
Spiritualists International Magazine

At Spiritualists International Magazine we are dedicated to function as a central hub for advanced, interactive, spiritual learning. We are a destination where reliable and creditable wisdom is shared from expert spiritual teachers and masters from around the world.

Music is the Voice of the Soul


Leana spiritual 1My family not the most musical family on this planet, however we love to listen to the beautiful talent received by others. I spent some time in the last two weeks looking at the impact music has on my nearest and dearest. What was very interesting is how our whole being tends to change when we hear something pleasant. The body reacts to the sound immediately and the soul begins to embrace the positive emotions that are experienced. Ever notice how music allows you to just breathe?

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Music -Meditational Tools

Cindy Meditation 1Music has always spoken to my soul.  The power of creation holds frequencies, and energy vibrations radiate forth love. That love is carried forth in many ways by music. I believe that music and inspirational words can help to heal you.

               There have been many people who have studied the power of music to heal throughout time. From the early quotes from the bible, to the classic ET scenes when UFO’s came and communicated to us through sound. For music is a universal language that all can understand. Perhaps that is why there are so many satellites searching for sounds that communicate throughout the cosmos. Truly the stars have their own songs and we can listen to them.

                The use of music as a healing method has been used throughout all time. You will find many instances of music in the bible, “Speak to one another with psalms, hymns and spiritual songs. Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord”

                Ephesians 5:19  

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Music -The Editor's Column

SIM Cover OctSince the dawn of time, humankind has used music as a fundamental form of expression. Through the most primitive forms of tribal rhythm to drive the dance, to the elaborate explosions in composition recognized in the Baroque and the Romantic periods, the use of tone and rhythm have remained as close and necessary to the human spirit, as air to it’s body.

            And why is this, we may ask? Why has this vital aspect of our existence called music remained such an integral aspect of our existence throughout time? We might begin to answer this question by looking at the original works of the man still called the father of music, Pythagoras, who was the first man to ever prescribe music, and it healing aspects of frequency, as actual medicine. We may also discover the absolute fundamentals of music when reviewing such spiritual traditions as the Kabbalah, in which music, with its tonal qualities is said to manifest the entirety of creation through “the word” of God.

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  1986 Hits

Who Am I, Really?

Jack OBE Banner SeptOut of body has shown me so many things over the decades, and it has taught me so much as well. I have been excited beyond belief, and astounded beyond belief.

            There is one thing that has changed my life much greater than most, and that is in the identity of who I am. This has grown now to the point that I look into everyone’s faces, and I don’t see them as they look, but only as they are in their personalities. Sound weird? Let me explain.

            When I started getting out, I discovered my astral body, at that time a glowing white and blue. It did not look anything like Jack. Then when I found out about some of my past lives, by commanding my self to see them; I learned I was many different, people who had different lives, in different time eras. None of them looked like Jack either.

            Then when I found out that I have been living in the other side for eons of time, I went to see what I looked like in that situation.

I have seen Connie, my wife; in her real form as well, as some of my sons, etc. They look nothing like they do here in the physical.

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Loving You to Change The World

EE spirit 1So you want to change the world? What do you want to do? Feed the hungry? Adopt a needy child? Donate money and time to a charitable cause? Work on legislature which properly represents the rights of the underprivileged?

            These are all worthy and admirable desires. You are no ordinary person to have these thoughts running around in your head and surfacing into your consciousness. You are beautiful and you are capable. You need only to take the first step and the entire Universe will conspire to assist you, and things will miraculously fall into place, because your desires come from the very Source of love.

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Whats Really Happening? -With Katy Simmone

SIM SepBanner. SpiritualSpiritualists International Magazine takes an in-depth look at positive change with Katy Simmone from the Soul Evolution Center. Regardless of what is sometimes focused on by major media networks today, there is an un-ignorable amount of positive change taking place every day on our planet. SIM takes a look not only at what is happening, but exactly why these positive effects are now manifesting at such a rapid rate in our current age.

Katy Simmone shares her advanced insights in a truly beautiful way, inspiring us with her own message, and that of channeled beings of light. Please enjoy this brief video discussion today and be sure to leave your comments below. Your thoughts really do matter/ J

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The Recipe for Success

Velvet spiritual 1Have you ever noticed that some people are successful with positive personal change and some are not? What makes these people so special? Did their parents raise them a certain way, or did they grew up in a certain part of the world? Over my career in empowering people to shift away from unhealthy habits, I have found that there are three essential factors, that when in alignment, can make the difference between personal success and stagnation. Once you integrate them into your healing journey, you will find how easy it is to succeed.

