Illuminating Insights

With Joseph Kenneth (Viña Del Mar, Chile)

Music -Occult Rituals Revealed

SIM Cover OctIt’s a common practice in nearly every spiritual tradition to use music to show reverence within the ceremonial moments of the practice. Weather we look at Tibetan monks groaning in unison from the depths of their throats high in the Himalayas, a congregation of Christians singing sweet harmonies in an old church house, or the piercing cries of the American Indian at a tribal pow wow, the use of music has no doubt become the central focus of most spiritual worship.

            When the mind, body, and soul, work in unison to perform this action of singing, something far deeper than spoken word transpires. I completely understand that some readers will find this common knowledge, and others may be uncovering something new here, but no matter where you reside in the scale of musical understandings, (yes pun) I invite you to take a little explorative journey with me into the far lesser known forms of musical worship.

            I want to address the use of music and chant in the occult spiritual practice this month, because I am certain, that the songs and chant used in ritual magic remain both hidden and misunderstood by most. Occult, by definition, entails some thing hidden or unknown, so I wanted to make a few less accessible songs and sounds available to our readers here, in hopes of revealing something slightly absent.

            Language is a strange thing. The sounds that resonate from our vocal chords, to vibrate over our tongues, as our mouth shapes their meaning, are more than we generally realize them to be. Most present day languages have modified, transformed over time, been carried across oceans, and embody far less spiritual qualities than the root languages they stem from. This isn’t to say our words have no meaning, and carry no valuable frequency, but it does mean that when using chant and song in the occult world, we generally use a quality of language far greater than our languages of today.

            I will be specifically addressing the qualities of three spiritually sacred languages. These will include Vedic Sanskrit (Language of the Gods), ancient Hebrew (Language of Formation), and Enochian (Language of the Angles). There are certainly others in this category of ancient tongue that carry equally valuable meaning and tone, but I will be focusing on these three primary tongues for our purposes here today.


            The original Sanskrit, or Vedic Sanskrit, is still recognized by the Sages as the language of the Gods. It is also understood in Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism, that the ancient mantras of this language create a specific effect in the psyche of the individual using them. The mantras are also understood to carry a frequency and tone that pierce deeper into the fabric of reality, shifting its very nature through prayer and intention.

            Ancient Hebrew, as it is understood particularly in the texts of the Sepher Yetzirah, is the very language of formation. Rather than recap the teaching by my own pen, I place here the opening verses of Chapter II of the ancient text;


1. The foundations are the twenty-two letters, three mothers, seven double, and twelve single letters. Three mothers, namely A, M, SH, these are Air, Water, and Fire: Mute as Water, Hissing as Fire, and Air of a spiritual type, is as the tongue of a balance standing erect between them pointing out the equilibrium which exists.

2. He hath formed, weighed, transmuted, composed, and created with these twenty- two letters every living being, and every soul yet uncreated.

3. Twenty-two letters are formed by the voice, impressed on the air, and audibly uttered in five situations, in the throat, guttural sounds; in the palate, palatals; by the tongue, linguals; through the teeth, dentals; and by the lips, labial sounds.

            Be certain, when using these precise and sacred sounds in prayer, the focused individual quite literally produces a manifestation power through the frequency of their own speech.

            And finally, our third language of focus, and possibly lesser known, is the tongue of Enochian. Discovered by John Dee and Edward Kelly through an intense seven year study and mystical communications with angelic beings, is said to be the Language of the Angels. By skrying into an obsidian mirror, detailed messages were transcribed by angelic beings, and then noted by Dee and Edwards to develop the language and tones used today throughout the occult world.  Since its beginnings in the 16th century, Enochian tongue has been developed into an intricate and effective form of ceremonial magic, and has been used over the years by many great mystics and magicians.

            So, having touched ever so briefly on the three languages of Sanskrit, Hebrew, and Enochian, lets move on to look at a few meditations and rituals that are uses in the occult world to create authentic spiritual magic, and spiritual connections. I encourage you to look deeper into each of these languages right after reading this column, that they might be understood completely while you practice the following.

            So lets begin with a few Sanskrit Mantras. As you read, and then chant the following, remain aware that you are actually using the same sounds spoken by the Sages and many great Mystics over time. Do not diminish the quality of these sacred sounds by any means. Use them deep within your private meditations with connotation and purpose. Also bare in mind that you are reading excerpt texts here from the concealed libraries of the IOGT (International Order of Gnostic Templars)

Lets begin with a classic salutation to Shiva, containing five syllables. Each syllable corresponds to one of the five elements creating the body. Air, Fire, Water, Earth, and Akasha)

Sanskrit Mantras:

“Om Namah Shivaya, Om Namah Shivaya,, Om Namah Shivaya”. (Three times)

Next, a Kundalini based mantra, said to awaken the serpent power and engender inner alchemical transformation. The words are a mirror image of each other, meaning, “I am, that I am”

Hamsa - So’Ham.”

A powerful Sanskrit mantra said to open the heart chakra:

“Ma Om “

And a heart activation mantra uniting male female polarity is: “Om mani padme hum”

Here are a few other mantras you can use while active or in meditation:

1. “Om Parashaktyai Namaha” 

2. “Om Ganeshaya Namaha” 

3. “Om Kundalinyai Namaha”

I leave here a video with some soothing Sanskrit chant for your enjoyment and advantage.

            Advancing onward into our Hebrew chants, I offer a highly powerful and effective meditative practice used by most in the occult world to unite their polarities and find a centering in their heart center. (Tipereth)

            It’s known in the occult and Kabbalistic world as the Middle Pillar Exercise, and it’s just that, a meditative sequence of events that energizes the center stem of the Tree of Life.

