Soul Evolution

Founder of Soul Evolution center and LBT co founder, Katy Simmone brings us her advanced spiritual gifts and insights . "Live your life from the inside out" has become her well known message, and she shows us how to do just this, and evolve into our best possible life.

All About Out-of-Body Experiences

astral women. copyI share the below based on the multitude of my own personal experiences with out-of-body experiences (OBEs) since my spiritual awakening in 2009. 


What is Out-of-Body?

There are many terms to describe OBEs.  This includes soul travel, astral travel, astral projection, spirit walking or lucid dreaming.  OBEs happen when a level of human consciousness is able to leave the physical body and travel to another non-physical dimensional reality or plane of existence.  Telepathically, I have heard that this level of human consciousness referred to as “Spirit.”.   It has also been referred to as the soul, the subtle body or the etheric body. For purposes of this article, it will be referred to as “consciousness”.

OBEs can occur spontaneously or be induced with intention.  The application of the phrase “Mind awake, body asleep” is commonly used in preparing for OBEs. OBEs usually happen in an altered state of consciousness, where deep relaxation is reached, and the physical body is inactive, such as in sleep or during meditation.  Because the consciousness is not encumbered by the physical body, it is able to travel more freely and readily in this relaxed state, where inhibitions and fears are lifted.

The sleep state is the most common way that I experience OBEs.  Specifically, the optimal time for me to initiate an OBE is immediately upon waking up from sleep in the early a.m. between 6:00 a.m. - 9:00 a.m. before rising for the day. During this time while still in bed, I am very relaxed and in a hypnogogic state, making it very conducive to facilitate an OBE.

OBEs can also occur if one is drugged, medicated or even when one is more active during the day. To date, I have not experienced these type of OBEs. 


The level of lucidity of recall of the OBE is dependent on many factors. This includes one’s vibrational level, adeptness level, what one wants to experience on a spiritual level, life purpose, life lessons and the quality of energetic health.


I started experiencing lucid OBEs regularly starting in 2009 after I raised my vibration by expanding my consciousness during my spiritual awakening.  Telepathically, I have heard numerous times since that I am to chronicle my OBE adventures and share them with others, to help them learn of their multi-dimensional nature.  Therefore, one of my life purpose’s is directly associated with having lucid OBEs, which is why I have had these experiences.


There are different levels of lucidity in OBEs ranging from none to maximum with full-blown detail and sensory stimuli.


During a Lucid OBE

During a lucid OBE, details are very vivid.   It feels like an everyday waking experience with sight, auditory, smells and sensations.  I have experienced this numerous times in OBEs.  The crispness and clarity of my sensory perceptions are absolutely amazing and incredible! 

There is a distinct difference between an OBE and a dream due to the level of lucidity.  Having an OBE leaves a considerable impact on those who experience them. You will immediately be able to know when you had an OBE.  It is that pronounced and different.


Differing Points of View on OBEs

To present the spectrum of thought on the subject of OBE, it is to be noted that some scientists and psychologists believe that OBEs are hallucinatory or self-created subconscious fantasies and creations of the imagination.  Due to the anecdotal nature of OBEs and many times, the lack of sound evidentiary matter or corroborating information, scientific proof on this subject is minimal.  Personally, I feel that science has not caught up to adequately explain the phenomena of OBEs yet but will in time as technology develops.


katy2Sleep State & Near Death Experiences (NDEs)  

All human beings experience out-of-body experiences spontaneously in their sleep state, whether they are conscious of it or not, or whether they have lucid recall of it or not upon waking.   (NDEs) are another classic type of a spontaneous OBE.

Consciousness Levels

OBEs cannot be discussed without the basic, fundamental principal that human beings are naturally multi-dimensional beings and exist on many consciousness levels. 


Understanding levels of consciousness is a key component in understanding OBEs and why and how they occur.  There are different schools of thought and fields of study as to the specific categories of consciousness.  Most people are familiar with these three – the conscious, the subconscious and the superconscious, in which the Higher Self exists.

About Dimensions

The Earth and our conscious existence is located in the Third Dimension.  There are other dimensional realities besides the Third Dimension.   There are located on frequencies that many people are not aware of with their physical senses.   All of these dimensions are existing simultaneously but in different frequencies.

There are an infinite number of dimensions.  Each dimension has its unique landscape, inhabitants, technologies, “rules” and society mores. These can be very different from the Third Dimension.  

