The Healing Place

Delivering real life insights and inspirations to heal, Angela Louise Catton is a true gift for us at Spiritualists International Magazine

Art -The Spiritual Path

Spiritualists International Magazine Angie 1 Art plays a very large part in the spiritual realm. It can comfort us at our lowest times, and it can inspire us to be the best that we can be in our lifetime. There is so much beauty to been seen, and through Art, we are able to express something quite magical, that not everyone is aware of.

            Art is self-expression; it helps us to focus on our lives, clear our minds, and also puts the magic out there. How you ask? Ok, I shall explain the best way I can. As you take a pen, paintbrush, or whatever your choice of item needed, crayon, anything you wish to draw or create with, you are expressing your inner child’s needs as you do so. When you express yourself on paper, you are saying to the universe, I am this powerful being using my talent to give you this colour and joy. You may choose to ask the universe, please bring me joy in return, and so it is. When you do Artwork guided by your souls need for outward expression, it’s a positive energy you put out to the universe, and you begin to receive more of this same positive energy as time passes.


Spiritualists International Magazine Angie 3            For instance, a child is never more so happy when they are handed a crayon and paper. Its like giving them the freedom to express themself fully on that blank canvas. The child is happy, and the colours they choose are an expression of how they child feel in that moment.

            They could apply dark or light colours, reflecting both their mood and personal perceptions of life at present.  Perhaps brown for the child who enjoys making mud pies in the garden. (I know I did and it was wonderful! Lol) The message here is to let your inner child play!

We sometimes go through life feeling deflated, and joyless. And we so often forget to let our inner child out to play. Art in any form lets your inner child play. This is as rather important, because as we do this, we are free, happy, and we remember what it’s like to be a child again.

            If you watch a child at play, in essence, it creates its own Art world while playing with its toys. A child is rarely sad. Why is that you say? Because it’s always looking for ways to create and be creative, and that’s what we lack as adults.


            We can also manifest our desires through art. Make a wish board by picking any pictures that’s related to your wish. If its love you desire, find pictures of lovers, & stick them on a piece of paper. Place it somewhere you see it every day. It will help draw love to you. Do you sometimes feel dull, empty, or board or fed up? This could be a sign you need to bring Art into your life as a form of inner joy through expression. We forget the value of artistic expression, until we do it, and yes sometimes we have to push ourselves, but it’s so worth it.

            It doesn’t matter what your Art is. Just make sure you take time for you; this is one of the most important things we can give ourselves in this life. It’s so easy to forget you need your me time! We get so lost in our everyday lives, and we can so easily get run down and tired without our “me time”.

 Spiritualists International Magazine Angie 2           You are important, don’t ever forget that. Making time for you and Art really is important. It doesn’t really matter if you don’t think you can paint or draw, as long as you are expressing yourself. Some days I even find myself doodling, and that is a form of art too.

            Everyone’s perception of art is different. For instance, I could paint something I thought looked like a butterfly. Ok to me, it’s beautiful, and amazing. But to you, it could look very different. We all see differently, what’s beautiful to me may not be to you, but never the less, we must givepraise to everyone’s artwork.

            The spirit world is full of colour. Colours we could only imagine. We may remember them from time to time, to express them in our artwork, and that in its self is a little piece of heaven you have brought to life. That’s a precious thing indeed.

            Art comes in many forms as said above. The more we express it, the more we can help our lives to be beautiful. Encourage your friends and family to try art. If you notice, they will probably draw something small and funny, and that’s the point. Hear them chuckle, which in turn makes you laugh too!  

            Good luck with your art projects in the future my friends. Happy is a heart full of art.

-Angela Louise Catton


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Comments (3)

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This makes total sense. Very nice article guys! :o:o

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I love this article, it explores the psychology behind why we express ourselves through art but also explains how we establish a spiritual connection between ourselves and the universe, and how important that is to self-happiness. Indeed Angie...

I love this article, it explores the psychology behind why we express ourselves through art but also explains how we establish a spiritual connection between ourselves and the universe, and how important that is to self-happiness. Indeed Angie Angel, Art is good for the heart.

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Totally Abi! My thoughts exactly. There really is an underlying connection that we have with the universe, and art has always been the gateway. When i give my six year old her colored pencils, she goes to a place in inner freedom and expression....

Totally Abi! My thoughts exactly. There really is an underlying connection that we have with the universe, and art has always been the gateway. When i give my six year old her colored pencils, she goes to a place in inner freedom and expression. I laughed as I read that part of the article, because its so spot on and true about kids. I love to watch her face light up as she is handed the tools to freedom thought such a simple means of pencils and paper. Who knew how simple happiness really could be?? lol

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