The Middle Pillar Exercise:

From within a deep meditative state, place full awareness just above your head. This is the position of Kether, or Crown, upon the tree of life.

Begin chanting: Eh-hey-yay “I am”

Having understood this mantra, gently move your full awareness down into your brow. This is the location of Da’at upon the tree of life.

Begin chanting: Yod-hey-vav-hey, El-oh-heem “The Lord God”

Having understood this mantra, gently move your awareness down into your heart center. This is the location of Tipereth upon the tree of life.

Begin chanting: Yod-hey-vav-hey, El-oh-ah-v’-dah-ath “Lord God of Knowledge”

Having understood this mantra, then place your awareness below your navel. This is the location of Yesod upon the tree of life.

Begin chanting: Shah-dye-el-chai “Almighty Living God”

Having understood the truth in all of these mantras, as they reflect into your entire being through each mantra, finally place your full awareness at the perineum. The area located between your genitals and anus.

Begin chanting: Ah-doe-nye-ha-ah-retz “Lord of Earth”

With your middle pillar fully engaged through each of these sacred mantras, begin bouncing your awareness from side to side, left to right, of your body. Feel then energetic currents begin to flow between your two polarities.

Then begin shifting your awareness from front to back, behind and in front of you. Notice an even stronger current of energies merging into, and out of, your middle pillar.

And finally, jolt your awareness back into Kether, the crown above your head, and feel a showering of energetic currents move slowly down your entire body as it tingles with balanced divine forces.

Bathe in this energetic current for a moment, and close your meditation by placing full awareness back into your heart center. Notice you newly cleansed and perfectly balanced aura radiating strongly out into your environment with a God like presence.

Making this particular ritual a regular practice will bare amazing results in your life. It will evolve your psyche, and enlighten your entire existence.

I place here a video example of the powerful exercise given here for those who seek to gain the benefits of this type of practice.

            The third and final example of occult chant that I share is not only a personal favorite of mine, but an actual song used by many spiritual and magical orders. The song is typically used while walking in a clockwise circle around a ritual space to build the energies therein. As a general note, when objects and elements move in a clockwise fashion, energy is intensified. When objects and elements move in a counter clockwise motion, energy is diminished.

            Its also worth mentioning that this exact sequence of words can be found in the initiation studies of The Secret Order of The Great Brother Hood of God, in which they use these specific quasi-Enochian words, called the “Moon Language” Weather you’re a spiritual magician or not, I challenge you to find some private time outdoors this month during the twilight hours, and chant the following while walking clockwise in a sacred circle. I would love to hear about your experience with this if you’re new to it. And if your inspired to really nail this powerful song, your can look here for the exact pronunciations of Enochian words and letters:

Following the rhythm indicated here:

Joseph Chant 1







Chant the following:

“Mu   pa-te        la       i,       Tu   wa-me       la      i,       A       A,        A

 Tu     fu-tu         lu       u,      Tu   fu-tu          lu      u       Pa     Sa,      Ga


 Qui   mu-te       la       i        Ya   pa-me       la       i       U       U,        U.

 Se     gu-me      la       i        Pe   fe-te          la       i,      Fu      Tu,      Lu


 O     chi-ba     la        i,       Wa  pa-me       la       i,      Ut       Ut       Ut

Ge    fu-la        tra      i,       Le   fu-ma        la       i,      Kut     Hut,    Nut


 A     rel-o        a        i,       Rel  a-mo         a        i,      Ti       Ti,       Ti

Wa   la-pe       la       i,       Tu   fu-la          ta       i,      Wi      Ni,       Bi”


English Translation:


Silence! The moon stands still.

That also was sweet

In the air, in the air, in the air!

Who will shall attain!

Who will shall attain!

By the moon, by myself, by the angel!


Now silence ceases,

The moon waxes sweet,

The hour of initiation, initiation, initiation,

My own Will is ended,

For Will hath attained.


Behold the Lion-child swims

And the moon reels:

It is Thou, Thou, Thou

Triumph, the will retreats,

The strong Will that staggered

Before Ra Hoor Khuit!-Hadit!-Nuit?


To the God OAI

Be praised

In the end and the beginning:

And none may fall

Who will attain

The Sword, the Balance, and the Crown.


I place here part I of a lecture into the background of John Dee and his recordings of the Enochian language system. I highly recommend that anyone reading this spend time today to complete this lecture, and can guarantee you will understand your existence in a new way when finished. This is quite interesting indeed for those who choose to look deeper!


            While there are many thousands, if not more, methods of invoking the sacred aspect of this universe through song and chant, I have provided here what serve as some of the most direct and powerful methods of touching what lies beyond this third dimensional slice of reality. We are so easily brought to believe that there is nothing beyond what our physical senses detect. But as we use sacred words, chants, and ultimately, the gift of music, we are able to communicate with what is beyond our physical scope of detection. I urge you this month, stay connected to your divinity through these given exercises, as well as in your own meditations.  Use the miracle of music to inspire and evolve your self and your world.


-Dr. Joseph Kenneth

Music -Special Feature With Stacye Branché
Music -Attracting Your Twin Flame

Comments (2)

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Seriously awesome article here guys! This is like information overload! thank you. I will be working on my Enochian words for sure. The last lecture video really inspired me to learn more. I cant thank you enough for this level of information on...

Seriously awesome article here guys! This is like information overload! thank you. I will be working on my Enochian words for sure. The last lecture video really inspired me to learn more. I cant thank you enough for this level of information on a regular basis. Hard to find in other places

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This was like an information overload! Im still learning some of this stuff, but cant thank you enough for making it available here. Your awesome Joseph!!!

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