Channeling post


The Ten Steps for Channeling

 Jonette Crowley is an internationally known channel of White Eagle and Mark – both are high Masters from the White Brotherhood.  She has been channeling since the late 1980’s and has taught hundreds of people how to connect with their own guidance.  She gives talks and private readings with White Eagle.  She teaches regular courses in being a multi-dimensional human with her guide Mark. 

 In order to encourage you and support you in strengthening your own guidance Jonette is providing these steps/guidelines for channeling.  There is so much more that can be said, but this can begin to help you along your way.

 Jonette is author of The Eagle and The Condor: A True Story of An Unexpected Mystical Journey

 1.  Create an Inner “Meeting Space”

Create a neutral, beautiful, clear and high vibrational meeting place in your mind/imagination in which to invite your guide(s) or highest self.  In the beginning it may be easiest to do this at a regular time and place in your day.

 2.  Call in Your Guidance

Relax in this space until you feel aligned with its high-energy field.  With intention call your highest and best guide (or aspect of your highest self) into this meeting 3  Ask that it make its presence strong enough that you can “see” or otherwise sense it easily.

3.  Feel/Sense the Connection

Gently wait, without trying too hard, for an energy shift, a sense or an inner vision that indicates your guidance has entered the space.  Remember the feelings may be very subtle and you may feel that “it is just my imagination”, or “I am making it up”.  Your guidance will generally communicate to you through your random thoughts and flashes of pictures, in your own voice.  Be open and patient.  Play and trust.  Struggle and self-doubt will take you out of the high space you have established.  Guides often feel light with a good sense of humor. 

4.  Learn More About Your Guidance

When you do sense something ask it to come closer, connect more, get stronger.  Notice what you feel.  Do you feel expanded?  Open hearted?  A warm sense of reconnection?  Goosebumps?  Lighter?  Smiling?  With open minded curiosity observe/examine this being.  Remember it may be a separate entity, or a higher aspect of your greater self.  Neither matters because ultimately we are all one.  Ask inner questions.  Does it feel male?  Female?  Does it matter?  (Not all guides have a gender.)  What is its nature?  Is it angelic?   An earth/nature spirit?  Galactic/ET?  Part of you?  A Native or ancient Wise One?  Another kind of helping being?  What is its purpose working with you?  Have you known/worked with this guide before?  If more than one guide shows up, ask to work with the best communicator.

 5.  Is It The Highest and Best?

channel 1

Once you’ve established a sense of connection test that it is the highest and best guide for you at this time.  Simply ask the question telepathically.  Feel/sense/listen:  is the answer yes or no?  Does the presence stay strong or shrink with this question?  Because you’ve established a high vibrational meeting place only the Truth can be communicated.  No being can lie to you here.  If the answer is no, thank this entity and go back to step 2.  (Sometimes the beings are testing you.)

 6.  Guide’s Name or Identifier

Ask the entity what its name is, or in what way you can identify it.  Sometimes no name pops in but you see a color, or sense a tickle or other sensation in your body.  That is its identifier to you.  If you just hear a sound or a part of a word, play with it until it feels like the right one for now.  Note:  You can’t get the wrong name.  Guides are energy fields and they don’t really have names.  It is as if you and it jointly agree to call it something.  Consider it a nickname established for comfort and convenience.  Don’t doubt or worry too much about this step.  If you don’t get anything simple, ask, “Can I call you ‘High Guide’ for now?”  Sense if you get a ‘yes’ or ‘no’ response.

 7. Gate Keeper Guide


I strongly advocate establishing this highest and best guide as your ‘Gate Keeper’.  White Eagle is my Gate Keeper, my main man.  No random entity, or passed-over-spirit can come to me except through White Eagle’s agreement and his high-energy field.  This establishes strong, safe borders between you and the spirit world.  It prevents spirits from using you just because you’re open.  A Gate Keeper will keep you from dropping into a trance or open space when it isn’t safe or appropriate.  Ask the guide that you have established contact with, “Will you please be my Gate Keeper?”  Wait until you sense a ‘yes’ or a ‘no’.  If it is ‘no’, thank the guide and state clearly that you are seeking the highest and best guide who can also be your Gate Keeper for now.  Go back to step 2. I have only channeled 2 other energies.  Mark, a cosmic being who has never been on Earth, and Ashtatara, the Queen of Atlantis.  Both came in while or immediately after I channeled White Eagle.  When I teach a channeling class, or when you follow these guidelines, White Eagle also serves as your Gate Keeper…until you establish your own.  Use this Gate Keeper.  You tell it how you want it to work with you and keep you safe.

 8.  Dialogue

Now start asking easy, perhaps yes/no questions and listening or feeling the answers.  Once this is going well move tochannel 5 questions with more complex answers.  Wait, sense the answers.  Often the answers will come in a flash of a picture, an association, a sudden remembering of something you’ve read.  Very rarely will the answer be a clear voice in your head.  Asking clear, concrete questions is the key.  The answers may come later. 

 9.  Multiple Guides or No Clear Guide

If several guides come in acknowledge them, ask them what their roles are but establish the strongest or best communicator as your key, Gate Keeper guide.  Not all guides are good talkers.  Some may be there just to heal you or love you.

-         If you don’t get a clear sense of a guide act as if you did, or address your questions to God or the Universe.  Everyone has access to guidance or wisdom even if you don’t find you can channel.

-         Changing of the guard:  Sometimes you will first get a ‘training guide’.  This is a guide whose energy fits you better in the beginning.  Their job is to prepare your physical body and energy field for a higher guide later.  My first guide was Red Feather.  He prepared me to hold the hugeness of White Eagle.  Both Red Feather and White Eagle are there to help you.  Feel free to call on them – they’ve done a great job for me.

-         Keep practicing and trusting.  Remember, this is all part of a bigger path of spiritual growth.

 10.  Your Responsibility

-         You are always in charge.  These beings are guides, not directors or leaders of your life.  Do not make them into gods.  Do not give your power away.  They will always be there when you ask but they should not be running your life.  Ultimately the goal is for them to teach you how to find the love, wisdom and guidance on your own so you won’t need to rely on them.  Channeling is only a stepping-stone to not needing to channel.

-         Be careful giving others unsolicited guidance or messages.  Generally people do not want to hear what you have to say unless they’ve asked you.  The way I work with White Eagle is that he never tells things unless he is asked.  That way the person receiving the ‘reading’ is actively participating in the knowledge transfer.  They want to know the answers.


-Jonette Crowley