Examining the Mechanics of The Chakra System

(Excerpts from the Light Body Travelers Astral Projection Mastery and Self Illumination Curriculum,

Life is But a Dream- Illuminating the Self Through Astral Projection Mastery”)



By exploring this level of information, you are touching the tip of a tremendous iceberg. The process of illumination is not something reserved for select adept human beings. Rather, it is a privilege set aside for any true seeker. Join us and experience the miracle of this existence, and discover your eternal, multidimensional reality. (This is not a cliché new age figure of speech) You are standing at the threshold of a life-changing doorway.

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There are a total of three Chakra communication techniques incorporated in the following meditation exercise, and each will be presented in connection with a specific energy center. After your initial rehearsal of the techniques, utilize one at a time, making certain you calibrate by gauging the energetic feedback from each experience. Each of the three techniques is used within every energy center, as the techniques each accomplish a unique result. Know that you are not repeating yourself, rather, instead recognize the unique benefits found within each of these processes. The three points of focus within each center are as follows.


1. First, you will apply a small energetic spiral as the initial energy work to awaken and lightly stimulate each Chakra.

2. The second technique will utilize a colored energy sphere to alleviate and expel emotional blockages within each Chakra. This will be done while visualizing the emotional experiences which correspond to each Chakra.

3. The third technique will use the corresponding Sanskrit words and mantra to unite with and embed each manifested element into its corresponding Chakra.

Each of these will be described within the guided meditation as well, at which point the initiate will gain full understanding of these techniques and feel the result of each.

While the techniques are distinct and have their own unique outcomes, some general notes on the approach and attitude the initiate should bring to this work can be helpful here. No matter which technique you are engaged with, it is important to be certain you spend adequate time within each energy center. Remember that this stimulation is vital for smooth conscious separation and profound spiritual realization; as well, by properly stimulating each Chakra, we are promoting a balanced energy system, which in turn will create mental, physical, and spiritual health. Consider each of these metaphysical organs to be a long lost friend, one who has much to share in a long awaited, positively anticipated conversation. This metaphor may seem odd to you now, if you have not interacted and communicated with the energy centers directly before, but as you continue through this week’s meditative practice, you will likely find it to be a far more accurate description than you may currently anticipate.

The meditation that follows incorporates two ancient techniques, one from the Taoist tradition, and the other Yogic in origin. Both of these techniques are integral tools for manipulating and guiding the microcosmic orbits1, and for directing the currents that reside within the energetic body. Through practice with these techniques, you will learn to harness the energies that already exist within, so you might connect to and guide their movements with intent.

As described previously, within the polarized manifestation of the energetic body, there exist two primary channels, which might be thought of as a larger scale replication of the DNA strand that contains the information from which the physical body is built. These twin channels have been observed by wisdom traditions around the world. To the Taoist, the channels are the male and female of the Ren and Du. It is understood that the Ren channel ends at the floor of the mouth as the Du channel ends at the roof of the mouth. Therefore, bridging the gap between the Ren and Du channels can be done by gently resting the tip of the tongue against the roof of the mouth. The unification of these male and female energy channels through the tongue, allows androgynous energy currents to circulate throughout the microcosm. In learning to eventually direct and control this sexual (Kundalini) energy, as opposed to being directed and controlled by it, you commence the very act of elevating your spiritual frequency. Furthermore, in harnessing this energy as an androgynous force, beyond its normally polarized states, the true abilities of your being shall come to be. In a way, we might think of this spinning energy itself as being like an energy wave. When two waves meet, they interact. If they are disharmonious, they can actually cancel each other out (if you observe the ripples on the water’s surface, you will quickly see this.) If they are, however, harmonious, they can reinforce and strengthen each other. In the same way, by unifying these energies, we bring the whole system to a balanced and elevated state.

The second technique that will be explored this week is rooted in ancient Yogic practices and teachings. There exists a sacred practice among the Yogis, a practice that results in successful Chakra activation, thus allowing the Kundalini serpent to begin its fluid movement up the Shuhumna. It is most effective throughout the asanas of Yoga as well as Chakra meditations. It is a breathing technique known as Mula Bandha, or “root lock.” The root referred to in this term is naturally the root, or Base Chakra. By slightly contracting the pubo-coccygeal muscle, which goes from the pubic bone to the coccyx, an energetic seal that literally locks Prana into the energetic body preventing it from leaking out from the spine is created. This in turn, channels Prana into the central column of Shshumna allowing the following process to have maximum results. Begin practicing gently flexing the muscle between the genitals and anus. This is more easily understood as the muscle used to constrict the flow of urine, as well as being the muscle that is contracted in a sexual orgasm. Ever so slightly with great delicacy, locate and lock. You are not flexing the muscle per se; rather you are delicately squeezing the area. Use this root lock technique only within the Chakra activation portions of this astral projection process. Upon completion, release all tension in the pubo-coccygeal once more.

