By Mat Wood on Saturday, 12 July 2014
Category: SIM Articles

Conversation With The Sun

When I think of your presence, I am reminded of what I am and what I am to become. 

     When you migrate for the winter, the energy I experience whilst within your magnificent presence I must then reproduce, providing the internal fire to serve throughout the winter months, proceeding through spring back into summer again in order to realize a more accurate portrayal of your divine presence, radiating outwardly the god presence within.

 Accordingly, this information gave me further understandings on the methodologies behind the preservations of body heat exhibited throughout the animal kingdom and I thank you for such wisdoms.

 I understand more accurately now how we truly must BE the change we wish to see as teaching these methods alone will not quite work, a leader leads by example, exactly like you do.

     So then if the perfect way to teach is to be, and the perfect way to be is to teach, It feels to me that this is the ideal paradox from which a person may derive reflections of their pursuit toward balance within any given life experience.

 As your teachings are taught across the globe, these teachings elevate toward a more subtle nature as we enter the peak of your presence, the summer, with lessons being learned merely through the experiencing of your presence, your divinity. These lessons descending somewhat as we move toward the winter months that reveal the coarser senses of your teachings that illustrate the examples found within observing the effects of your presence, such as the reflection of your colour within the autumn leaves whom express immediately their longing for your return and the winter months that weep at an almost complete absence of your presence, a period where we earthly inhabitants must collectively express and radiate the value of your divinity, providing us with the internal reflection of the life giving presence that will serve until your return.

    Attention toward the Stellar path, the path of unified polarity or unified consciousness, we see our human life experience to consist of both a concentration of energies symphonized with an absence of energies, this we can see within such examples as the solar and lunar cycles, allowing the fluctuation of balance to reflect the nature of our own energetic levels, a reflection of this process can be found within the practice of binaural meditation in that it demonstrates listening to two slightly different frequencies, one through each ear in attempts for the user to experience energetic reflections within the fluctuations between frequencies.

     Pertaining toward the principle of correspondence, humanity does not yet fully understand its connection to the sun and while the aims of this evolutionary cycle are to do so, we currently perpetuate an image of ourselves that illustrates us as functioning independently of you, and so even on a subconscious level this relationship will naturally be reflected within the examples found along the micro-macroscopic scales.

   Examples such as a student not being able to fully appreciate a masters teachings, an incomprehension that prevents the two from connecting and exchanging as beneficially as possible until the realization that reflects this inspirational synchronicity is attained.

And just as a person may think they exist independent of the suns thriving senses of divinity, a person may think they exist independently of the influential contributions that shape their reality, contributions such as the teachings to one from another, contributions such as the beauty the artist freely receives and reflects within his work but then tries to claim as his own exclusive copyrighted property, despite every dependent within its existence reflecting the importance of interdependence and reciprocal contributions throughout the nature of creation.

     I thank you for this conversation sun for I now understand further the ways in which too consciously progress, the ways in which I have caused suffering to my master for allowing my own individualized desires to inflame beyond our connection and thus reflecting this respectively within my relationships, serving to create such a learning experience as you have provided through your inspiration.

      Further to this I thank you for allowing me to experience this suffering that in turn serves to remind me of the dangers of associating with attachment rather than altruism, dependence rather than interdependence, one that reminds me to be committed to the question rather than the answer, for illuminating with a now brighter light the physical implications of the fractal nature of our reality and the insight which now puts a fresh perspective on the eternal lesson that negative experiences will occur for as long as they remain useful. 

All my love,

An aspect of yourself

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