By William May on Friday, 04 November 2016
Category: SIM Articles


It’s said that compassion is the gateway to forgiveness, and forgiveness is the key to inner pace. But what does it really mean to forgive? And more importantly, how do we go about truly forgiving others, as well as ourselves. We spend most of our lives hardly aware of the mental and emotional weight that we carry due to a lack of forgiveness. How many seemingly forgotten events have damaged our spirit due to the unforgiving aspects left behind?  How much regret do we carry towards others and ourselves as we move through our daily lives? Understandably, some may carry less than others, but it is our mission this month to deliver some of the absolute best ways of finding forgiveness and achieving a higher level of inner peace in your life.

            As we take an honest look at the act of forgiveness this month at Spiritualists International Magazine, we invite you to join us, and take your own personal journey into the depths of what it means to truly forgive. Do not underestimate the power of forgiveness. Leaving events and people unforgiving leads to an entire existence of angst and underlying frustrations. Take a moment as you read this now, to ask yourself how many people and events you may hold out of favor in your own past. Reflect upon these things, and begin to realize just how much they may be still affecting your present life in a negative way. Work through these scenarios and emotions as you go through your day, and seek to bring forgiveness toward them no matter how big they may seem. Perhaps easier said than done, but use the power of compassion to understand these matters from a higher spiritual perspective.

            Our authors and special guests have worked diligently this month to bring you the solutions to many of the forgiveness obstacles that face so many. May this be a month of expanding compassion, exercising forgiveness, and making the world a brighter place through our own inner peace.

-William May

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