We use the word creativity so often that we sometimes forget to recognize just how powerful this gift of the mind really is. To be human, to live here in the physical world, is to be creation itself. We understand that biologically our parents created us; we understand that spiritually we are created in the image of the Divine, but we rarely recognize that creativity exists within us as the very substance of our being.
Look around you right now, and observe every object. Then see each object as an image in the imagination of the person who first envisioned it, and then created it. Now observe how even your thoughts serve to create your day, and your entire reality. Every last thought vibration that resonates through the matrix of existence creates the framework of your reality.
We often feel that some people are more creative than others. Indeed, some people are far more tuned into their creative forces, but in reality, each and every human being is equipped with the same set of creative tools.
Creativity is generally defined as a phenomenon whereby something new and somehow valuable is formed. Think about that for a moment, and then reflect on just how new and valuable every day of your life actually is. Then begin to understand that through your own mind and spiritual presence, you create each day simply by opening your eyes and bringing full conscious awareness back into your body. Whether realized or not, you are the creator of your world. You have not only created your relationships, your passions, and your goals, but also your circumstances and obstacles. When we realize that we have the power to both create, and destroy, with the sheer influence of thought and will, our reality can potentially become an existence of pure creative awareness.
It is our privilege this month at Spiritualists International Magazine to help you rediscover just how creative you really are. There are virtually no limits to utilizing the creative forces that flow through each of us. Properly accessing them however, is where some of us may need to focus. As you move through your life this month, check in regularly with us for creative insights, meditations, and tons of valuable information that is sure to get your creative juices flowing, while bringing you in union with your absolute creative power.
Our authors and special guests have geared up to make it a truly amazing and creative month here as SIM.
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