Finding Your Purpose

Finding Your Purpose through Outdoor Recreation and Meditation – a Look at the Inspirational Aspects of the Outdoors.


Spiritual purposeLiving a modern lifestyle, especially if you live in a big city, imposes a great deal of challenges: doing many things at once, running from one place to another, commuting to work, taking care of family, etc. Before you realize it, your day is over and you feel drained of energy and exhausted, ready to curl up and sleep on the floor. This way of living can easily lock you up indoors, and despite all the seeming comfort, it may tax your wellbeing. Anxiety, chronic fatigue, and depression might very well move in that cozy place with you. 

It is so natural for us to be in our natural habitat – outdoors! It helps us relax, unwind, become aware of ourselves (provided that you don’t stare at your cell phone all the time), and perceive our reality in a whole different way. You have probably noticed that you begin to feel better when you hike for some time or walk barefoot on grass and look at the sky. These simple things make you feel free, and you may realize that, after all, things are not as bad as they seemed to you before. You begin to feel more like yourself. That feeling of ease and freedom is priceless and is worth every effort it may take to make it happen.


There has been extensive research on this subject and it points out over and over again how crucial it is for our vitality to regularly spend some time in nature. Some people even heal from chronic diseases astonishingly fast when reconnected to Mother Earth because she is our best doctor and a loving mother. And even though the importance of this connection is often overlooked nowadays, it is clear that we cannot function our best without it, no matter how elaborately we may try to fake it with our concrete jungles. I highly recommend watching a wonderful documentary “The Grounded” to learn about the research and the miracles that happened in people’s lives once they discovered their connection with the Earth.

Spiritual purpose 2 This connection to nature has many layers of intimacy and promises a vast array of benefits. A stroll in a small city park can give you that breath of fresh air that your body is craving. And it is fantastic if you can make it happen. For many people living in urban environments it is not just a pleasant getaway but a necessary measure to stay sane and survive. Nature’s healing vibe is their medicine.

Yet a hike in a spectacular and magical place like Sedona, where beauty of nature’s landscape blows your mind away with every step, suggests for a life-changing experience. Besides amazing views, Sedona is known for her special energy, locally called vortex sites. Powerful places like Sedona can be found all over our planet: Mt. Shasta, Mt. Kailash, and Stonehenge to name a few. The energy in these areas is unique and different. They are like meridian points on the body of our precious planet and have been revered as sacred for a reason. For centuries people have been reporting transformational experiences happening in their lives during or shortly after their visits to places of power.

Spiritual Purpose 3 In a place like Sedona, vortex sites are like gigantic amplifiers that are intricately connected to the energy grid of Mother Earth. Your intentions, your state of mind, and the specific sites you visit will define the experience you will have here. It can be a fountain of bliss, bringing intimate revelations of your life’s purpose and clarity about your path, or it can be an inner earthquake bringing your suppressed feelings and emotions to the surface. Both experiences will be beneficial for you after all, triggering some deep drastic changes in your life one way or another. Meditation is a powerful tool that can help you navigate these highly active energetic places with fun and ease. In fact, meditation anywhere in nature will positively impact your experience. It is a wonderful exercise for your mind that can greatly aid relaxation and help to become more receptive towards the subtle energies of the area, and keep you focused. A relaxed and balanced mind is the foundation for anyone’s wellbeing and health. One of many benefits of meditation is releasing stress and anxiety, and the good news is that absolutely any conscious adult can do it. Meditating in nature magnifies this benefit and recharges your batteries very fast, bringing a feeling of balance and peace into your life. Mother Earth can gently guide you to remove the layers that hide your true self, connecting you to your deep magnificent essence. Once you connect to that part of yourself, you will feel more comfortable to be yourself in any kind of situation and empowered to freely express your unique gifts.

I love what an elder of Arhuaco tribe, Calixto, has to say about this: “Everything in nature has a name and you can connect with everything.” Everything is consciousness – birds, all animals, trees, all plants, rocks, water, the entire planet, and the cosmos. If you connect to nature regularly, your life will be a blessing and an amazing journey full of love and joy. Now go outside and have fun


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Ask Leana -Exploring Your Own Spiritual Path

Comments (2)

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I love it! This was a great article. I almost think that spending time outdoors should be incorporated into medical treatments for illness and lack of motivation. Im another one of those people who credits the forces of nature for changing my...

I love it! This was a great article. I almost think that spending time outdoors should be incorporated into medical treatments for illness and lack of motivation. Im another one of those people who credits the forces of nature for changing my life for the better.

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I couldn't agree more bruno! I don't know where I would be without my connection to the forces of nature. Have you been to Sedona by chance? Most real energies!!

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