In realizing the greater nature of our reality, and wanting to pertain more towards it, we naturally gravitate toward ways that we can experience this kind of reality with a greater sense of ease, and stronger sense of accomplishment.
In the same way we move towards and away from certain kinds of music, people and situations, because they effect us in certain ways, so to do the other influences in our lives. Being in a position of being more able to consciously control these, puts us in a greater state of effectively predicting our own future through having greater control over the experiences we receive.
If we choose the experiences of our lives, such as deciding to go to the shop, we see how it is possible to cultivate an ability to make a conscious choice in deciding the way we respond to experiences we didn’t choose to receive; experiences such as confrontation that are not particularly favored. In this way, we develop a catalyst that refines the nature of the experiences we receive, in a similar manner that deciding to shop at certain places determines the nature of the products we receive.
If knowledge of the above gives us an ability to predetermine the majority of our experiences, and the hard work of persistent efforts acts to create a greater consistency in our results, then the attitude of our intention is the foundational expression of which we make this a reality.
In front of this attitude sits our awareness, which acts as a scope to navigate situations, such as one of striving to know and be the greater aspects of reality.
In monitoring our awareness, and how it reacts in certain situations, such as the mental awareness behind unfavorable thought patterns, and the physical awareness of our body responding to certain foods, we begin to mature a state in which effortless motions toward the greater good naturally flourish.
By monitoring physical sensations such as hunger, and implementing our own guidelines that work best for the way we do things, we develop a sort of ritual style schedule by which to accordingly execute the days actions. For me, showering upon waking up becomes a sacred space in assisting the body with a morning surge that kicks our cycles into motion, and is renowned for putting us into a theta state, which promotes a meditative start to the day.
Consider the following examples in your daily awareness:
Waiting thirty minutes after brushing our teeth before consuming food or drink to allow the pores in the enamel to settle and avoid taking in impurities.
Eating nutritionally and efficiently to ensure our body doesn’t spend half its life digesting food.
Keeping awareness on how long to stay in certain positions to avoid physical discomfort and pain.
These examples of ways we can stay alert of bodily requirements ensure that it is treated in a way, which compliments the overall level we wish to operate at. By implementing actions of a higher mental awareness; such as remaining alert of negative thought patterns, the downward spiral they put us in, and producing countermeasures which we can use to influence our reality in a more compassionate way, that serves to seek and mature the greater good, we develop outlets that work as spring boards for us to express the states we feel and wish to operate within whilst giving us feedback on how to further integrate them into our lifestyle and experience them more regularly.
The greater our ability to maintain personal stability in this way, the more our actions are able to positively effect the people and situations in our environment, giving us a greater predisposition to assist others in the ways that we choose.
As we implement this presence within our daily situations and further influence others through example, this act of aspiring to inspire radiates outwardly serving to effectively uplift the planetary collective consciousness.
Through refining the influences we choose to receive, such as the music we listen to, the literature we read, and the mantras we feel best represent our situation, along with refining the ways in which we react to the influences we don’t necessarily choose for ourselves, we continue to update and develop new qualities of our desired reality, and see how our presence in this way affects the world around us.
As we develop in this manner at the individual level, and recognize the purpose behind our ability to serve, and how it mutually benefits our own cause and those that it effects, we begin to see more clearly our soul purpose and how it is that we truly shine.
By choosing to operate from the states we find most beneficial, such as states of contentment, bliss and tranquility, we can move further toward our goals of attaining true happiness, whilst remaining within appreciation for all that is. And in times of frustration, recognizing that people and situations are powerless without our reaction, reminds us that our ability to shift into a favored point of being is merely an internal switch, and one that we always have the power to control. Staying consciously in control of life in this way, and remembering a change of perspective as a means of appreciating the beauty behind all things, helps us on our quest in serving to making a difference in our own lives, and in that of others.
-Mat Wood
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