L•B•T Daily Spiritual Practices

Our daily spiritual practices deliver simple methods to begin literally, living out your divinity. Our daily spiritual practices serve as an ongoing method of nurturing higher connections, acceptance, and ultimately reaching a perfect universal balance within yourself and your environment. 

We recommend these exercises to all who are sincerely dedicated to their spiritual growth. 

For an extended, and more in depth practice of daily spiritual exercises, please visit our Daily Hermetic Exercises section.

Rise Above the Labels

Rise Above the Labels

dspImage2Strive to go beyond titles and opinions you hold over yourself and others. 

This exercise can seem difficult at first, as 99.9% of the time our brain is categorizing, compartmentalizing, and labeling every detail of the waking day. This exercise is specifically designed to override this automatic reflex through observing people and events with a neutral eye.

dspImage3The Buddhist understands that all opinions, titles, interests, desires, and personality traits are like the birds that perch momentarily on the branch of a tree. These birds come and go constantly altering the horizon upon the branch, but the tree itself, independent of these perching birds, remains stable.

So what does that mean? Yes, you guessed it, strive to be the tree. Realize that your whole life has been a constant fluctuation of, interests, endeavors, opinions, and titles. These are all important because they are in fact what make you, you. But simply realize that the real you, or the tree in this analogy, remains firm in its independence from these fluctuations. In realizing this, you will begin to speak less defensively regarding your opinions. Yes, they matter to you now, but to what degree at the universal level? You will also begin to respect and listen to the opinions of others, realizing that they too are only temporarily tied to their opinions and believes. 

During your day, as you observe the world, weather through physical interaction, internet social networks, or television, work toward not forming strong opinions, or criticizing those who seem to be "wrong" from your own temporary perspective. For the true master remains neutral in all forms as he/she observes the world through the eyes of divinity. 


"I am the neutral balance peacefully existing at the center of the universe"

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