By Dr. Leana Kriel PhD on Sunday, 11 October 2015
Category: SIM Articles

Music is the Voice of the Soul

My family not the most musical family on this planet, however we love to listen to the beautiful talent received by others. I spent some time in the last two weeks looking at the impact music has on my nearest and dearest. What was very interesting is how our whole being tends to change when we hear something pleasant. The body reacts to the sound immediately and the soul begins to embrace the positive emotions that are experienced. Ever notice how music allows you to just breathe?

         I have a very busy little one, the moment the music starts she begins to dance for as long as the music is playing. The effect that has on the persons watching is delight each time. I found it very interesting that I was smiling all the time. Thus, I had to put to the test for myself what happens when I listen to different kinds of music. I noticed that firstly, it was rather difficult to stay in a negative or stressful space when I focused on the music. Secondly I found that my soul required and responded to different kinds of tones depending on what I was experiencing emotionally prior to playing music. Because my soul knew exactly what it needed each time, the music was able to bring about the necessary healing and alignment I was in need of immediately.


           Being almost the end of the year, and I am sure most of us has more deadlines than life lines, I was looking for easy and efficient ways to bring about calmness, and a feeling of being content, so that we can all function properly for the remainder of the year.  The music seemed to do wonders in our space. I played the tones I found to be most conducive in our space, which brought about a calmer environment. Music brought everyone together in the same space at the same time, irrespective of anything else. A few generations existed in the same time and space and there was no distinction made, we were all just together.

            Just as music can be played, and be experienced positively by our being, we can share this very same experience with the words we speak. They too, are a form of music, the question I pose to you is, how soothing is the verbal music coming from you? Each word we speak to our loved ones has a tremendous impact on their being, and it becomes the legacy that we leave behind. You word is your song, what does that sound like? When you sing to your children please encourage, support, and build them, they deserve your most fabulous song.  The same goes for your spouse, sing loving and kind words to them, and about them, for they deserve your deepest love and support. When your world seems to crumble, believe you me, the song you have been singing will make all the difference.

            I challenge you this month to make sure that you sing a beautiful, loving, kind, gentle and inspiring song to be you legacy. Always remember that if you give your loved ones all these things, it can only be returned to you in three fold. Thus, you create the most beautiful space for yourself.

Good luck and be blessed.

Dr Leana Kriel

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