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Positive Change! edX begins U-Lab today!

Today, hundreds of thousands of people all around the world will be gathered in small and large groups, to begin their personal education in U-Lab. As we focus on positive change this month, we could not overlook the intense effects of edX, and their latest global training program U-Lab.

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What our Authors Wish -Positive Change

What we want for the world:

The following are some of our author’s wishes and goals for humanity. Please do share your comments, and express your own ideas. Be certain, that through the interaction of ideas, the world evolves in a positive direction.

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Ten Ways to Make a Positive Change in the World

SIM SepBanner. SpiritualHow can I make a positive difference in the world? Where do I start? Which of the overwhelming number of urgent global issues should I focus my attention on first? These are questions most of us have asked ourselves at some point, but although being an active citizen can sometimes feel hopeless, remember: you can only be responsible for your own actions, and major changes start at the grassroots level- just look at the Occupy movement. Maybe you can’t save the world, but you can save your backyard. And imagine what would happen if we all did the same? With that in mind, here are 10 things you can do to get those green shoots growing in your own communities, expanding outwards like ripples in a pond to inspire others and make changes on a big scale. As anthropologist Margaret Mead once said: “Never doubt that a small, committed group of citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” The following list could be longer- things like recycling, buying fair trade and avoiding plastic wherever possible are taken as given, for example. Feel free to add your own suggestions in the comments section, and whatever you choose to do, have fun with it!

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Positive Change, Your Inner World

SIM SepBanner. Spiritual


There’s a beautiful song by my favorite indie artist Val Emmich, which begins with the words, “I made a new years resolution, knowing I would break it, knowing that it wouldn’t stick.” And while the song is a fabulous piece of writing in it’s own right, this line has always kept my attention.

            We can all get so motivated about making changes in our lives. It’s incredibly exciting to reinvent our self somehow, and keep that fresh and new feeling about life. Weather it be quitting smoking, getting a new job/career, finding a new partner, eating healthier, practicing better physical and spiritual health, learning a new hobby, or what have you.

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The Positive Aspects of Media

Everything has its positive and negatives. The media has a tendency to be painted in a particularly bad light, and so I’d like to focus on its potentials in the development of human consciousness.

Mat Spiritual1            A part of modern day media that I’d like to speak about is the influential contenders, which really blossomed on social networking sites. Alternative news contenders like collective evolution, spirit science, mind unleashed, and so forth, are groups that saw an opportunity to be really effective in making a difference to the way we receive daily influence through scrolling our Facebook newsfeeds, and made a significant move closer to the change we’re all pointing towards.

            And for this I salute them! They continue to provide a daily dose of inspiration in what could be seen as one of the most important media aspects of the generation. After all, most of us today periodically attend to our devices to absorb information which serves as an influential contributor to which we conduct our days activities; lives, and accordingly usher in the next age of the planet for the rest of us. 

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Let's Go Furthur

jack OBE AugI have previously covered in somewhat short order, the topics of the vibrational state and the emotion of fear in my previous columns. As you progress in the act of getting out of body, there are two topics you will find to be both of great importance, and also something that can hold you back quite easily in your progression to achieving your out of body experience. Because of this, I want to cover these two topics in more depth than I did before.

            The vibrational state, or what I call the vibes, are down right scary. If you are lucky enough to go through your obe attempts and find yourselves out, you are fortunate. But remember, even if you do emerge out of body without going through the vibes; remember that in time, usually a short time, you shall be confronted with them.

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Media and Prosperity

Spiritual 00 LEDo you think that media and prosperity are linked? In our day-to-day life, media, some perhaps more positive than others, bombards us. We have news that has the ability to fuel most of us in terms of outrage, and we have gossip/ celeb media that can draw us in. So the negative gives us a feeling of frustration, outrage, anger etc. and then we have the gossip/celeb media that entice us to have an opinion, and this opinion has feelings attached to them as well, whether positive or negative. So what we can agree on is that, all that is portrayed in the media has an emotional impact if we choose for it to.

Now if we take the different emotions we experience into account only on media issues, excluding all other emotions we have in our daily space, concerning our work, home and family lives, we find that they are rather intense most of the time. If you are watching a devastating story about the murder of a young child, you become as enraged as the persons discussing the issue, you become the judge, jury and executioner all in that moment, sharing in the shock and horror of the event. If you happen to watch something a celebrity has done that you do not agree with, or was wearing something you did not approve of, this creates for you to have an opinion, judgment, and comment.

