
Illuminating Insights

With Joseph Kenneth (Viña Del Mar, Chile)

The Magic of Yoga


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          yoga post 2     It can sometimes be vague, misinterpreted, or completely overlooked, but there is a very real magic to this ever so popular thing called Yoga. With its undeniable worldwide appeal, now extending into cultures far beyond the continent of India, Yoga is often perceived initially as a physical or mental challenge to the student who seeks physical and mental balance in life. These physical and mental aspects are no doubt vital, and serve as one of, if not the most effective methods of physical and psychological exercises known to humanity. These two benefits must be fully understood and embraced, but not allowed to become the distraction, or primary focus of the ego as it attempts to push and conquer its perceived limitations in physical abilities through the Asanas.

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LBT -Featured Member!

LBT -Featured Member!

Each month, the Light Body Travelers Society features a special member in our community. Our mission here is to share the talents, gifts, and presence, of each beautiful human being within our spiritual community.

Through this special SIM feature, we share spiritual experiences and inspirations from members around the globe, remaining interactive, authentic, and in service to our members. We invite you to share your own light here by contacting us directly.

(All are welcome equally to share their spirit through this SIM feature)

This month, we feature Julie from our Light Body Travelers group in Florida, USA. She shares her amazing art and words to inspire us all.

Puddle, Push and Pull


me and dichro 003“Unable to sleep, I began working on a new fused glass project at 4:00 am this morning. The words puddle, push and pull kept coming into my head. Partly because this is the way the technique is done. You drop a small amount of paint onto the glass and with caution, not letting your miniscule brush touch the glass surface you puddle, push and pull the paint.

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I am getting familiar with this technique so I repeat these words often. There was also the buzz of adrenaline I was feeling from not getting enough sleep, my mind already in overdrive and my body latching onto that as well.   Whatever the reason they sang to me like a mantra and while I painted I thought more about these 3 words.

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Dream Journaling

The dedicated spiritual explorer will no doubt come to a point in his or her journey where the need to explore dream states is necessary for them. For many of us, this “mystery land” we experience while in sleep states is the cause of our initial spiritual curiosities. This article is being given here in Spiritualists International Magazine so that each reader, no matter where they are in their lucid dreaming or astral projection practice, might begin to realistically take steps toward crossing the bridge into normally unconscious states, and ultimately opening the gaps of what were once consciously unrecorded experiences lost to unconscious sleeping.

Keeping an accurate dream journal is an important practice in the development of personal understandings, as well as the initial step to begin lucid dreaming, astral projection, and ultimately receiving advanced spiritual wisdom regarding your souls purpose.

The following texts are direct excerpts from the Light Body Travelers Astral Projection Mastery and Self Illumination Curriculum. The complete work can be found and studied through the following link.

 Life is But a Dream- Illuminating the Self Through Astral Projection Mastery”)

While the practice of recording one's dreams is most often associated with dream work, the use of a dream journal while learning the process of consciously inducing astral projection also proves to be crucial. Dream Journaling imageConsider for a moment   the use of such a practice as prescribed to those interested in lucid  dreaming; for these individuals, the goal is not about recording the   dream itself, but the development of a familiarity with the unconscious realms of the sleeping mind. The documentation of dream activity rapidly trains the conscious mind to focus within the dream realms, expanding awareness in a way equally useful for the astral traveler. The quality of dream recall improves rapidly with dedication to the journaling process.

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Levitation? Yes You Can!

b2ap3_thumbnail_sip01.jpg  Did you know that every human being actually does have the ability to physically levitate? Yes, this is an intense spiritual practice accomplished by spiritual masters over the course of many years, but try these initial levitation techniques and you might see results in your personal levitation abilities in just a few weeks. 

Now, to even begin discussing what is considered miraculous or supernatural by the masses, we must first recognize the limitations in the perspectives of our modern times. We must address that between 95 to 98 percent of what is considered reality, is based on what our five physical senses are capable of detecting within the electro-magnetic scope of frequency, i.e., the third dimension, or physical plane, with its composition of the elemental properties of air, fire, water, and earth. And without putting the cart before the horse, it must be grasped that the manipulation of these very elemental properties, which create the architectural fabric of the third dimension, is the key to levitation or any other “supernatural” process for that matter. 

  To be clear, this is by no means an article dedicated to debating the fundamentals of modern day supernatural philosophies and the scientific data, which supports or rejects such phenomena. What this is however is an article revealing effective techniques for those sincerely devoted, to begin accomplishing physical levitation. It bears mentioning, that to really accomplish this, it matters not what you believe in, or worship. And I personally encourage you to follow whatever you feel best suits you in your current spiritual perspective. The only requirement here, should you read further, is to approach this subject matter and practice from an unlimited, or elevated awareness so to speak. Some may be reading this as merely entertainment, and that’s fine too, however there are those who will begin achieving this act of levitation should they remain dedicated to the practices given.

Before getting into the meditation practices that induce your physical levitation abilities, lets mention a few of the great men and women throughout our history who defied the laws of gravity by levitating in plain sight before large crowds, and had such a deep devotion to their spirituality that they accomplished the "miraculous" on a regular basis. 

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