By Joseph Kenneth on Saturday, 23 May 2015
Category: SIM Articles

Living to Make a Difference, -An Untold Story

This is my second column for this month, and you may wonder why.  After writing my column earlier this month, which looked at the message of Mother Theresa, the Dali Lama, and Mahatma Gandhi, my words still felt incomplete.  There was still one story I needed to share.  It is a story that will only be told if I share it now.  It’s a true story of one person who, through unbelievable acts of kindness and selflessness, has made a difference in this world; few people know who she is.  It’s a story of someone who lives each day filled with the Holy Spirit, and trusts so deeply in the power of God that she is nearly fearless.  The reason this story, like so many others that are similar, will never be told is that this person seeks neither recognition nor applause for the spiritual work of doing good.

            This “untold” person I refer to is my own mother.  I do not share this piece because she is my mother, indeed, it is easy to imagine how that could seem somewhat sycophantic or biased.  If anything, my awareness of how it might be perceived may have kept me from including this in my previous column.  I share this simply because I have not known, personally, anyone else who has served her fellow humans at the level my mother does.


           She’s not blessed with health: without going into details, there are days each month where she is unable to get out of bed due to illness.  This has not held her back from a life of continued service to those around her.  She remains active in her community and parish as an inspiration to all.  She is a spiritual teacher who regularly visits the sick in their homes, comforts both nursing home patients and inmates at women’s prisons, teaching and inspiring through her simple presence.  She has worked with abuse victims and single mothers, even in some cases opening her own home as a safe place to rebuild self-esteem and security.  She shares her presence and message in such a way that all who know her receive her with open arms.  She generously goes about her work as a symbol of peace and good will.

            Now you may be thinking, well that’s pretty standard stuff for any devoted spiritual worker, and I would agree, but now allow me to share a part of her story that just might surprise you.

            I was driving home one evening a few years back when she called me.  I greeted her and she began to share with a soft laugh and enthusiasm, “Joseph I’m not sure what I’ve done now, but there was a homeless lady outside the church looking for help tonight, and I agreed to let her live with me.”  Honestly, my first reaction was fear, but I can laugh about it today as she, once again, demonstrated to me that we must trust in something far greater than our selves.

            As the next few days passed, I stayed in close contact to monitor the situation, although she certainly needed no help from me.  My mother began living with this middle-aged homeless woman, feeding her, and caring for her at the basic level.  They became friends at a certain level of course, but all the while, my mother knew how to work on a deeper level.  It turns out that this homeless woman had suffered severe mental trauma, and was extremely insecure as a result.  The root of her situation came from a complete lack of self-confidence at such a level that she had given up on functioning in society, harboring deep inner fears of the world.  As the days and months went on, my mother began working with her to not only rebuild the pieces of her confidence, but to actually have her begin applying for work!

            I was literally fascinated when, after a few months had passed, this woman was now applying for jobs.  Not only had my mother offered her home to this woman and cared for her, she actually inspired and rekindled her self-esteem.  She had in fact given her a new confidence to begin seeking work.  A few more weeks passed, and I was told that this lady had been accepted for a job.  This was a complete success story in my book, but my mother didn’t stop here.


The first day of work had arrived, and this newly inspired lady seemed to be locked in fear once more, making every excuse not to go to work.  My mother, seeing deeper into the situation, began to kindly, yet sternly, talk her through the situation.  Within these vital minutes of this ladies life, my mother delivered the words, and ultimately strength, to go to her first day of work and succeed.  Over the first few weeks, my mother was constantly re-assuring her that she was able to perform her job and function is society again with her new confidence.  It was not an easy time, as my mother was met with every excuse in the book from this scared new employee.

            As time passed, and the job became secure, my mother took the next step and began seeking housing for her guest.  This was an even bigger step for the homeless women, as it meant having to fully function in society once again after years of being on the street.  Once more, my mother delivered the loving, yet stern inspiration, which eventually allowed this woman to live on her own.

            Today, I cannot say where this lady is, but I can say that my mother inspired me at such a deep level with this that I could not allow her story to be untold this month.  Even as I write this, I debate on whether or not to tell her; she may request it be unpublished.  To me, this example of service to another human being is truly the work of a spiritualist.  To go way beyond the limits that we are taught, to work so close with those in need that they sit with us at our tables, to love our fellow humans and treat them as divine beings in spite of appearances and circumstances. 

            My mother’s work continues to this day in spite of her ill health.  She has become a true inspiration to me.  It never seizes to amaze me in hearing all she does to shine in this world.  She is out of town right now providing service to a small child and her family in a time of need… but that’s another story.   I encourage you to draw inspiration from this story as do I, and remember that we can serve our community in so many ways.  Do not let society tell you what can and cannot be done to help others.  Strive to make a difference in the lives of others each day.  Be conscious of your place in this world, and let your inner light shine on all those around you.

-Joseph Kenneth

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