Joseph Spiritual 22I was struck with inspiration in its truest form last week, as I attended my seven-year-old nieces birthday party. The message from my inner voice rang just as clear as it does within a meditation. Celebrate life! I couldn’t ignore this phrase, as I watched nearly twenty children enjoying an afternoon filled with a magic show, a bounce house, a swimming pool, amazing foods, and the company of each other.

            Truth be told, I had planned to release a quite different piece of writing for this month’s issue of death and rebirth. I had intended to present an over view of the souls journey through the twelve signs of the zodiac in a reincarnation sequence to reunite with source. And while that message still nears a later release, I felt clearly instructed to put it on a back burner as I watched these youngsters celebrating the miracle of living.


 Joseph Spiritual 23 png           As I closely observed the actions and words of each child, I found a certain irony in the fact that adults “teach” children. While it is are job to responsibly guide them in to a successful adult experience, the truth is, that we could learn more from a child than we care to admit. At one point, as I watched a small conflict arise beside the pool, I heard my niece say ever so calmly to her friends in divergence, “chicas, asi no es como resolver los conflictos.”  Bare in mind, she’s now just seven, telling her friends literally; girls, this is not how conflicts are resolved, as she reached out to join their hands together.

            As the festivities continued, I only felt more inspired. The untainted playfulness, the uninhibited freedom to laugh, and just be themselves was simply extraordinary. As adults, we generally use the crutches of substances to create this same state of social comfort, as our experience has somehow closed off a part of our personal freedom to openly communicate. We become outwardly bold as we mature, perhaps for the purpose of social defense, but in reality, we become more inwardly shy, due to repeated experiences of embarrassment, and subscribing to the illusions of meeting the social standards of success and happiness. None of this overly complicated “adult” business was present here!  In fact, I took deep breaths of comfort just being in a place where it was temporarily absent.

            I realize that the child experiences far less stress compared to an adult, who is given the abrupt responsibilities of providing for, and supporting themselves and their families. And while this may be true, the child, who effortlessly carries the spiritual gifts of innocence and inner freedom, is where I want to focus here with you.

            Death and rebirth was the subject matter given to us this month. And celebrating the rebirth portion of this meaningful cycle of existence is something that we have not yet examined. So what exactly is rebirth, or a new life?  Weather we realize it or not, when any living thing in nature procreates, it is in fact replicating itself, and it’s own DNA coding, to ultimately extend the existence of its species. Humankind, whether procreating intentionally or recreationally, has indeed survived through the most fundamental act of nature driving its polarized counterparts to unite through the release of sexual energies. In this manner, nature does not fail.

Spiritual 24             Because rebirth is such a common occurrence, as thousands of new babies are born every day, it can often be overlooked that we, as humans, are recreating ourselves through our offspring. The error we commit, is in believing that “we” are the body we inhabit within any given lifetime.  One thing I recommend to any student or seeker, who begins working with me at a serious level, is to begin seeing humanity as one collectively evolving body. This gradually resolves much of the inner struggle we have with our self and the world at large. And it ultimately puts the seeker in a place of understanding that within this collective human body, just like the billions of cells within the single human body, there is a constant elimination and renewal of life. And at no time whatsoever, does the collective organism decease. Rather through this rejuvenation, it actually thrives, as with all living universal matter.

            So lets think for a moment from this collective perspective, and abandon the “me” and “my personal existence” thinking for a second. Would it seem a bit ironic that we invest vast amounts of money in stem cell research, nearly obsessed with naive illusions of physical immortality, and considerably less attention on educating children around the world adequately? Or perhaps even a bit backwards to not cherish each new live walking on this planet as the actual restoration of our own existence, in the literal sense?

 Spiritual reflection           I always considered myself somewhat clear on this perspective, realizing my own conscious immortality through the extensions of life, but what I felt seeing these youngsters celebrating their very existence, was a momentous instant for me. Rebirth, new life, throughout all species, and all planes of existence, is nothing less than the continuation of a reality. I challenge anyone reading this today, to not only look into the eyes of your own children or grandchildren’s eyes, but to look into the eyes of every child, and see your own life extended through their very presence. Feel what they openly feel, love how they innocently love, laugh and dream as they do, unreservedly exploring their world, and know that life, in it’s truest sense, continues through each new conception. Cherish the youth, and stay young at heart until it provides your last breath.

Dr. Joseph Kenneth


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