One may find the slight constriction of this muscle contradictory to the relaxation exercises described in week one. However, bear in mind, as your body sleeps each night within a completely relaxed state of paralysis, the pubo-coccygeal may be slightly flexed all night restricting the flow of urine as you sleep. This example is also presented to assist you in understanding the ever so slight constriction state of the muscle that must be


Week Four Meditation Guide

Chakra Activation


The practice, which will be learned this week, requires a one-hour sitting meditation (Recommended time frame, early to late morning, and late afternoon to early evenings. (Avoid late night sessions.)

(Read through the entire meditation first, grasping the entire practice, as you will be learning to eventually complete the entire sequence with your eyes closed.)

  • Begin by dropping into complete relaxation (up to 15 minutes), then established internal focus in Pranayama breath work (15 minutes), and accurately pre-stimulate the body by erecting each spiraling vortex (15 minutes), then continue into the following procedures.

  • With the pubo-coccygeal located and slightly contracted and the tongues tip resting gently on the roof of the mouth, exhale all of the air from the lungs. Completely flush the body of air holding a long breath at the bottom. Throughout this exhale; visualize the path of the breath in reverse, moving down the nostrils, throat, lungs and stomach eventually hooking it to the pelvic floor. Rehearse this many times to become familiar with the hooking action and know in actuality the breath is being linked to your base. Upon the inhalation, there will be an automatic reaching upward motion. Due to the slight contraction of the pubo-coccygeal, a suction and energetic lift upward through the entire core of the body has been created. This simple but curtail technique allows life force energy (Prana) to blossom in a continuous upward movement and greatly assists in the activation and stimulation of the seven major energy centers. Maintain a slight contraction in the pubo-coccygeal and lifted tongue throughout the following section.

  • Root Chakra, Muladhara

  • Gently holding awareness down at the perineum with a deep hissing inhalation; allow the breath to flood the entire pelvic area to eventually rest at the Root Chakra. Repeat this a few times placing clean healing life-force energy into the base.

  • 1. Holding awareness here, begin to stimulate the Root Chakra by creating a spiral of soft white light and set it spinning just below the perineum. See this energetic spiral with absolute clarity; building the image slowly, knowing it is now there within the astral vicinity. Inhale, and guide the spiral gently into your body, feeling its soft caress against the sensitive skin.

  • Begin to transform this spiral of energy into brilliant red glowing sphere, placing it just beyond the base between the legs. Upon inhalation, allow this sphere to enter into the physical body gently penetrating the skin. Let it rest two inches inside. Upon a gently exhalation, allow the sphere to glide back out of the body resting it two inches away from the skin. Repeat this inward and outward movement while gently stimulation continues.

  • 2. Now begin to focus on the clearing of emotional blockages within the Base Chakra through silent contemplation. Calmly review your life, using the power of your imagination to recall the moments where you may have experienced the emotions listed.

  • Corresponding emotions to Root Chakra

  • Insecurity or chaos within your environment.

  • Disconnection from planetary forces and humanity.

  • Feelings of seclusion and solitude.

  • Lack of stability in the life experience.

  • As related emotions surface, allow them to be re-experienced and felt. As this emotional experience replays before your mind’s eye, begin the following. With each exhalation, allow the glowing sphere to send out and release these disabling emotional experiences along with all negative charges associated with them. Repeat this action as the emotional blockage calmly clears. Feel and understand this deep cleansing taking place and observe the Chakra responding.

  • 3. In rhythm with the breath cycle, enter into the following mantras separately, within the silence of this sacred moment. (Inhale) "mu-lad-har-a, (exhale) great element of earth, I unite with thee." (Inhale) "Kun-da-li-ni, (exhale) Great serpent of fire, rise within me." Elongate each Sanskrit syllable in a chant, allowing its power and frequency to resonate properly within the energy center. Remember that this activation is a conversation with the energy body. Speak with all awareness actions and pause to listen back as it speaks with tingling and heating sensations.

  • Sacral Chakra, Svadisthana.

  • With a deep hissing inhalation; allow the breath to flood the entire lower abdominal region, eventually resting at the Sacral Chakra. Repeat this a few times placing clean healing life-force energy into the sacral.

