As a user of the internet, I ask you to consider: how many times have you liked, tagged, followed, posted, tweeted, downloaded, commented, written, viewed, streamed, clicked, searched, shared, joined, or favored, within the realms of cyberspace? Chances are you can’t even guess; the number could be somewhere in the tens of thousands or even more. And, while there is nothing wrong with all of this cyber activity, it must be acknowledged; cyberspace has become a nearly faultless reflection of our own conscious thought patterns, both at the individual level, and as a collective hub. Simply through the aggregation that occurs in our use of a search engine, the traces of each personality and thought are imprinted into a gestalt of cyber activity. And when we include all of the methods of adding and altering data represented by the more specific activities listed above, we can almost see how it could be possible to impeccably observe the mind of any individual engaged in cyber space.
As we focus deeper on technology this month, I invite you to take a journey with me into the realms of cyberspace, undoubtedly a collective human psyche, and, perhaps, the very soul of the world, to examine exactly what is happening as a result of this technological explosion.
Quite simply, the more thoughts, opinions, emotions, and “time” we input into cyberspace, the more accurately it mirrors our own minds at the conscious level. As we grow increasingly more attached to this cyber entity, we nourish it, and it’s actual “presence” becomes a reflecting, yet unseen entity. Realize that behind each screen you view, many thousands of lines of code are creating the visual images, as well as receiving and storing the data you enter. Your thoughts are entered as data through words on a keyboard, translated to code, stored to a server, released to a coud, and actually "live" as an encrypted presence within the cyber realm. Once here, they may be then reassessed and viewed at will. Every millisecond, this cyber web of information remains constantly fed with human input, making its presence accepted as a reality in our paradigm. But beyond this, we begin to accept that there is, indeed, a vast cloud of information and intelligence, which understands how to respond and interact to us based on the input of our human minds.
So we can define cyberspace as,
“Cyberspace is a domain characterized by the use of electronics and the electromagnetic spectrum to store, modify, and exchange data via networked systems and associated physical infrastructures. In effect, cyberspace can be thought of as the interconnection of human beings through computers and telecommunication, without regard to physical geography.”
Cyberspace, by this definition, is not merely the computer systems and their data, but also the activities that we engage in through those systems. Our actions create cyberspace, both by contributing to the amalgamation of data represented, and also as active elements within its overall system. Thus, it is inevitable that cyberspace be a mirror of the human mind, a collective consciousness that we have manifested into a form of reality. In essence, cyberspace is a mirror of our own conscious thought patterns, but what of our sub-consciousness? Lets look deeper at some concepts that can help explain where our subconscious minds meet in a similar sea, not as cyber code; as vibratory code.
You may already be familiar with Carl Jung’s insights surrounding the collective unconscious. Jung realized that as a human entity containing collective thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, we are constantly sharing underlying vibratory energies that, in turn, hold a common paradigm in place through our unconscious human activities.
We define the collective unconscious as,
Collective unconscious is a term of analytical psychology, coined by Carl Jung. It is proposed to be a part of the unconscious mind, expressed in humanity and all life forms with nervous systems, and describes how the structure of the psyche autonomously organizes experience. Jung distinguished the collective unconscious from the personal unconscious, in that the personal unconscious is a personal reservoir of experience unique to each individual, while the collective unconscious collects and organizes those personal experiences in a similar way with each member of a particular species.
In the same manner that cyberspace holds an unseen yet still recognized collective repository of conscious thoughts, emotions, and beliefs, we can see how Jung’s collective unconsciousness serves as a collective repository for unconscious thoughts, emotions, and beliefs. In essence, what cyberspace provides is a highly accurate, non-physical reflection of our conscious thoughts, which can be accessed at any time through laptops, smart phones, desktops, tablets, etc. By comparison, what Jung’s collective unconscious provides, is an energetic replica of our unconscious thoughts, beliefs, and emotions, equally accessible through non-physical means, via dreams, meditation, astral projection, psychic practices, ritual, and a great number of extended spiritual practices.
To advance our examinations here one step deeper, lets look at a third and final concept. Some readers may be familiar with the Latin words of the Anima Mundi, or, soul of the world.
“The world soul (Greek: ψυχὴ κόσμου, Latin: anima mundi) is, according to several systems of thought, an intrinsic connection between all living things on the planet, which relates to our world in much the same way as the soul is connected to the human body. The idea originated with Plato and was an important component of most Neoplatonic systems:
“Therefore, we may consequently state that: this world is indeed a living being endowed with a soul and intelligence ... a single visible living entity containing all other living entities, which by their nature are all related”.[1]
At core, this concept is the recognition of the Earth itself as a living organism, with billions and billions of smaller life forms residing upon it, and within it. Each of us is a part of this being, and we each constitute a node in a network that includes all life upon this planet. This network stores and shares energy and information across the world.
If we begin to understand the composition of this energy which bonds every last aspect of our world, sustaining a soul like quality, then we can begin to reflect in a more meaningful way on cyberspace. What we can draw from the concept of Anima Mundi, is that when a collective network of information exists within any realm, whether seen or unseen, it achieves a living quality through the input of conscious beings. Every thought, word, emotion, action, and belief resonates a frequency into an unseen field of spiritual intelligence. So too, every like, tag, follow, post, tweet, download, comment, view, stream, click, search, share, join, or favor, resonates a code into an unseen field of cyber intelligence.
Whether we place a conscious thought into cyberspace, an unconscious belief into the collective unconscious, or an emotion from our being into the anima mundi, we are contributing to the nature of something beyond our “self.” The explosion of cyberspace has been a critical step in realizing that we can achieve connectivity beyond geographical limits, and that our collective thoughts can be stored beyond the confines of our physical brains. The human being, as with any being on a path of evolution, must evolve in a sequential manner, learning step by step. Today, we can at last understand the unseen as a tangible database of real information via cyberspace. As we continue at full velocity in our enthusiastic journey, the higher realms of existence draw closer and closer to being an accepted and acknowledged aspect of our reality.
The question of pertinence then becomes, at what point do we grasp a reality of our actual oneness. Yes, there seems to be a feeling of individuality here on earth as we go about our daily tasks, believing that we are operating only within the headspace of our brain, making our “individual” decisions to better our “individual” lives. But I ask you to look a bit deeper after reading these words, and ask yourself, where is humanity moving collectively as one conscious entity? How are you and I constantly connecting and evolving this one consciousness that has always existed throughout the entirety of creation? We need not a one-world government to understand oneness; we need simply understand our collective journey as one human entity through the presence of our reflecting cyber space. We have planted the seeds of universal comprehension through our own technologies; we need now use these tools of comprehension to expand the horizons of our human existence.
-Joseph Kenneth