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Media -A Special Feature with James Hyman

SIM Aug.Media HymanIt’s not everyday that we get to sit down with the one and only James Hyman. But this rare event took place last week, and we were able to discuss into great depth this thing called media. James held nothing back, just as we hoped, and gave us some extremely deep insights into just how media is used globally, what it means for humanity, and how we must use these resources as a means of growth, while continuing to balance our individual and collective existence in this world.

Once again, a highly informative and charming conversation unfolds between Hyman in Los Angeles; William May in South Florida, and Dr. Joseph Kenneth in central Chile, as each of them share their thoughts and experiences, making for a quite unique and entertaining special feature.

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Seven Ways to Connect With Your Intuition

Katy AugBannerYour intuition is your divine guidance and connection to your Higher Self, your all-knowing, complete self.  It is your personal GPS system to help you navigate through your life.  It helps keep you on your life path.  IT SPEAKS IN A SOFT, QUIET VOICE.  Because it is subtle, we often miss it or don’t feel like we hear it clearly.  Your intuition comes from your heart, solar plexus area, your tactile awareness and in between your thoughts.

The following techniques will help you to connect to your intuition:

  1. Live a high vibrational, high consciousness life - This means living in AUTHENTICITY & WITH GENUINENESS.  These type of feelings, due to their high level of frequency, create fluidity and expansiveness in your energetic anatomy.  They open and clear your energetic pathways so that you can more fully hear your intuition.
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Gnostic Horoscope -August

Pinkham astrologyAs we move into August the Sun continues its transit through Leo it began in July. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are also in Leo, so all activities related to Leo - games, sports, parties, investments, love affairs, creative pursuits - will continue to draw your interest. Love affairs can still flourish, but you might find it hard for your love relationship to evolve to the next level because Venus will be in retrograde motion all month. The active, sporting and sexual nature of Leo will shine on, however, especially after the 9th ,when the planet of activity and passion, Mars, enters the sign of the lion. The day before, on the 8th, Mercury moves into Virgo, so consider directing your intellectual prowess into writing and studying the rest of the month. Are there books you need to read for the next semester of school? If Mercury in Virgo does not motivate you, then wait a couple of days for the planet Jupiter to enter the sign on the 11th, and then continue there for an entire year. Jupiter will also greatly increase your intellectual powers besides making all intellectual pursuits and studies much more inspiring and uplifting. After the 23rd, the Sun will join

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Inside The Astral

Inside the Astral banner copy 2

At the suggestion of our own William May, we have decided to kick off a regular video series for you titled inside the astral. Because the L*B*T is a spiritual community based in the out of body experience, we felt it was both valuable and necessary to begin sharing actual experiences from within the astral, as well as reveal many of the real techniques used to engage in spiritual evolution within the astral. It is with great joy that I deliver the following video production to you, and am certain it will inspire and evolve all who engage in its deeper teachings. Within this feature, you will not only be given a taste of the rich history from deep within the Egyptian and Shaman traditions, but also be given the methods to be in the presence of advanced spiritual beings within the astral. Serious methods for serious seekers are given here. 

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Media and Advertising -How are you Influenced?

JKmedia1What makes something seem important to you? What spawns, and then influences the decisions you make? From small decisions like choosing the cloth you buy and wear, to major decisions like whom you marry and how many kids you will have? I ask, are you consciously aware of why you make each decision in your life? And to be completely blunt, to what degree have you simply followed the collective stream of social patterns throughout your entire life?

In today’s modern world, we cannot so much as get out of bed, and not somehow be affected my media and advertising. It is quite a common thing now to sleep next to our smart phone, and habitually check our emails and messages even before getting out of bed in the morning.  Here, we may see media streams, advertising, and what’s “trending”. And depending on where you look online in the morning, you may even be given a level of fear to carry with you each day based on global and local tragedies.

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Media- The Editor's Column

SIM Aug.Media


For more than a century, man has been experiencing a proliferation, not only of technology, but also of information.  It is not merely that we have so much more information today than we did in the past (though, we certainly do: it is estimated that every few days the amount of information human beings generate increases the total by as much as the total amount of information all of humanity had created up until the year 2003), but also in terms of how that information is shared.  We have gone from a society with only a few outlets for expression (written works, live events, and physical objects like art and historical artifacts) to one with many (radio, television, video games, podcasts, internet forums and videos, and on and on).  We have developed the ability to transfer information across the world almost instantly, created new forms of entertainment, and have, in so doing, changed the world.

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