By Joseph Kenneth on Tuesday, 08 July 2014
Category: SIM Articles

Levitation? Yes You Can!

  Did you know that every human being actually does have the ability to physically levitate? Yes, this is an intense spiritual practice accomplished by spiritual masters over the course of many years, but try these initial levitation techniques and you might see results in your personal levitation abilities in just a few weeks. 

Now, to even begin discussing what is considered miraculous or supernatural by the masses, we must first recognize the limitations in the perspectives of our modern times. We must address that between 95 to 98 percent of what is considered reality, is based on what our five physical senses are capable of detecting within the electro-magnetic scope of frequency, i.e., the third dimension, or physical plane, with its composition of the elemental properties of air, fire, water, and earth. And without putting the cart before the horse, it must be grasped that the manipulation of these very elemental properties, which create the architectural fabric of the third dimension, is the key to levitation or any other “supernatural” process for that matter. 

  To be clear, this is by no means an article dedicated to debating the fundamentals of modern day supernatural philosophies and the scientific data, which supports or rejects such phenomena. What this is however is an article revealing effective techniques for those sincerely devoted, to begin accomplishing physical levitation. It bears mentioning, that to really accomplish this, it matters not what you believe in, or worship. And I personally encourage you to follow whatever you feel best suits you in your current spiritual perspective. The only requirement here, should you read further, is to approach this subject matter and practice from an unlimited, or elevated awareness so to speak. Some may be reading this as merely entertainment, and that’s fine too, however there are those who will begin achieving this act of levitation should they remain dedicated to the practices given.

Before getting into the meditation practices that induce your physical levitation abilities, lets mention a few of the great men and women throughout our history who defied the laws of gravity by levitating in plain sight before large crowds, and had such a deep devotion to their spirituality that they accomplished the "miraculous" on a regular basis. 

St Francis of Assisi, St. Joseph of Cupertino, St. Martin de Porres, Simon Magnus, St Teresa of Avila, and St. John of the Cross, are just a few of the 200 saints found in Christian documentations who could levitate at length. Throughout India and Tibet, Nagendra Nath Bhaduri, Subbayah Pullavar, and Milarepa are just a few of the many Yogis who are historically documented as levitating before crowds. 

   You are encouraged to research each of these individuals to uncover amazing stories and books of devoted human beings who chose to exist at a level beyond the limitations of there contemporaries. There is a fountain of inspiration to be uncovered by simply typing even one of these names into a search engine. (So please do)

  So, in the interest of dedicating this article to the practical applications of levitation, let's get into it. For experienced meditators, this will naturally be more easily achieved. This does not mean however that you cannot begin without previous meditation experience. No matter where your coming from in your levitation practice, the key here is to enter into the boarder-land states of consciousness with a strong intention and visual imagery of what you desire to accomplish. In this case, we will be raising one finger, without using physical strength to accomplish its lift. 

  I will give two final comments here before beginning the meditation instructions. First, it is necessary to reveal that Franz Bardon inspires the initial levitation techniques given here in his masterpiece titled "Initiation into Hermetics". Secondly, I was reading this section of his book while traveling on a bus through southern Peru. As instructed, I drifted into the depths of a trance meditation while holding extreme focus on my left hand rising upward. I was nothing short of amazed to be jolted out of my trance due to my left hand falling into my lap!Practice this initial meditation sequence at least twice daily for three weeks.

1. From your chosen meditation position, eyes closed, begin by taking your initial seven-breaths, dropping deeper into a relaxing state of trance with each controlled exhale. Be sure that your hands are clear from any obstructions. The breath here must be extremely deep and meaningful, as each breath cycle completely and utterly relaxes your physical body. (For you yogis, feel free to bring in your pranayama breathing as you slightly constrict the throat muscles to create the gentle hissing sound) At the same time, allow this seven-breath cycle to transport your conscious awareness to a place liberated of worldly beliefs and physical limitations. With each exhale, drop voluntarily into a deeper state of state of mental focus and physical relaxation. Choose to cross over a threshold that boarders your physical reality with your extended reality. Arrive at this alternate plane in perfect tranquility and focus upon completing your seventh breath.

2. Having completed your seven-breath cycle, and clearly arriving in this altered-state of existence, begin the following. Imagine infinity reaching in all directions. Surrounding you is an endless universe at which you are calmly floating in its center. Feel and embrace this infinity composed of pure air. Every particle vibrating in this field of infinity contains only the element of air. With a clear image of this universe of air firmly establish in your inner vision, begin breathing this element of air in through every pore of your body.  

   3. Each time you softly inhale; feel the weightlessness of the air actually making your body lighter. The airy qualities of this universe should be so deeply penetrated into your being that you will physically begin to feel its effects. You really will feel lighter and almost in a floating state when this is repeated regularly. Understand that what you are doing here is actually invoking and activating the air element that already exists within you. (Remember that even your physical body is composition of the four basic elements.)

    4.  As you continue to breath in the element of air within this infinity surrounding you, begin placing awareness in your index finger. As concentration is held here, begin to watch it rise with clarity from behind your closed eyelids. Realize that with each breath, the element of air that exists within you is being activated and actually making your physical body lighter. The trick here is to now hold extreme focus on the mental image of your rising finger, while dropping deeply into a relaxed trance state. You must now be in a theta brainwave state calmly drifting between light waking and sleeping states, all the while holding the image of your levitating finger.

  5. Having rehearsed this one finger lift over the course of a few weeks, or at the point of a noticeable result, begin advancing into the practice of lifting your entire hand, and then an entire arm. As mentioned, this is anything but an overnight process, and does require extreme dedication, mental training, and of course, time, to achieve. However, the techniques given here are those of many accomplished saints and mystics alike. Achieving the supernatural is but a matter of training your mind to function at a level beyond its third dimensional conditions.

    6. Don’t be discouraged should the result not come immediately. As mentioned, rehearse this meditation for 30 minutes twice daily, allowing your inner vision and subconscious to “take the reins” over the potentials of your reality. Remember, most of us spend a lifetime subscribed only to the reality provided through the basic five senses. So give your conscious mind time to develop a new sense of reality, and be patient with yourself.

    Indeed, this is just a brief magazine article seeking to demonstrate a spiritual technique of much dedication and training; so do forgive the quick-wittedness of the delivery. But should you seek greater training in physical levitation or, of course, astral projection, please notify our Light Body Travelers through the contact, or leave a comment here, and we will be thrilled to guide you in further developing your spiritual abilities. ,

-Joseph Kenneth

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