By William May on Tuesday, 01 March 2016
Category: SIM Articles

Death and Rebirth

Death, it’s the greatest of all taboos, and the underlying fear that plagues the human psyche throughout its physical existence. It’s the one thing that we all share as the finale to a great human drama. And birth, by contrast, is the same commonality that marks the first act of this same story. So what exactly happens between these two points of transition? Where do we reside in our true essence within the non-physical void that connects this eternal cycle of death and rebirth? And how do we spend the years within the physical realms, which also, serve to connect these two transitional points of death and rebirth?

            This month in Spiritualist International Magazine, we aim to quite literally take a bite out of fear, regarding the unknown, and all of the uncertainties that typically accompany our death. As a community based in astral travel, the Light Body Travelers will be bringing you first hand insights from beyond the body, as well as sharing the views from some world renown spiritualists on the topics of death and rebirth.

            Death can no doubt be a process to mourn here in the physical, so we also seek to bring comfort to anyone who has suffered the loss of a loved one in this life. As a spiritually based magazine, we will bring you the absolute most effective spiritual methods of dealing with loss. Even the most spiritually sound individuals, full of spiritual security, can sometimes be shaken by death. It is no doubt a grim subject, but none the less, one of the most necessary topics that the human can explore to seek enlightenment within their physical existence.

            Join us all month as we explore the deeper meaning of life, and deliver first hand accounts from the afterlife. By understanding the transitions of death and rebirth form a place of higher awareness, we can gradually come to a place of acceptance and detachment in a new meaningful way. As always, our authors are eager to share and teach at length regarding this powerful subject matter, so please be sure to leave all of your thoughts and comments below each of their articles.

-William May

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