  • 1. Holding awareness here, begin to stimulate the Sacral Chakra by creating a spiral of soft white light and set it spinning just beyond the sacral. See this energetic spiral with absolute clarity; building the image slowly, knowing it is now there within the astral vicinity. Guide the spiral gently into your body, feeling the soft caress against your sensitive skin.

  • Begin to transform this spiral of energy into brilliant orange glowing sphere, placing it just beyond the lower abdominal region. Upon inhalation, allow this orange sphere to enter into the physical body gently penetrating the skin. Let it rest two inches inside. Upon a gently exhalation, allow the sphere to glide back out of the body resting it two inches away from the skin. Repeat this inward and outward movement while gently stimulation continues.

  • 2. Now begin to focus on the clearing of emotional blockages within the Sacral Chakra through silent contemplation. Calmly review your life, using the power of your imagination to recall the moments where you may have experienced the emotions listed.

  • Corresponding emotions to Sacral Chakra

  • Social and sexual insecurity

  • Lack of sexual and self-expression

  • Lack of creativity and self-worth.

  • As related emotions surface, allow them to be re-experienced and felt. As this emotional experience replays before your mind’s eye, begin the following. With each exhalation, allow the glowing sphere to send out and release these disabling emotional experiences along with all negative charges associated with them. Repeat this action as the emotional blockage calmly clears. Feel and understand this deep cleansing taking place and see the Chakra respond.

  • 3. In rhythm with the breath cycle, enter into the following mantra within the silence of this sacred moment. (Inhale) "svad-is-tha-na, (exhale) great element of water, I unite with thee." Elongate each Sanskrit syllable in a chant, allowing its power and frequency to resonate properly within the energy center. Remember that this activation is a conversation with the energy body. Speak with all awareness actions and pause to listen back as it speaks with tingling and heating sensations.

  • Solar Plexus, Mainpura

  • With a deep hissing inhalation; allow the breath to flood the entire upper abdominal region, eventually resting at the Solar Plexus. Repeat this a few times placing clean healing life-force energy here.

  • 1. Holding awareness here, begin to stimulate the Solar Plexus Chakra by creating a spiral of soft white light and set it spinning just beyond the upper abdominals. See this energetic spiral with absolute clarity; building the image slowly, knowing it is now there within the astral vicinity. Guide the spiral gently into your body, feeling the soft caress against the sensitive skin.

  • Begin to transform this spiral of energy into a brilliant yellow glowing sphere, placing it just beyond the solar plexus once more. Upon inhalation, allow this yellow sphere to enter into the physical body gently penetrating the skin. Let it rest two inches inside. Upon a gently exhalation, allow the sphere to glide back out of the body resting it two inches away from the skin. Repeat this inward and outward movement while gently stimulation continues.

  • 2. Now begin to focus on the clearing of emotional blockages within the Chakra through silent contemplation. Calmly review your life, using the power of your imagination to recall the moments where you may have experienced the emotions listed.

  • Corresponding emotions to Solar plexus

  • Low self-esteem

  • Lack of personal identity

  • Lack of personal will and personal power

  • As related emotions surface, allow them to be re-experienced and felt. As this emotional experience replays before your mind’s eye, begin the following. With each exhalation, allow the glowing sphere to send out and release these disabling emotional experiences along with all negative charges associated with it. Repeat this action as the emotional blockage calmly clears. Feel and understand this deep cleansing taking place and see the Chakra respond.

  • 3. In rhythm with the breath cycle, enter into the following mantra within the silence of this sacred moment. (Inhale) "man-i-pu-ra, (exhale) great element of fire, I unite with thee." Elongate each Sanskrit syllable in a chant, allowing its power and frequency to resonate properly within the energy center. Remember that this activation is a conversation with the energy body. Speak with all awareness actions and pause to listen back as it speaks with tingling and heating sensations.

  • Heart Chakra, Anahata

  • With a deep hissing inhalation; allow the breath to flood the entire chest region, eventually resting within the heart center. Repeat this a few times placing clean healing life-force energy here.

  • 1. Holding awareness here, begin to stimulate the Heart Chakra by creating a spiral of soft white light and set it spinning just beyond your chest. See this energetic spiral with absolute clarity; building the image slowly, knowing it is now there within the astral vicinity. Guide the spiral gently into your body, feeling the soft caress against the sensitive skin.

