The charities placed in this section are just a few of many thousand in need of assistance
on this planet. The distribution of resources across the globe today is, unfortunately, still, a
complicated political matter, but these matters only remain out of our control when we choose not to help out
on the personal level. We can choose to ignore what we believe doesn’t directly affect us, or we can take action to build a better world. We have composed a list of valuable charitable resources for you to personally make a difference in the life of other human beings around the world. We must remain focused on what we can
do personally to help out our brothers and sisters, and not become distracted by what is presented as “impossible
to conquer” by many media networks. Please, take time right now to click on the charity of your choice, and actively make a difference in the life of another.
If you’re a serious spiritual seeker, The Light Body Travelers Society offers Advanced and Unlimited
Memberships, which give you access to one of the most advanced spiritual learning centers in existence.
( or click the "join us"tab above.
Our websites hidden menus are filled with vast amounts of written and video information that have helped evolve and illuminate people just like you all over the world. As an official L*B*T member, your very low monthly membership fee goes primarily to one of the seven international charities listed below. Through your membership, you will evolve to experience this life like never before, while actively making a difference in the life’s of others around the world. As you may have realized, this is a perfectly balanced karmic structure in which all involved gain tremendously.
For there is no “us” and “them”, there is only we, one beautiful body of humanity that must simply
be the change it wants to see in the world.
Our deepest thanks to you for your actions. -The Light Body Travelers Society
Republic of Lakotah
The Pine Ridge Sioux Indian Reservation in South Dakota is a inhumanely deplorable condition.A brief summary of the challenges we face here:
▪ Lakotah men have a life expectancy of less than 44 years, lowest of any country in the World (excluding AIDS) including Haiti.
▪ The Lakotah infant mortality rate is 300% more than the U.S. Average.
▪ The rate of diabetes is 800% higher than the U.S national average.
▪ Median income is approximately $2,600 to $3,500 per year.
▪ 97% of our Lakotah people live below the poverty line.
Through our R.O.L. Humanitarian Relief organization, a newly founded, soon to be incorporated 501 (C)3 tax-exempt organization, we are providing food, NEW clothing, propane, electricity and firewood to the poor, elderly and handicapped people of the Pine Ridge Sioux Indian Reservation.
Heifer International
We believe all people deserve dignity, opportunity, and a future free from hunger. We believe we provide the tools of transformation to bring about that opportunity. We believe one cow can transform a life. But we know one animal alone doesn’t lead to sustainable change.
We believe in equipping our people with the tools, education and livestock to bring about positive transformation. Together, through every small step forward, we’re transforming the world for the better.
That's real impact.
Concern Worldwide
Concern Worldwide specializes in tackling hunger with the most vulnerable people in the world’s poorest places. Hunger affects everything for the people we work with. We believe no one should have to live with hunger and the damage it does. We work for a world where lives are not limited by lack of access to enough nutritious food. We use our expertise and local knowledge to help people and communities develop lasting solutions to hunger so that they can lead happier, healthier lives and lift themselves out of poverty.
Gifts in Wills are crucial to make sure our life-saving work continues for future generations. By remembering Concern Worldwide in your Will, you will help the world’s poorest people free themselves from hunger.
Outreach International
For more than 30 years, Outreach International has provided sustainable solutions to help end extreme poverty around the world. Projects don't end poverty—people do. That's why our key investment is in the people themselves—men, women and children with stunning resilience and untapped intelligence and creativity.
Since 1979, Outreach International has been working with the world's most marginalized people to create solutions to help end world poverty. We are currently working in 10 impoverished countries, reaching hundreds of thousands with our mission to create permanent change.
We believe that giving a gift without educating a community to use it, repair it or cultivate it, is no gift at all; it's a quick fix to a problem that will continually resurface. And we don't want to create short-term solutions for world poverty; we want to change it forever.
By giving impoverished communities the tools they need to maintain and continue their own successes, we can change their lives for generations.
Africare is a Four-Star Rated, African-American founded development organization that improves the quality of life of people in Africa.
98% of our project staff are African, and 94 cents of every dollar we spend is devoted to project implementation.
By working as partners, Africare helps local populations build sustainable, healthy and productive communities.
Founded by Africans and Americans amidst the Sahelian drought of the early 1970s, Africare has grown to become a leader in aid to Africa ― pioneering various types of self-help development programs and noted for its close, collegial partnerships with the people and leaders of Africa.Africare's philosophy has always been, "There are no Africare programs, only African programs."Africare is also the oldest and largest African-American led organization in the field.
Children international
For over 75 years, Children International has been providing critical assistance to children and families struggling in terrible poverty. Through our one-to-one child sponsorship program, we reduce the burden of poverty on impoverished children, invest in their potential and provide them with opportunities to grow up healthy, educated and prepared to succeed and contribute to society.
At Children International, we pride ourselves on the effectiveness of our programs, the transparency of our accounting, and the large amount of change we’re able to make in the lives of poor children for so little. In 2012, 83% of our total expenses went to support the programs and activities that directly affect sponsored children. But don’t take our word for it.
Our mission is to bring real and lasting change to children living in poverty. In partnership with contributors, we reduce their daily struggles, invest in their potential, and provide them with the opportunity to grow up healthy, educated and prepared to succeed and contribute to society.
For nearly 50 years, Counterpart International - a global development organization - has been forging partnerships with communities to invest in food security and nutrition, economic developmentand building effective governance and institutions.
Counterpart has done groundbreaking work in more than 65 nations worldwide. Today we are widely regarded as an international development pioneer and leader – known best for our unique approach to partnership and capacity building, a commitment to learning and continuous improvement, and a reputation as a responsible steward of funder resources.
In all we do, our ultimate goal is to have enduring impact– empowering every community we serve with the ability to create lasting change and build true self-reliance.
The relationship between a donor and a nonprofit is built on trust, transparency and integrity. Counterpart emphasizes these in its daily practices around the globe.