By Dr. Leana Kriel PhD on Friday, 16 January 2015
Category: SIM Articles

Opportunity is Everywhere!

During the past 20 years I have spent most of my time learning who and why I am. I grew up in very religious

home and family however I always found that I understood very little of what was taught in the bible or in Christianity. Later in life when my journey to self discovery started I realised that only once I learned to love who I was, would I understand that all things are connected and life would make sense to me.  I have learned from great masters. During my journey I came to learn that there are so many who are also on a journey to self discovery. In learning, I was also taught that we are not all at the same consciousness at the same time. This was quite the lesson for me and the result was that I was taught patience.

Patience, not only with others, but mostly with myself. It was important for me to learn that I too have many more lessons to learn and that only love will assist in teaching those around me and myself. I have taken my life and the vast experiences I have been privileged enough to learn, to teach those willing to learn. I now know that all is well and always have been. I am a teacher and healer and use the counselling platform to assist who so ever is willing. In all my travels to my own higher consciousness my path was crossed by wonderful beings and teachers with a consciousness that is unparallel. They all took the time to love and bless me thus my passion is to pay forward all that I can so that we will become more conscious rather than unconscious. Even though some may be at higher consciousness and spend time with likeminded people there are still so many beautiful souls who need some guidance. 

Truthfully, we are all living a human experience with human challenges. I use the daily challenges to assist people in making a difference in their own life. One of my greater lessons in life was to understand that we can only work on ourselves. I have various platforms which I use to assist, which for the moment consists of a face to face practice in South Africa and an online email practice internationally.  


2015 has arrived! This year has started with quite a bang and I have noticed that not only is the energy moving rather fast, but that opportunity is everywhere. The challenge with opportunity is that we are often caught in fear. With the speed of moving energy, and constant change, the opportunity does not linger forever. Just before you feel completely despondent, rest well and know that there is always another opportunity that waits. A dear friend shared her dream with me after which she continued to question why the opportunity was just never there. We all have dreams and creating them is rather terrifying for most, I have found that there is actually very little to fear. The truth of the matter is that our dreams are already created and they already exist all you have to do is choose to live the life of your dreams.

For example: You are driving on a long stretch of single lane road, in front of you is a bus. We cannot see in front of the bus. So we move from out the back slightly to see if it is safe to pass and what the road appears to look like in the distance.

The road is open and easy for us to pass, however we hesitate and in that moment far in the distance we see an oncoming car, so we wait. This usually happens a few times before we pass. So, here are some questions to ponder….

Is there a road in front of the bus?

Are all the buildings and lives on the route existent?

Have there been other travellers on the same road yesterday or today?

Has the sun shine on the same road yesterday and today?

If you pass the bus do you still continue to travel on the same road?

Have you realised that the road has always been there and that it will continue to be there tomorrow, there is a world in front of the bus it is not created as we travel. Many have travelled the same road before you and will continue to come after you. Opportunity is very much the same. You are guided by your higher self to great opportunities that are always in your best interest and will serve you greatly. Your responsibility is to trust you higher self and know that you will be guided to you highest good.

Take the opportunities that you are guided to. Get out from behind the fear bus because once you do the road in front of you is open and beautiful and you can see for miles. My prayer for you is to dream and once you have done so …..dream bigger! Then know that your dream is already created and if you will be brave and allow your God mind to guide you…Go and live your dream.

-Leana Pretorius 

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Practice contact number: +27 72 615 0625

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