Illuminating Insights

With Joseph Kenneth (Viña Del Mar, Chile)

LBT -Featured Member!

LBT -Featured Member!

Each month, the Light Body Travelers Society features a special member in our community. Our mission here is to share the talents, gifts, and presence, of each beautiful human being within our spiritual community.

Through this special SIM feature, we share spiritual experiences and inspirations from members around the globe, remaining interactive, authentic, and in service to our members. We invite you to share your own light here by contacting us directly.

(All are welcome equally to share their spirit through this SIM feature)

This month, we feature Julie from our Light Body Travelers group in Florida, USA. She shares her amazing art and words to inspire us all.

Puddle, Push and Pull


me and dichro 003“Unable to sleep, I began working on a new fused glass project at 4:00 am this morning. The words puddle, push and pull kept coming into my head. Partly because this is the way the technique is done. You drop a small amount of paint onto the glass and with caution, not letting your miniscule brush touch the glass surface you puddle, push and pull the paint.

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I am getting familiar with this technique so I repeat these words often. There was also the buzz of adrenaline I was feeling from not getting enough sleep, my mind already in overdrive and my body latching onto that as well.   Whatever the reason they sang to me like a mantra and while I painted I thought more about these 3 words.

When I think of these words and how they relate to life, puddle brings to mind an image of something yielding, very yin and still. Being formless and one with everything, no beginning and no end. This is how I like to experience my sadhana, yielding to the breath on my yoga mat, not trying to accomplish anything but rather flow into what my body needs at that very moment with no attachments. Or, when I create my glass work and I just begin with very little thought to the outcome, showing up and letting spirit lead the way through the creation and additionally how I choose to have no attachments to the outcome when I meet my clients at the massage table. The feeling in my body when I think of the words push and pull, well it’s quite the opposite of what I just described…bringing forth a feeling of rigidity and tension. 

cluster earringsWatching as my ego manically bounces from one thought to the other trying to make something happen and being anything but organic. Interesting, these 3 words.

I certainly have experienced all 3 of these states of being and know where I prefer to spend my time. I wonder if you too puddle, push and pull?


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chili pepper 001 

 I invite you to visit my website to see my cool, hip, funky glass creations and also my Facebook page Funk Sister Gallery. If you like what you see please share it with your friends and family and do let me know you stopped by.”


Om shanti, om peace,



Special Feature with Mark Amaru Pinkham
Magical Sedona

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This is what I was searching for. I need to learn from your expierience.

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