By William May on Wednesday, 09 September 2015
Category: SIM Articles

What our Authors Wish -Positive Change

What we want for the world:

The following are some of our author’s wishes and goals for humanity. Please do share your comments, and express your own ideas. Be certain, that through the interaction of ideas, the world evolves in a positive direction.

“Wow - for me it's something that has been sitting heavily in my heart...the plight of women and girls either in under-developed countries or as a consequence of under-developed consciences/consciousness...

I would really love to live in a girl-friendly world...

            A world where the birth of a baby girl is never seen as a curse

A world where every girl gets to enjoy being a child long before she is expected to bear a child

A world where the education of a girl is not seen as a burden

A world where a girl is groomed to expect and choose love because she has been exposed to and knows what love looks like

I would really love to live in a truly spiritually harmonious world...

            A world where a woman can feel comfortable to pray to a GOD that looks like her

A world where women who care deeply for the earth and practice rituals under the moon are not seen as evil

A world where women can fellowship openly with one another in the way of the circle

A world where a woman's intuition is rated as highly as her logic and the logic of a man

I would really love to live in a world that appreciates true beauty...

            A world where women don't feel the need to do tummy tucks

A world where women exercise simply to feel well and not from the fear of being discarded

A world where make-up is a choice birthed from creative expression as opposed to a self and society imposed mandate

A world where women are encouraged to embrace the ageing process and not feel threatened by those who are younger

            I would really love to live in a world where women support other women...where women love other women...and where women sometimes carry other women

And in this world where women truly love themselves, they can and will unite their magic and birth an entire new earth...for we are the vessels...we are the grails....

This is my wish.”

Love, light & blessings


“This too is quite a personal matter for me. Although I have absolutely no doubts in the steady and uninterrupted course of human evolution, I would wish to see an end to victim based suffering much sooner than later.  As the Buddha says, “Suffering comes from attachment,” but there is also a type of suffering that exists through victimization. My heart swells when seeing the millions of crying children being abused in the home, in their school, and in their communities. My heart is torn out when I see spousal abuse, prejudice toward the mentally handicap, and mentally ill, hatred toward alternate genders, and the overall ignorance toward our beautiful differences.

            My wish would be that each of these victims has the courage to forgive those abusing them, and that these abusers, weather conscious of their actions or not, will realize that hurting another human being in any way, is the gravest of wrong doings in this life.

            My dream would be that each human being on this planet wakes to greet a new day, tomorrow, with the best of intentions for themselves, those around them, and the planet they live on.”

-Joseph Kenneth

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