During OBEs, I have gone to dimensions which had more modern technologies, including unique personal transportation vehicles, space craft, space stations and different exercise equipment.   The laws of gravity and physics that apply in our Third Dimension may not apply in other dimensions.  I have seen this as well in some of my OBEs. 

Our Parallel Lives in Other Dimensions

In addition, we have more than one existence and have parallel, concurrent lives, which we may experience during an OBE. Most people are not conscious of these for a myriad of reasons, which may include that they are not ready psychologically or spiritually to handle this.

During some of my OBEs, I have experienced some of my concurrent lives with other names, romantic relationships, children and other family relationships that are different than my existence in the Third Dimension. 


katy02The Spiritual Dimension

One example of another dimensional reality or realities are the ones we go to upon physical passing. Because we are eternal beings, upon death our consciousness continues to exist on other dimensional realities, including the spiritual realm or dimension. 


There are humans, who have developed their psychic senses or have a natural aptitude, who are consciously aware of some of these alternate, dimensional realities.  They are able to connect with their intention consciously to beings that exist there.  Mediums have this ability to sense beings in the spiritual realm as they are able to receive messages, symbols and clairvoyant images from those who are no longer in a physical form.

The Silver Chord

There has been published information in the spiritual and metaphysical fields of the “silver chord”.  This is an etheric, strong and elastic chord, which attaches the consciousness to the physical body and allows the safe return of the consciousness back into the physical body.  Some people are fearful of experiencing an OBE because their consciousness may not return back to their physical body.  The silver chord is the mechanism that prevents that.

During OBEs, some have shared that they felt, sensed or saw this “silver chord”.  To date, I have not sensed the silver chord because I often do not remember to look for this during the OBE.

Common Precursors to an OBE

This may include the following:

  1. Feeling your energetic body being moved or manipulated in unusual ways.  It may feel like it is being pivoted, rotated or feeling like it is sinking through the mattress and floor. Frequently, I experience this.
  2. Feeling internal rapid vibrations or oscillations.  This can be throughout your body or specific parts of your body.  I have experienced this a handful of times.
  3. Feeling spontaneous kriyas or muscle spasms in various parts of your body. Frequently, I experience this.
  4. Hearing strange, loud noises in your head.  Examples include music, whistling, doors opening or closing, knocking, paper rustling, clanking of pipes, etc…I have experienced this frequently.katy 3
  5. Sensing the Exit from the Physical Body.  This is a sensation of lifting out, floating above the bed and sometimes rising slowly toward the ceiling.  I have experienced this frequently. 
  6. Seeing Your Physical Body Sleeping.  After lifting out, some have shared being able to look down and observe their sleeping physical form.   To date I have not experienced this.  The few times I remembered to look back when I lifted out, my bed was empty, meaning I had already made the transition to the next dimensional plane closest to that of the Earth’s, and my physical form was not there.
  7. Sleep Paralysis.  The frightening feeling that you are unable to move.  To date, I have not experienced this.

This is just some of the preliminary, exciting information on OBEs.  There is much more that I can share from my own OBE experiences including how there may be beings that transport you to another dimension, transportation vehicles that you may be in, going through the portals or wormholes, and interacting with extraterrestrials.  Please read my blog where I share such experiences on an ongoing basis.   

-Katy Simmone


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Comments (5)

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This is extremely well detailed. Ive been researching and reading about the astral for years and havent seen this much practicle info all in one place like this. Thank you Katy! Its nice to see this info come together on a website where people...

This is extremely well detailed. Ive been researching and reading about the astral for years and havent seen this much practicle info all in one place like this. Thank you Katy! Its nice to see this info come together on a website where people are seriously inspired to grow spiritually.

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Thank-you, Emily! I am glad you found the article helpful! Namaste.

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Thank-you, Emily! I am glad you found the article helpful. Namaste.

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I have to say that everytime I read something like this, I not only get totally inspired, but my out of body activity picks up again. Its like waking up a little part of me. This is really good info for us Katy, thanks for putting it all out here...

I have to say that everytime I read something like this, I not only get totally inspired, but my out of body activity picks up again. Its like waking up a little part of me. This is really good info for us Katy, thanks for putting it all out here for us. Namaste:)

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Thank-you for your comment, Adriana! It's wonderful to practice initiating an OBE when you have the time as it reveals to us that we are so much more than we know about ourselves, consciously. Namaste.

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