
Gnostic Insights

Gnostic Insights with Mark Amaru Pinkham is a section of Spiritualists International Magazine dedicated specefically to the teachings of ancient Gnostic wisdom and practices.

Gnostic Horoscope -August

Pinkham astrologyAs we move into August the Sun continues its transit through Leo it began in July. Mercury, Venus and Jupiter are also in Leo, so all activities related to Leo - games, sports, parties, investments, love affairs, creative pursuits - will continue to draw your interest. Love affairs can still flourish, but you might find it hard for your love relationship to evolve to the next level because Venus will be in retrograde motion all month. The active, sporting and sexual nature of Leo will shine on, however, especially after the 9th ,when the planet of activity and passion, Mars, enters the sign of the lion. The day before, on the 8th, Mercury moves into Virgo, so consider directing your intellectual prowess into writing and studying the rest of the month. Are there books you need to read for the next semester of school? If Mercury in Virgo does not motivate you, then wait a couple of days for the planet Jupiter to enter the sign on the 11th, and then continue there for an entire year. Jupiter will also greatly increase your intellectual powers besides making all intellectual pursuits and studies much more inspiring and uplifting. After the 23rd, the Sun will join

Mercury and Jupiter in Virgo, which should make you an intellectual stalwart during the end of August and much of September! It's a great time to take that class, go back to school, or write that book you've been putting off!   


Important days in August:

August 13th - Sun trine Uranus: An excellent time for parties and gatherings. Any sporting events or outside adventures will be exciting. You may receive some sudden money from an investment on this day, and your powers of creativity will be heightened.

August 26th - Sun conjunct Jupiter in Virgo: Excellent day for any kind of intellectual work, and you may get some powerful inspiration to embark on a new intellectual pursuit.  Expect some good fortune in regards to health and your job.   

August 29th - Full Moon in Pisces: Excellent time for all spiritual pursuits, especially meditation and receiving intuitive knowledge and guidance.   

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Astrology with Mark Amaru Pinkham

Seven Ways to Connect With Your Intuition
Inside The Astral

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