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Hello and Thank You for taking a moment to read this piece on technology. As always, the information presented within is my own perspective on this matter. I only wish that this article would inspire you to find your own truth and experience it for yourself.

Let us begin with what is technology. We hear the word, and to mind comes forth images of airplanes, machines doing complicated tasks, the Internet, and men in labs discovering new things.

Technology is defined as: the collection of techniques, methods or processes used in the production of goods or services or in the accomplishment of objectives, such as scientific investigation. Technology can be the knowledge of techniques, processes, etc. or it can be embedded in machines, computers, devices and factories, which can be operated by individuals without detailed knowledge of the workings of such things.

Going by this definition of technology, we can say that something as simple as washing a stain off the kitchen floor using gloves, soap, water, sponge, heat, and friction, (rubbing action) is technology, “collection of techniques, methods or processes used in the accomplishment of an objective.” Then there are the common known examples, cars, planes, computers, machines etc. In essence, technology helps us achieve a desired outcome. “I wish to travel from point A to point B I can walk, ride a bike, drive a car, fly a plane, and so forth.” The human vehicle itself is a technological marvel, allowing souls to incarnate and experience life in this dimension using a body that was made from this dimensional frequency. We use technology every day and in ways that we never even think of.

Perhaps the title of the article, do’s and don’ts, is a bit misleading. In the grand scheme of things, all is allowed for all is just an experience, there is no wrong or right, but that is not to say we can be reckless with our actions. While there is no wrong or right and all is allowed there is a sense of direction, every day we are presented with choices, that will ultimately either raise our vibration or lower it and while one is not better than the other, it is my belief that ultimately we are all trying to raise our vibrations. For when we do so, we feel good, lighter, faster and so forth.

igor11So with technology, we have experienced a BOOM this last half-century or so, with new inventions being created and rediscovered at a phenomenal rate. We have entered the information age. Many of these inventions have helped our daily task and made lives easier, and yet many people are still suffering. Materialism and greed is widespread, and many people in the world are gray in the face. This is due to the fact that we have been misusing technology, and abusing it. Bare in mind that technological inventions and marvels are both direct reflections of humankind’s level of consciousness. So as our goal is to expand our awareness of the greater reality, so should our technological inventions and uses mirror that goal. In some examples, we see that being the case, and in many others, we see quite the opposite. Humankind has become engrossed in technology everywhere we go, myself included. We all remain connected to our cellphones, and while these serve a wonderful need of connecting us instantaneously across vast distances, we also use these for self-aggrandizement and material gain, “I have got to have the newest IPhone, I have got to have the newest android with the fastest processor, my coworkers have one I MUST I MUST I MUST.

We use our social media for instant recognition and approval from others throughout our day. For example  - sending aigor 1 photo to say, “oh look I’m eating waffles for breakfast, oh look there’s a long line at the store I’m SOOO PISSED OFF, oh look I’m single again IM GETTING WASTED.” We need to express these thoughts and our activities with others to feel connected because we feel so alone and isolated in our own worlds, so when others comment on our lives, we feel good, our brains release dopamine every time someone likes or comments on our statuses, and this in turn builds a base platform for social media addiction. Energetically, the addiction is karmic in nature, in the sense that an individual is seeking the outside approval for their actions and their day-to-day appearance. (selfies anyone?)

What about T.V shows or Video games? Many of us have been there, not to say these technologies are evil inherently, but the intention with which they igor 2are used can be used to gain KARMA. Many of us in western society work long stressful hours, and when we get home and unwind, there are a plethora of TV shows to take our focus elsewhere. Or perhaps some video games where we can run around and shoot some people, or are a wizard, or a racecar driver. But these habits too, also form the underlying basis of addiction on a daily basis. In essence, what begins to happen is that instead of dealing with our problems, or releasing our stress in a beneficial manner, we use these venues of technology, and become addicted to them. They in return, numb us energetically, and suppress, not heal our stresses. This is in essence the same mechanism of action as if we were taking medications and drugs to numb us, albeit in a slightly more subtle manner.

We use technology to literally kill people, and at the same time, we use technology to effectively save people. And quite ironically, we can even use technology to help us out spiritually. There are meditation soundtracks, healing frequencies galore, spiritual gatherings online, as well as many esoteric teachings available all at our fingertips. Its as if we need merely wish to find it, and we will on our computer screen. Technology can be used to further you along on your spiritual journey, or it can be used as a trap, and distract you from the important things in your life.

igor 3As stated previously technology is merely an extension of our consciousness, and it comes down to the intention with which we use this technology. As a quick example: A person of spiritual standing within his/her local community begins to make spiritual advice videos, if the persons intentions are pure, and only wish to help others, this a productive means of using technology. On the other hand, if the individual does for the recognition, and fame to increase their spiritual standing/status, then they may have been better off helping others behind the scenes, where the temptation of ego fulfillment would not have been as present. As stated, the choice is, and always will be up to us, to remember the technology, and experiences that come along with it, are never good or bad, just as electricity has no inherent standing, it just is. It comes down to our individual intentions with which we choose to employ certain technologies and for what outcome. Always the power and choice is in the individual’s hands.

            All is connected, All is in communion, & so it is.

            Igor Rybchinskiy


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