated along with new ones being created through emotional trauma. The astral body and chitta become far more structured and crystallized which blocks the light body from shining through. The light body is more grounded now but its light is blocked by ego structure. The light body remains in, around and above the physical body but depending on the person’s ego structure, it is not strongly felt and what is felt is distorted by the astral. While meditating or doing spiritual practices the light body is pulled into the astral body. A ground is created for the light, and as it intensifies, its incarnation into the astral samskaras begins to dissolve. The light raises the vibration of the astral body which causes Samskaras to break up and dissolve. The reason the Astral Substances are able to crystallize and stay that way is because of its slow vibration. By raising the vibration of the astral it will begin to break up the crystallization. Once the astral body has been cleared of crystallization in this way the light body can shine through it and ground into the physical.

The light body is very large and contains many structures. It is beyond our purposes to describe all of its parts and functions. The ones that are most important for our spiritual awakening now are the chakras, the Column and the MerKaBa.



Chakras are structures of spinning light. They are located within the light body and their purpose is to create a gateway into higher or lower dimensions of consciousness. The light body is made up of many dimensions of light but to incarnate higher consciousness (spirit) into this light body a certain type of vortex needs to be created. These vortexes are the chakras and each one is a gateway to a certain aspect of higher consciousness. As discussed earlier the highest dimensions do not contain light but only pure consciousness. From this consciousness the dimensions of light are created. The higher dimensions of consciousness are the


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