Mind Body and Spirit Wellness

With Velvet Star Chong (Florida,USA)

Radiating Peace


Velvet Chong Inner Peace SIMStress is the number one cause of disease and aging. Many people do not have a daily regimen of releasing stress in their lives. Instead, they pile more and more on themselves until one of their bodies begins to signal a problem. Some may ignore the signal until more stress accumulates and another body becomes affected. Now they most likely have a physical and emotional issue going on. And, some may ignore those as well. At this point, they crave peace and calm so bad, but they have tipped the iceberg and now are just overwhelmed with stress and discomfort.

     We can also carry other people’s issues, attitudes, and moods, around with us, if we do not clear ourselves daily. Think of all the people you come in contact with on a day-to-day basis, starting with the people and/or animals in your home. 

If we continue on this self-destructing journey, whether knowingly or unknowingly, how can we ever connect to the peace within that we have been craving? How can we radiate that peace from within to help others around us? Through the law of entrainment, a higher frequency of peace and calm loving energy, attracts, and boosts those with a lower frequency. Stress can definitely lower your overall frequency, making your whole field diminished and ultrasensitive. You feel rundown, and you attract the same energies until it feels like you’re walking around with a dark cloud above your head. To avoid this negative accumulation, one must engage in a daily practice of clearing those inner clouds and allowing one’s inner light to shine bright and radiantly.


 inner peace spiritualists international magazine     The first method of practicing peace, that I do each morning, is a mindful visualization. Before opening my eyes, I take a deep breath and use my senses to be present for a moment. I set the intention for a beautiful day filled with love and flowing energy. I open my eyes and see myself stepping into my bubble of peace and calm that I have created, and allow it to shield me from other’s lower energy. If I can stay in a calm and peaceful state, then, it benefits everyone around me. I know too well that the opposite can happen when I am not being conscious in my life. If I have a few rough nights’ sleep, or am overworked, I may start to just go through the motions of life, and not really “live” it. I usually notice things start to get chaotic, as if I lose my normal flow that I was naturally going in. The energy flow that stops when you allow life to just happen to you, instead of you paving your own way.  This energy blockage inside can cause all sorts of disturbances. So, take a moment and create your own bubble with colors and feelings, and even safe people or pets that are in alignment with your higher journey. Visualize yourself stepping into it now.

     Daily meditation, whether it is long and silent, or short and quiet, helps achieve inner peace, and it is easily accessible to all beings. You can use your breath, the sounds of nature or music, your own mantras, or a visual focus to go deep within and connect. When you connect to your light, the light within us all, you connect to your Creator. This space, the light, is your home, your beginning, and your safe space to return. Use it. It is always with you, and will never leave you. Some religions say, “He walks beside you,” to comfort their followers, but I believe that this energy lives within you. Your light is the same light that connects all beings in God consciousness. When you expand your light, it raises the frequency on our planet and beyond.

     Another method of practicing peace that I like to do, is connecting to the energy of Oneness, and saying prayers of gratitude in a sacred space. We all are connected and expressing gratitude for all that IS helps balance energy, which in turn helps us all.  It is helpful to create a sacred space for yourself in your home or yard. It should have physical items that calm you, such as flowers, picture or statue of a spiritual teacher, rosary or Buddhist prayer beads, a candle, a singing bowl or chime, crystals, and anything else that you would like to see in your space. I like to visit this space daily as a ritual, and give thanks for all my lessons and teachers in this life journey.  I spend time mindfully centering and connecting to the God consciousness, and sending light and love to others and myself in need.

Spiritualists International Magazine Velvet star      A more difficult practice is radiating your peace within during arguments, fights, misfortunes and so on. Sound works great for me when I need to focus during meditation but when I’m in the middle of a heated argument; my breath is what keeps me from getting too emotional.  Also, visualizing my light from within expanding out and reaching those involved or innocent bystanders. I try to find a space (even if it is not a physical space, as you can create anything with your mind) so I can take a few slow deep breathes (almost as if I’m in a tunnel where I cannot hear the outside world for a few seconds) and I envision my light, my peace expanding out in all directions. You can feel the light expanding and pulsating in your aura. It doesn’t magically stop the fight or turmoil or the stress, but it does shift the energy. It does gradually calm myself, which then calms the air around me, and in turn, others around me. This is a struggle at times, but with practice, just like meditation, you will see great results.

     There are many other ways of connecting to your peaceful serene space within and many teachers, such as Doreen Virtue, Louise Hay, Deepak Chopra, Sandra Ray and myself, to help you get there.  I love what I do, and am open to in person and distant healing sessions, where I can help you connect to that space through meditations, visualizations, guided imagery and energy medicine techniques. My clients say they feel a deeper spiritual connection after our sessions and so do I. My work is a blessing, and I am honored to continue to do God’s work in this way.


Velvet Star Chong

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A World Peace Meditation
Inner Peace -Finding Tranquility

Comments (4)

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Absolutely loved this article! Thank you thank you! I like the message about staying calm in the heated moments. A grat spiritual test by all means.

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I really got a lot out of this. Thanks for the article guys. Staying connected to oneness is truly a great practice, and it challenges me to always see what is, and not what I feel. Do you have and methods to suggest Velvet?

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maintaining oneness is key. this was very well presented. Im back on track with my morning meditations too, and feel better than ever by day. Thanks Velvet

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Thank you for this beautiful piece of information velvet! Sharing it from here.

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