Illuminating Insights

With Joseph Kenneth (Viña Del Mar, Chile)

Celebrate your love in one another

There’s an age-old Hermetic law that brilliantly displays the law of attraction, and its resilient current that constantly carries certain aspects into, and out of our lives. Weather you are aware of these Hermetic laws or not, they still perfectly govern your existence both physically and spiritually.

law of attraction 1As spiritualists, we realize that most of, if not all of what manifests into our life, is an integral part of our selves. As we honor love and romance this month in the magazine, I wanted to take this opportunity to really focus on the importance of the ones we love, and specifically, our romantic partner.

This Valentines Day I encourage you to begin by profoundly analyzing the relationship you have with you partner, and reflect on exactly why this beautiful individual once entered your life. Ask yourself, what circumstances within my own essence harvested the energy to manifest this extension of myself, to help me continue this journey from a state of greater balance, and why?

This must be clearly answered and understood before you continue into the following exercise. So be bold right now, stop, close your eyes, and find the answer to these questions.

law of attraction 2

Weather we fully grasp the depth of what we are constantly attracting and repelling in our lives, there is a very real undercurrent that we must strive to remain aware of. Understand that your partner is quite literally an extended manifestation of you, and because of this, do not hesitate to openly express your deepest love each and every day. Yes, Valentines has become a day dedicated to honoring and re-kindling this burning love that requires constant respect, but we can also choose to live out this constant respect each day.

So let me offer a simple, yet profound, Valentines exercise for you and your beloved this day. Weather it be morning, mid day, or Joseph valentinesevening, I want you to set aside at least fifteen minutes of uninterrupted silence, in which you might stare in absolute silence into the eyes of this magnificent extension of yourself that is your partner. Look deeply into their eyes as you never have before, and see the totality of the universe resonating in the depths of their pupils. Know that you exist right there in them, and they exist right there in you.

Continue breathing deeply, abandoning all thoughts of your daily life. Forget the mortgage, car payments, the daily chores, the jobs, the bills, the income, the in-laws, the kids, the bank accounts, the groceries, the schedules, and all other responsibilities and relationships. Simply gaze calmly into the magnificent universe residing quietly within the eyes of this brilliant being before you. Know you are safe here; know you are in a place of absolute love within this perfect universe of your partner. They have attracted you, and you have attracted them. Remember the way you once felt when you would do anything just to gimps into their eyes, or share second of their time. This shining being is still yours today, and you will honor them in a way that strikes the heart of your being.

in loveWithin this moment, do not be afraid to tap into your deepest emotions, allowing them to surface and swell, as you realize just how important and beautiful this presence in front of you truly is. You have both attracted each other other into your existence on so many levels. Understand that you are nothing short of the creators of your path through this underlying power of attraction. May you and your partner never under estimate the reality of this power, and continue to honor the miracle of each other each and every day.

-Joseph Kenneth

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Comments (2)

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The simplest of exercises/gestures truly are the most profound/effective

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Wow, this is deep. Looking into the eyes of another is always a meaningful experience, but to do it in this way with your partner brings a new meaning. Thank you for this exercise in love. I will use this often, as i dont think we need a holoday...

Wow, this is deep. Looking into the eyes of another is always a meaningful experience, but to do it in this way with your partner brings a new meaning. Thank you for this exercise in love. I will use this often, as i dont think we need a holoday to exercise this kind of love.

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