-Velvet Star Chong 

b2ap3_thumbnail_nurseImages1.jpgI have been a Registered Nurse for almost 10 years now and have shifted from conventional medicine to a more complementary and alternative approach over the latter part. I had exposure to natural home remedies as a child, but being of a science mind, I looked for “proof” of such remedies.

I trusted what my nursing books said and the studies the pharmaceutical companies did because they sounded very valid. However, over time, I learned that there is more to a human than a physical body and that there were missing pieces to the puzzles that were presented at these medical institutions. Many times, I would hear the doctors saying to patients statements that did not seem right, but were easier than explaining that we were all different and that we didn’t all fit in the same square box that the studies said we should.

I also learned that many of these books and studies were funded by companies that were benefiting financially by the information they were “selling” to us. Things were no longer as black and white as they once seemed. For example, I remember one solution that the doctors would inject in a body part that would sometimes result in a side effect that was not listed on the label. The doctor would just say their adverse reaction had nothing to do with “his shot” and send them home. However, the patient was certain it did, as they did nothing else out of the ordinary. I finally inspected the tiny insert that came with the medication (that no one ever seems to look at and comes with all medications), only to find that they had only studied roughly 700 patients with this solution.


If there are 7 billion people in the world, how can we say that a reaction that did not happen to one of these 700 could not possibly happen to anyone else? The solution was not studied enough and was most likely pushed by the manufacturer to be approved by the FDA before it was ready to be. This happens quite often, as the manufacturer has insurance that protects them in case the medication does do harm and in such cases it is just recalled (with no mind about those who were harmed by being the guinea pigs). In their defense, they were just “practicing medicine.”

b2ap3_thumbnail_nurseImages2.jpgBeing in pain management for years and listening to the complaints of patients that returned over and over for painful procedures without getting lasting relief also disturbed me. I did not believe that the God that created us all would be okay with chronic suffering. Plus, I knew that pharmaceuticals had only been around for about a hundred years and there was always a side effect to the positive effect. What about this whole world of natural medicine that had been around for thousands of years? It seemed reasonable to assume that if these live herbs had similar vibrations as we do that maybe they would “react” better with our bodies than manmade substances. Man has never been able to recreate this “light” that has been found in every living creature and substance on Earth. I believe this is the origin of all creation.

I witnessed Energy Medicine for the first time at a Holy Cross Hospital and was pleased with the patient satisfaction. I enrolled in the program and after a few years, reading many required Quantum Physics books and over a hundred cases, I became a Healing Touch Practitioner.

Healing Touch was one of many energy medicine modalities that were developed by a Registered Nurse that combined techniques from around the world into one program that just earned National Accreditation. I have worked with people that suffered for years with disabling anxiety by clearing their fields and teaching them to meditate and manage their stress after just a few sessions. I also treated many people in pain that were able to wean off of their addicting prescription medications and live in peace once again. One of the best things that happened was one of my cancer patients enrolled in the program himself and was able to tap into his own innate healing abilities (which will all were born with) so he could do to himself every day what he could only afford to receive from me every now and then.

I always teach techniques to my clients, as I want them to feel empowered in their own healing journey, but sometimes it takes awhile to really trust that they can do it themselves. We were not taught these skills at a young age and have always went to others to heal from illnesses and pain. This is one reason I am passionate about teaching children these abilities at a young age. My baby girl (under 2 years old) actually tried to join in when I was doing a session on my father. I lifted her up and let her put her hands on him and since I cannot see energy, I do not know what really happened, but I am pretty sure it was magical. She loves using my pendulum to test the energy of her water and food and even waved her hands over her best friend’s knee yesterday after a fall.

Although, energy medicine is my passion and I truly believe after reading, The Biology of Belief by Dr. Bruce Lipton that energy surpasses all substances, I still continue to learn about Ayurvedic, Chinese and Naturopathic medicines. I know that consuming living energetic foods and water also attribute to wellness and I strongly promote a life of clean and green living. I have found that it is much easier to prevent illnesses than to cure them. This is why I am so passionate about preventing the chronic diseases that are appearing in our youth today by feeding them whole foods and not processed packaged garbage.

This is the first generation that is said to have a shorter life span than their parents. If that is not a huge wake up call to all parents, what is? Sometimes even the best practitioners struggle with completely eliminating all the junk we have accumulated over the years in our physical, mental, emotional and spiritual bodies. I do still believe that we are all capable of healing from within, but it takes effort on the part of the patient and the practitioner. You cannot expect someone to just give you a magic pill or herb and you will be cured of all disease manifestations that you have developed over the years. You are responsible for your temple, which is your body, and what thoughts, foods and emotions you store or release.

I am happy to help you at any point in your healing journey. I truly love what I am here to do as I have found my soul’s purpose. No question or issue is too big or small.

Blessings from my heart to yours,

-Velvet Star Chong