By William May on Wednesday, 30 March 2016
Category: SIM Articles

Pop Culture! -The Editors Columm

It’s not always realized, because it’s embedded so deeply into the fabric of everyday life. But the truth is, your plugged in, your tapped into a vast network of pop culture. Immersed in a constant field of global trends and collective thought patterns, channeled through television, music, fashion, foods, internet, sports, technology, language, currencies, markets, time, and every thing in between.

            The modern human is more globally connected today, than at any other point in recorded history through this invisibly present phenomena called pop culture. As we move into the second quarter of 2016, we felt it necessary to reveal the absolute truths about how, and why, modern civilization is being guided towards a collective destiny via pop culture and global trends. It’s no secret that we are becoming rapidly connected as a planetary family via technologies, and that the messages we receive through these applications via pop culture, play a major role in how we arrive at this destiny. This month in Spiritualists International Magazine, we seek to open your mind and eyes like never before, by looking closely at popular global trends. It’s our goal to make you certain that you are not only thinking for yourself, as a spiritually grounded being, but that you also understand your significant role within a greater collective humanity.

            The absolute power and effects of pop culture are still highly underestimated by the masses, as we causally observe each and every message injected through advertising, movies, songs, internet, television, and every other possible means of marketing to the modern human. To remain clear, this is not a conspiracy theory issue. In fact, we want to present in a clear way, that what is happening to humanity through pop culture is not a coincidence, conspiracy, nor mistake. 

            Join us all month as we present new insights that are sure to inform, inspire, and ultimately enlighten your perception as a beautiful spirit, having a meaningful human experience. Our authors are quite excited to be presenting their wisdom this month, as this is a topic that greatly affects us all, at a arcane level.

-William L. May

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