By William May on Saturday, 09 May 2015
Category: SIM Articles

How our authors at SIM really make a difference

SIM authors: Living to make a difference

Select authors from SIM wanted to share what they do on a daily basis to make a difference in their own lives. Throughout the month, this particular column will be added to as authors tell their own special way of changing the world for the better. It is a vital part of the process here; that each reader shares a comment to also describe what they do to make a difference in their world. As you may have guessed, this is a wonderful way to make a small ripple of positive change around the world, as each of us inspires others who come across this page.



          In my little small way I do my best to live in line to my core beliefs. Personally I believe to make time in the morning to just be grateful and thank the universe and my God mind for all the beauty and blessing I live daily. I have to admit and say this is not something I do at home; my car is my sacred space in the morning. I use the time at my disposal to spend some time with me. Sometimes it is just to breath and other times it is to release whatever finds itself stuck. I have learned that if I am calm and centered and I have called upon my God mind and Angels to guide my day, I usually have a very good and focused day. I am also able to apply my mind when I engage with other people and am able to respond consciously for all our benefit. Believe you me when I say, having me out of control can be rather destructive for all parties involved whether they deserve it or not.

            The second very important thing for me personally is to give my family consistency. I do my best to be a present parent and partner so that my family experience from me love, care and know they are very important in my world. For me it is important to listen to each one of them and respond in a way that builds strength and character. FYI I am blessed with a baby, a tween and a teen! Trust me if I tell you challenging is an understatement on a good day. They are all different and have different needs at different times. All I can do is give them my best of what I know at that very time and love them. Our children are our legacy and pay forward that which we teach them.

Mat Wood

       Be on a permanent holiday!

We all love that feeling of being somewhere new and exciting, we know all too well how when we come back from a break away somewhere we retain that internal charge we culminated whilst being there which serves us for a good few weeks maybe months afterwards. It would then seem that until the next event which stimulates us either above or of a similar level to that of our holiday we’re kind of trapped in limbo and the wishing we were in a different situation begins to arise. The trick for me is to constantly seek to perceive new things even within the same circumstances and situations, aim to look at it from new angles and really intend to see the beauty within all events. A break away provides us with inspiration and a fresh perspective, thought that’s nothing we cant manifest on a daily basis!

       Count your blessings and seek your goals

It’s all too easy to forget what we already have in the pursuit of searching for something new. It’s also quite easy to disengage from pursuing our goals through developing a sort of mediocre satisfaction with what already is. The key here for me is to constantly aim for contentedness and to be within a state of appreciation for everything I have and everything that is whilst having a firm eye on what would make me happy to move towards. By recognizing these two things simultaneously we develop ways to more regularly be within states of peace and appreciation whilst being directly aligned with and almost subconsciously working toward our goals without the need for acknowledgment or pursuit from the conscious mind. In this way these actions become natural functions like breathing and we can effortlessly upgrade and move toward higher standards of living both spiritual and physically without trying to force it into existence.

Dr. Joseph Kenneth

       In living to make a difference at the global level, I try to remain aware of how much I consume in shared commodities with other humans. This for me goes hand in hand with recycling everything possible, even when it’s not a convenience. Its my thinking that just because we pay for things like water, natural gas, electricity, gasoline, or what have you, we are not entitled to use as much of these resources as we please. I strive to make a difference and understand that these are things we share, and my consumption of them should be only what I need, and not a pinch more. Remember that the amount of water used while most of us just stand in the shower to wake up and think, is the equivalent to what someone in a third world country will walk for hours to attain for an entire family or village.

       In living to make a difference at my community level, and this may sound all too simple, as I go about my day, I keep my senses peeled to situations in need. I walk a lot and ride my bike, so I’m on the street level doing what I can for really anyone who looks like they need a hand. This goes from holding a door and smiling, to walking the blind person a few blocks to their destination. I know most of the homeless people here in Viña enough to speak with them and give them a minutes of my attention, as well as a few pesos from my pocket. And on that note, I encourage anyone reading this to not be a stranger to the homeless in your community. Any one of us is only a few poor decisions away from being in their shoes. They are not all lethargic addicts. They are people who lack motivation and will, and we must understand our responsibility to inspire them through our own examples of never ending kindness.

Jack Seccombe:

       I share my unconditional love.

Love is hard to give, but it gets easier with practice.

While out of my body, I have received love from those I do not know, and I have found how easy it is to love them back. This love is not only a saying but also a reality. If I do not know you, I should love you, and you should love me. For as we leave judgment behind, and allow love in, we spread happiness and love to others. Share love daily.

Lynn Russell:

       Two ways I try to make a difference in the world every day.

I try very hard to carry the reality of my reality with me all the time. There are times when I’m upset and I slip. Then I just have to forgive myself and get back on track.

Although I don’t suppose my book The Wonder of You is considered a daily thing, it is a part of my life. It is my deepest hope that everyone gets the message. So, I guess the other thing I do is to constantly talk to people, not to sell my book, but to reach out and help them with various personal issues. I guess thirty years of counseling helped me with that.

I really reach out to help people not only to understand the Oneness, but why we are here, and what’s it all about. I feel that if that could happen, the world would be a more caring place.

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