By Katy Simmone on Saturday, 04 April 2015
Category: SIM Articles

Manifesting Abundance with Our Spiritual Gifts

Intuitive Manifestation

Human beings have the ability to manifest for themselves on the planet Earth. This is part of our endowment. Manifestation is based on purity of intention and energy principles.  Your Higher Self is a crucial part of this manifestation process, as an important guide and connection and as your authentic, all knowing, complete self. Access to your Higher Self resides within, and you do have the ability to connect with it.  It speaks to you through a wonderful spiritual gift, your intuition.

About Your Higher Self

Your Higher Self is the real you: your total soul consciousness that transverses current, past, and future lifetimes.  The Higher Self knows your spiritual contract, which is the life plan you made for yourself before you incarnated on this earthly plane. It has the instruction manual for your life as well as for all your other lives.  The you that is living this life here on Earth is just a single projection of the consciousness of your Higher Self.   You are a multi-dimensional being who exists on many other levels of frequency/dimensions as well. 

Your Higher Self is the most complete and authentic you. It isn’t behind the veil that shrouds us when we incarnate, causing us to forget where we came from and what we agreed to do in this life; your Higher Self works with your guides, your Angels, and your own levels of consciousness to keep you on your life’s plan.

 Connecting to Your Higher Self for Intuitive Manifestation

To truly manifest requires a connection to your Higher Self and alignment with your life purpose.  This is done through a practice of meditation or inner stillness with the intention to connect with your Higher Self.  It may require multiple sessions for you to consciously feel or sense this connection, but be patient and have faith in your efforts.  Trust that even if you do not sense the connection and are not yet aware of it, your Higher Self is communicating with you.

Your Higher Self talks in a soft and gentle voice through your intuition.  It is not loud like the ego.  In order to hear the voice of the Higher Self clearly, your mind must be very quiet and your ego must be put aside.

Eleven Steps to Intuitive Manifestation for Abundance

Create the intention for what you want  to manifest. Make sure it is aligned with your life plan by connecting to your Higher Self during meditation.

Ask your Higher Self and the Universe for help, support and guidance throughout your entire manifestation process. This is a key step.

Make sure that what you desire is truly what you solely desire. Check to make sure it is not what others(family members, your spouse, significant people in your life, etc) want for you, or a byproduct of society’s indoctrination and conditioning. 

Make sure that your ego has stepped aside during this exercise and that your intuition is fully engaged. If your ego does the manifestation, you will find that what you desire does not manifest or is disturbingly and surprisingly not what you expected. Or you may find that what you asked for turns out to be disappointing.  This is how you know your manifestation was not in line with your life purpose for this incarnation.   

Be specific in what you desire and what your intentions are. Write your desire down in detail. Engage your creativity and make a vision board or sketch, draw, or paint it.   Make sure your vision is clear so that the Universe can align with it and deliver it to you.

Take your time and be flexible. You may find that you want to tweak your exact desire or what you desire changes somewhat over time, and that is OK!

Visualize what you want to manifest. When you visualize, in as much sensory detail as possible what you desire, this creates its energetic blueprint. Visualize in 3-D using sounds, sights, smells and feelings. 

Take intuitive, inspired action and steps. Make your intentions a reality.  Bring them into the physical plane; don’t just be a dreamer.  This is important: your actions will help prime and grease the manifestation pump.  It also shows to the Universe your commitment and initiative in achieving what you desire.

Continue to tune in and check in daily with your Higher Self and Universe. This can be done through a practice of meditation. Even short durations of 5 to 10 minutes a day will be beneficial in guiding you to your next step.

Be it, live it. You attract not what you desire but what you are.  Because of the way that energy works, you need to be at the level of frequency you desire. This is how the Law of Attraction works.  You attract what you radiate. Your daily and consistent thoughts, beliefs, intentions, words and actions will either help to manifest your desires, neutralize it or weaken it.  Become aware of your thoughts and choose more wisely and deliberately, those that will make your manifestation a reality.

Be open to receiving and open-minded in the manner in which the Universe sends it to you. The Universe uses creative and unusual ways at

times to help you with your manifestation.  Look for synchronicities, which are signs and guideposts for your life. Synchronicities can come in the form of coincidences, messages from others, words on billboards and song lyrics, or many other forms.

Be patient. It takes time for the energy vibration of your intended manifestation to resonate throughout the Universe. The energies on the Earth are still relatively dense, though this is changing quickly.  Time may also be needed for the organizing energy to assimilate and coordinate the necessary people and sequence of events to make your manifestation happen. Depending on the complexity and level of your manifestation, this can be a giant production for the Universe to deliver.

Feeling impatient and frustrated are lower vibration energies that will only detract from the strength of your manifestation, acting like roadblocks to higher vibration energies.  You want to fuel, drive, and strengthen your manifestation through higher vibration feelings: gratitude, hope, faith, and trust that your manifestation is well on its way and already in the works. If you’re consistently genuinely optimistic and not in a hurry, you’ll manifest at a faster rate because your lower vibration beliefs and negative daily self-talk won’t create resistance, but will instead only strengthen the Universe’s efforts at fulfilling your desires.

-Katy Simmone

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