Metaphysics - Ethan Volroy

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The clearing and opening of the Heart Chakra is vital for spiritual transformation. All negative emotions must be released and resolved so that the heart may open once again to the Higher Self. Now is the time to do this and this is the way to Nirvana. In the physical body the Heart Chakra relates to the heart, lungs, circulatory system, shoulders, and upper back.


Throat Chakra

The Throat Chakra is the center of higher creative energy. Like the Sex Chakra it governs self expression, creativity, self esteem and communication. Its creative energies are strongly linked with the Sex Chakra and if one is blocked it is very likely that the other will also have problems. While the Sex Chakra governs the self expression of the Lower Self which is a more physical and sensual type of expression such as with movement and connecting with nature and other people etc, the Throat governs the expression of the Higher Self which is more involved with mental and emotional expression through thought, speech and writing.

Being the center of creativity, the throat has immense powers of creation. In its fully active and awakened state this chakra would give you amazing powers over your reality and your future. If it was fully activated, when you spoke it would come true and so indeed you would speak the truth. In fact the inter-dimensional forces that connect with this chakra have the power to create anything and are the forces from which the Universe is created. Unfortunately we cannot access these deeper powers of the throat because in our current state these types of powers would destroy us very quickly. If what you said came true you would want to be very careful what you said as you could cause immense havoc very quickly while in a negative emotional state. Until we have transcended negativity and gained control of our desires and thoughts, the full powers of the throat will never be ours. This could be a long way off but even in our current state with very little creative power the Throat Chakra can be cultivated to give us more power over our lives. The throat also contains powers of healing, transformation and change that we all are in need of.


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