By Katy Simmone on Saturday, 07 February 2015
Category: SIM Articles

Learn about spiritual awakening

I had a spiritual awakening in 2009 and my life changed in extraordinary ways.  I developed heightened extrasensory perceptions. I experienced lucid dreaming and regular out-of-body experiences. I learned that I had the ability to hear & receive information telepathically from beings, which exist in other dimensions including the Archangels.

As a result I made a drastic career change to becoming a psychic life adviser from being a CPA (Certified Public Adviser) in the accounting field. In 2013 I founded a spiritual center, Soul Evolution Center, in South Florida.  Its mission is to help you evolve into your best life.  

After my awakening, there was no going back to my previous existence.  Everything had shifted for me.  Before I explain my own spiritual awakening, it would be helpful to understand some general ideas & basic premises about the awakening process.

 What is a Spiritual Awakening?

Spiritual awakening activates and accelerates the process of having higher consciousness.  It is an expansion of thoughts toward self-actualization & transcendence.  It is the beginning of having the realization that you are a spiritual being having a physical existence for your evolution. 

You develop new ideas, perceptions, & awarenesses about life, your place in it as well as that of others.  You become more inner-directed rather than outer- directed.  That which you may have taken for granted all your life, you may now question.  That which you valued earlier, may now seem mundane.  Your priorities for your life change and shift.  Your ego and its control over you become more diminished.

You may change your social circles and relationships.  You may become dissatisfied with your current job.  What you used to do for fun and enjoyment may be not be as fulfilling anymore.  You may be drawn to and develop other new interests in the occult, metaphysics and spirituality.

Your eating & sleeping habits may change.  You may want to spend more time alone & with nature. You may also desire to become more of service to humanity.

A spiritual awakening deepens your connection to your Higher Self, your true life purpose and divine source. An affinity for all people, animals and Mother Earth starts to develop.  Again, there are varying degrees and levels of it depending on the intensity of your awakening and your soul plan for this Earthly incarnation. 

As a further indication of spiritual evolution, there are also physiological, neurological & energetic changes within your body as well. The level and intensity of these changes are individual and unique to each person’s own awakening and their energetic blueprints upon birth.

Catalysts for Spiritual Awakening

For some there more be a specific catalyst in their life that initiates the awakening. Some examples of that may be a near-death experience, a major illness or disease, depression, death of a loved one, or a birth of a child.  

For others, it may be the culmination of events and learnings over a period of time or even from childhood.  This is a slower, steadier awakening trajectory and allows one to adjust and adapt more readily over time.

Changes during the Spiritual Awakening Process

The changes in your value system due to the awakening may cause volatility, strife and anxiety.  It may conflict with your upbringing, your family’s ideas for you and your own societal conditioning. For others, the changes may be more moderate and manageable.  

Understanding the process of spiritual awakening will help you better navigate it to use it for your benefit and growth, rather than fighting or resisting it

Nine Ways to Alleviate the Spiritual Awakening Process

1. Understand the process and educate yourself.Read about spiritual awakening through books and online sites.  Be with others who are going through similar changes. Take classes on the topic.  Be gentle and kind with yourself as you navigate these changes within yourself.

2. Learn about your energetic anatomy.Learnabout the aura and chakras & their functions as these are affected during the awakening process.  Learn techniques to cleanse & protect the aura. Just as important are techniques to vitalize, align and balance the chakras.

3. Use crystals.  Crystals are nature’s healing. They radiate an energetic field based on their inherent nature and type of crystal for healing on subtle energy levels. This emanation is conducive to your energetic health, your energetic structures and your well-being.

To help moderate the changes you are experiencing, it is also important to integrate grounding crystals into your personal space. Grounding crystals are usually darker in color i.e. red, brown and black. Some examples of grounding crystals are tourmaline, hematite, bloodstone and black onyx.

4. Purify & nurture the physical body.  Our physical body & the proper care is important because it houses our consciousness.  Abstain from tobacco.  Moderate your alcohol and caffeine.  Use holistic alternatives or life style modification instead of prescription drugs wherever possible. 

Eat well. Avoid chemical preservatives, food additives, high sugars & processed foods.    This means wholesome, natural, organic foods. Proper and adequate daily hydration with water is important as well for efficient elimination of toxins & waste in the body.  

5. Get adequate sleep and relaxation.  Incorporate some down time in your daily routine for replenishment and rejuvenation.   Have regularity to your daily schedule.   Go to bed & wake up at the same time every day.  The human body loves consistency.

6. Practice daily yoga or meditation & spend time in nature. If you have not been practicing meditation, yoga or some spiritual practice, it is time to begin.  Find a practice that you gravitate to.  Spend time in nature. Even short durations of these activities daily will have tremendous benefit.

7. Reduce stress in your life. If you are experiencing a spiritual transformation, make time for the necessary changes in your life.  You may need to devote more time to your spirituality and health. Relax your constraints and ideas about productivity and your workload.

8. Heal psychological and emotional issues through energetic healing and forgiveness. An awakening may bring up unresolved and subconscious issues.  It is best to deal with them consciously rather than suppress or ignore them.  It is also best to deal with them quickly so that the energy of these events do not languish in your energetic field.  Release the emotions and forgive yourself and others involved completely. 

9. Know that you are not alone! Many people are experiencing these changes during these times.

-Katy Simmone

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