  • Begin to transform this spiral of energy into brilliant green glowing sphere, allow it to rest just beyond the chest once more. Upon inhalation, allow this green sphere to enter into the physical body gently penetrating the skin. Let it rest two inches inside. Upon a gently exhalation, allow the sphere to glide back out of the body resting it two inches away from the skin. Repeat this inward and outward movement while gentle stimulation continues

  • 2. Now begin to focus on the clearing of emotional blockages within the Chakra through silent contemplation. Calmly review your life, using the power of your imagination to recall the moments where you may have experienced the emotions listed.

  • Corresponding emotions to Heart Chakra

  • Inability to express emotions

  • Unable to respond emotionally

  • Lack of compassion for others and yourself

  • As related emotions surface, allow them to be re-experienced and felt. As this emotional experience replays before your mind’s eye, begin the following. With each exhalation, allow the glowing sphere to send out and release these disabling emotional experiences along with all negative charges associated with them. Repeat this action as the emotional blockage calmly clears. Feel and understand this deep cleansing taking place and see the Chakra respond.

  • 3. In rhythm with the breath cycle, enter into the following mantra within the silence of this sacred moment. (Inhale) "an-a-ha-ta, (exhale) great element of air, I unite with thee." Elongate each Sanskrit syllable in a chant, allowing its power and frequency to resonate properly within the energy center. Remember that this activation is a conversation with the energy body. Speak with all awareness actions and pause to listen back as it speaks with tingling and heating sensations.

  • Throat Chakra, Visuddha

  • With a deep hissing inhalation, allow the breath to flood the entire neck region, eventually resting within the throat center. Repeat this a few times placing clean healing life-force energy here.

  • Holding awareness here, begin to stimulate the Throat Chakra by creating a spiral of soft white light and set it spinning just beyond the throat. See this energetic spiral with absolute clarity; building the image slowly, knowing it is now there within the astral vicinity. Guide the spiral gently into your throat, feeling the soft caress against the sensitive skin.

  • Begin to transform this spiral of energy into brilliant blue glowing sphere. Allow it to rest just beyond the throat once more. Upon inhalation, allow this blue sphere to enter into your throat, gently penetrating the skin. Let it rest two inches inside. Upon a gently exhalation, allow the sphere to glide back out of the body resting it two inches away from the skin. Repeat this inward and outward movement while gentle stimulation continues.

  • 2. Now begin to focus on the clearing of emotional blockages within the Chakra through silent contemplation. Calmly review your life, using the power of your imagination to recall the moments where you may have experienced the emotions listed.

  • Corresponding emotions to Throat Chakra

  • Lack of verbal self-expression

  • Lack of creative abilities

  • As related emotions surface, allow them to be re-experienced and felt. As this emotional experience replays before your mind’s eye, begin the following. With each exhalation, allow the glowing sphere to send out and release these disabling emotional experiences along with all negative charges associated with them. Repeat this action as the emotional blockage calmly clears. Feel and understand this deep cleansing taking place and see the Chakra respond.

  • 3. In rhythm with the breath cycle, enter into the following mantra within the silence of this sacred moment. (Inhale) "vis-udd-ha,” (exhale) great element of spirit, I unite with thee." Elongate each Sanskrit syllable in a chant, allowing its power and frequency to resonate properly within the energy center. Remember that this activation is a conversation with the energy body. Speak with all awareness actions and pause to listen back as it speaks with tingling and heating sensation.

  • Brow Chakra, Ajna

  • The Ajna meditation portion below incorporates a minor stimulation of the pineal gland as well. This gland is located roughly two inches behind the brow center residing between the brains right and left hemispheres near the bottom center point. Retain the knowledge of the Ajna center being the point of the primal serpents energetic union, where energy then separates into polarized opposites descending to manifest physical realities. Understand the function of the pineal gland as the gateway to be opened in obtaining cosmic experience. With proper dedication, a gentle vibration of the pineal gland may be felt here.

  • With a deep hissing inhalation; allow the breath to flood the entire forehead region, eventually resting within the brow center. Repeat this a few times placing clean healing life-force energy here.

  • 1. Holding awareness here, begin to stimulate the Brow Chakra by creating a spiral of soft white light and set it spinning just beyond your forehead. See this energetic spiral with absolute clarity; building the image slowly, knowing it is now there within the astral vicinity. Guide the spiral gently into your body, feeling the soft caress against the sensitive skin.

  • Now form this glowing purple energy into a sphere, holding it just beyond the brow. Upon inhalation, allow this sphere to enter into the physical body gently penetrating the skin as it rests two inches inside, naturally stimulating to the pineal gland. Upon a gently exhalation, allow the sphere to glide back out of the body resting it two inches away from the skin.


