Mind Body and Spirit Wellness

With Velvet Star Chong (Florida,USA)

Change -The Human in Motion

Velvet spiritual 1As humans, we need to move. Not just to lose weight or to get somewhere, but we actually would stop existing at some point if we stopped moving.  All of our internal and external processes need motion. When one of these processes slows down too much, something begins to accumulate and then, a blockage occurs. In our physical bodies, you can see this happen with a blood clot. What happens when the blood flow stops circulating? When stagnation sets in? Well, eventually, life itself stops.  In the same way, our minds constantly move.  When you resist thoughts or emotions that you are feeling, you create a different kind of blockage but it is still a blockage. This is why people can feel stuck in old limiting patterns and beliefs: a blockage was created in their subconscious at some point in their lives.  In my work, I have encountered patients with blockages in their arteries, chakras and spiritual paths.  These blockages may have a different clinical makeup, but essentially they are all the same.  When there is flow in our bodies and our lives, there is ease.


            As things flow, natural shifts occur along the way. If you follow a drop of blood from one part of the body to another, you will notice tiny changes or shifts where it just was and where it is flowing to now. Change is good, though. Remember we don’t want to clot or cut off the life force. So, how do we adapt to change? Being aware of yourself and how well you adapt to change helps. Each individual differs in their adaptability to different situations. The foundation for how they adjust is based on different values, morals, experiences, etc. Now that I have children and can see the different temperaments as infants and beyond, it seems that your adaptability baseline is something you are born with. Once you are aware of how you are, you can either adapt your life to you or strive to change and grow to overcome your shortcomings.

            Personally, I adapt to change very well in some areas but still find it to be a challenge in others.  Implementing the Buddhist idea of detachment in my life has helped. With attachment, you remain stuck or stagnant. You are glued to whatever the center of attachment is, whether it’s a person, idea or object. So the attachment has the real control over what happens to you. When you go with the flow, you allow yourself to detach and you can still remain loyal to someone or something with the ability to go freely in the direction you want. You can make conscious choices and act consciously without limitations. This I believe is the key to our survival. If you love it, let it free. Detach. Attachment will only lead to suffering and as the Modern Buddhist wisdom says, “Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.”

  Velvet spiritual 2          As I have applied this to my life, I have learnt to be more present and in turn, more aware of myself.  I now, usually, know when it’s time to let go of something and move on in the natural flow of life’s transition.  I used to just accept the shifts as they were happening and not understand why they were “happening to me.” Then, one day, I decided to get out of life’s way and to be more conscious of my choices. I learned why I was habitually making certain choices and shifted into the space I was flowing to, rather than resisting those choices or changing paths completely. As I align myself with my true soul’s purpose, I no longer want to resist the path I was chosen to walk.

            A strong spiritual connection has helped me to stay on my path and trust in the process since I sometimes naturally want to do what is easy or convenient. This connection is how I maintain spiritual security within this constantly shifting existence. Ironically, sitting in silence or connecting with the stillness can help restore flow and release any blockages. Even in the stillness, though, there is still movement. Your breath is still flowing in and out, oxygenating your body and replenishing your chi.  During meditation, I welcome thoughts to float around before I go deeper and then, gently release them onto a boat or cloud so they remain flowing, just out of my space for the time being. Energy balancing, journaling and artistic expression of choice are also ways to connect with your soul and your life’s destiny. I find it very interesting during energy balancing sessions when a blockage is felt in a knee or physical body part and it relieves an emotional or mental issue. Since we cannot see our other bodies, it is hard to imagine how they all intertwine. Sometimes the physical issue stays connected to the emotional response through the subconscious.

Remember, this is your life, your journey. Stay connected to yourself and on your path for the good of all around you for true happiness and satiety.


Velvet Star Chong


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Change- Re-invent Your Self

Comments (2)

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Absolutely awesome article Velvet! thanks for bringing this to us. A strong spiritual connection is certainly key in all changes we go through. I take the challenge to remember this in the times where it's not all roses.

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Thanks, Joe! I really enjoyed connecting with this piece and sharing it

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