By Dr. Leana Kriel PhD on Wednesday, 19 August 2015
Category: SIM Articles

Media and Prosperity

Do you think that media and prosperity are linked? In our day-to-day life, media, some perhaps more positive than others, bombards us. We have news that has the ability to fuel most of us in terms of outrage, and we have gossip/ celeb media that can draw us in. So the negative gives us a feeling of frustration, outrage, anger etc. and then we have the gossip/celeb media that entice us to have an opinion, and this opinion has feelings attached to them as well, whether positive or negative. So what we can agree on is that, all that is portrayed in the media has an emotional impact if we choose for it to.

Now if we take the different emotions we experience into account only on media issues, excluding all other emotions we have in our daily space, concerning our work, home and family lives, we find that they are rather intense most of the time. If you are watching a devastating story about the murder of a young child, you become as enraged as the persons discussing the issue, you become the judge, jury and executioner all in that moment, sharing in the shock and horror of the event. If you happen to watch something a celebrity has done that you do not agree with, or was wearing something you did not approve of, this creates for you to have an opinion, judgment, and comment.

Well everyone does this so what is the issue, you can do, say, and think what you want can’t you? Well that will depend from where you live. Every time we have an opinion about other persons we have a feeling toward that same opinion. If that feeling is not positive, we create negativity in our space, once you do that, you edge out all the good that wants to get in. The abundance, the prosperity, acceptance, love, and all the beauty in life. I have listened to/counselled so many people during my life, and consistently, their opinions of other persons took prevalence over their lives, hence the general complaint was lack. There is only one person you can change and have control over, and that is yourself. You cannot change your husband, children, or any other person alive irrespective that you think you can.

Please understand that I am not saying we should become complacent and accept everything terrible that happens. If you know a child is being hurt, open your mouth and assist the child before it becomes a disaster. If you see or know of an action that is causing any person or animal hurt, pain, or damage, it is your responsibility to open your mouth take action and report the matter or assist where you can. If we all learn to speak up, then perhaps we can all add to the healing required on our earthly plain. Once you know something, you can never un-know that fact. Best you just take action.                                       

I have been privileged to learn a wonderful lesson, that being to have no feeling toward the actions of others, irrespective if I agree or disagree with the action. I will observe, notice, and even listen if needed, I will provide advice when requested however I do my level best not to get emotionally vested. Getting invested contaminates my space and whatever I create or manifest therein.

If you do not believe in what I propose as my reality, try it. Open the doorways to your best life. See what happens in your space when you do not get attached to the actions of others. Perhaps have a few less opinions posted on Facebook and other social media. Attempt not to say one negative, derogatory, or hurtful word about another being. FYI you will have so much more time on your hands, use it to physically connect with the ones that you love. Have open discussions with your children, talk to your wife or husband about the things that will improve and add to your lives. You may find that you have so much to discuss that is relevant only to your space. Allow other people to live their own lives. The fact of the matter is no one cares what you think about their lives, yet some spend most of theirs having an emotionally vested opinion about theirs! How extraordinarily sad.

Remember all things are to be done in balance. Emotional investments are a choice, and you can only change who you are and what you desire to have. Thank heaven we can only dream for ourselves!

Be blessed.

-Dr. Leana Pretorius

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