  • 2. As a powerful secondary stimulation technique, begin gently transferring this glowing sphere between the left and right temples. Feel the immediate energetic response. Exercise caution, avoiding overstimulation.

  • Repeat the initial inward and outward movement while gentle stimulation continues. Calmly review your life, using the power of your imagination to recall the moments where you may have experienced the emotions listed.

  • Corresponding emotions to Brow Chakra.

  • Disconnection from intuition and insight

  • Lack of inner vision

  • Feelings of lost inner wisdom

  • Inability to sense the true nature of a situation or person

  • Inability to think clearly in a situation.

  • As related emotions surface, allow them to be re-experienced and felt. As this emotional experience replays before your mind’s eye, begin the following. With each exhalation, allow the glowing sphere to send out and release these disabling emotional experiences along with all negative charges associated with it. Repeat this action as the emotional blockage calmly clears. Feel and understand this deep cleansing taking place and see the Chakra respond.

  • 3. In rhythm with the breath cycle, enter into the following mantra within the silence of this sacred moment. "Aj-na, great cosmic energies, I unite with thee." Elongate each Sanskrit syllable in a chant, allowing its power and frequency to resonate properly within the energy center. Remember that this activation is a conversation with the energy body. Speak with all awareness actions and pause to listen back as it speaks with tingling and heating sensations.

  • Crown Chakra, Sahasrara.

  • With a deep hissing inhalation; allow the breath to flood the entire dome of the skull. Repeat this a few times placing radiant and infinite cosmic energy here.

  • 1. Holding awareness here, begin to stimulate the Crown Chakra by creating a spiral of soft white light and set it spinning just above your head. See this energetic spiral with absolute clarity; building the image slowly, knowing it is now there within the astral vicinity. Guide the spiral gently into the dome of your head, feeling the soft caress against the sensitive skin of the scalp. Remain aware of the energetic responses and focus on the clearing of emotional blockages within the chakra through silent conversation.

  • Begin to transform this spiral of energy into a brilliant violet glowing sphere. Allow it to rest just above the head once more. Upon inhalation, allow this sphere to enter through the dome of your head, gently penetrating the skin. Let it rest two inches inside. Upon a gently exhalation, allow the violet spear to glide back out of the Crown resting it two inches away from the skin.

  • Repeat this inward and outward movement while gentle stimulation continues. Calmly review your life, using the power of your imagination to recall the moments where you may have experienced the emotions listed.

  • Corresponding emotions to Crown Chakra

  • Spiritual insecurity or fear of your divinity

  • Disconnection from your universal essence

  • Fear of all unknown aspects beyond physical realms

  • Lack of inner unity

  • 2. As related emotions surface, allow them to be re-experienced and felt. As this emotional experience replays before your mind’s eye, begin the following. With each exhalation, allow the glowing sphere to send out and release these disabling emotional experiences along with all negative charges associated with them. Repeat this action as the emotional blockage calmly clears. Feel and understand this deep cleansing taking place and see the Chakra respond.

  • As you continue to work with the activation of this center, an unmistakable emotion of connectivity and spiritual bliss shall begin to replace many, if not all, limiting illusions for a brief moment.

  • 3. In rhythm with the breath cycle, enter into the following mantra within the silence of this sacred moment. (Inhale) sa-has-ra-ra, great infinite cosmic power, I unite with thee." Elongate each Sanskrit syllable in a chant, allowing its power and frequency to resonate properly within the energy center. Remember that this activation is a conversation with the energy body. Speak with all awareness actions and pause to listen back as it speaks with tingling and heating sensations.

  • With awareness alone, allow the cosmic stream of energy to enter your activated Crown. Know your greatness and complete connection, as you have now begun to master the energies of your microcosm. Feel the violet energy move around the entire top of your skull and then down to your Heart Center, and then into your Solar Plexus, connecting the higher Chakras to the lower Chakras.

  • Remain in this energized state of awareness for a few moments before bringing your awareness back entirely into the nostrils. As you begin to feel the coolness and warmth of the breath moving through your nose, begin to move your toes and fingers gently to re-enter a waking state of consciousness.

  • To close this meditation, bring your full awareness back into your nostrils, feeling the coolness of the inhale, and the warmth of the exhale. Then begin to move your toes and fingers, bringing full awareness back into the present moment.

1 Microcosmic orbits can be achieved by a concentration in breathing techniques which involve the increase of energy flow within specific channels of the human energetic system.

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