Awakening Today

LBT member and spiritual teacher Igor Rybchinskiy brings us Awakening Today. A fresh perspective on living out your spiritual existence in today's paradigm.



 dark sistractions2


Hello and welcome to the first of many blogs that I wish to share with you, to aid you on your spiritual Journey.


Before we begin I would like to take a moment to thank you for taking the time to read this.  I also wish to be clear on one point, everything in this article is my opinion and my truth. I am not trying to change anyone else’s idea of reality or their version of truth. I encourage everyone reading this to use discernment and their own heart and intuition as to whether or not the information presented within rings true for them. As an inspiring figure of mine says, if one piece of this information inspires you to seek out your own truth, then I am deeply honored.

Let us begin then.

As one awakens from the material world slumber, beginning to see a greater reality that lies beyond their five senses, their base consciousness begins to expand, as does their perspective on life. (Perspective = Reality)  Please take note of that, as it will be very important later on in the article.

As the individual is awakening, and their perspective shifts, new information is being presented to them at a rapid pace. The human perspective begins realizing that there might be life after death, there might be ET's, that maybe history wasn’t quite right the way they taught in schools, and that maybe the political system doesn’t exactly serve their best interests. The individual may be contacted by spirits, might experience ESP phenomena, and the list goes on and on, as the way in which we awaken is unique to every individual. Some may even awaken rapidly through drugs, or a near death experience, or a traumatic event.

Other's awaken more gradually, until the their energetic field reaches critical mass and their consciousness (perspective) expands. So as they awaken, all this new information is being presented to them left and right, and its up to them to decide what rings true. The main  issue that I would like to discuss with you today is that of the ego's trap early on in this phase of spiritual discovery. The phase in which most individuals awaken and quickly fall into, is the "new age" cult of things. Here, it may appear be all smiles and happiness, and the dark doesn’t exist for them, and everything is love love love. However it must be realized, that anybody serious about their spiritual growth doesn’t shy away from the other side of the coin, the dark side. When the individuals perspective shifts and grows, they begin to see the greater reality of the light and the dark.

EXAMPLE: THE LIGHT: "oh yay I’m undying spirit, everything is based on love, there’s more to life than just work and bills, Hell was lie by religion to keep my enslaved, I am god at least a part of it," etc.

EXAMPLE: THE DARK: "there’s a shadow government, corporations rule the world, they are trying to kill us with chemtrails, the Illuminati is all powerful, children are abducted and sacrificed to demons," etc.

Now I mentioned earlier that there are those who immediately fall into the trap of the new age cult, full of light and love. This perspective is certianly not a bad thing, but can in some ways be it's own trap for the ego. This however, is not the trap I wish to discuss. It's the next trap after that. As the true seeker explores both sides of the coin, they often become tricked by their ego as it obsesses to play victim. While information about the dark Illuminati, chemtrails negative E.T's and dark spirits (energy vampires) is true to a certain degree, I notice many individuals begin to become obsessed by chasing this information while ignoring their true spiritual calling to work on themselves.

 Lets use a Bob as an example:

bob beerBob is a “sheeple.” Bob works nine to five, pays taxes, watches Monday night football, smokes cigarettes and drinks beer with the buds. Then one day Bob has a life crisis or a trigger point, and WHAMO spiritual awakening! Bob begins to see and be bombarded by information wherever he looks. A bigger and more spiritual  reality seems to be everywhere. This is because Bob is now energetically open, and ready for the higher info, as he has evolved beyond his sheeple thought patterns.

Bob is thrilled like “OMG I just went from monotonous existence to realizing I’m

bob awakened never dying energy and that anything is possible.” Then the grounding process begins to take hold, and Bobs consciousness is elated, he is now inspired, and full of gusto and energy, realizing he can take charge of his immediate life and circumstances, and then comes the plateau and action phase.  Perhaps during his awakening phase and growth, Bob was exposed to how the body is a temple, a car to drive in this dimension so to speak, as well as uncoveres that love grows into more love, and fear grows into more fear.

Bob learns of souls, reincarnation, vibrations, energy, and all of this beautiful inspiring info that is meant to supercharge us and be a catalyst to inspire us to take action, and take charge of our life. So in this action phase of Bobs life, he’s inspired and realizes, “hey if love=more love and evil begets evil, maybe its time I quit smoking and drinking. Its time I love myself and trust myself that there is a better life for me out there, or whatever the change needs to be, quit this job, leave this toxic spouse of mine, maybe stop a bad habit, or change my diet.”

Then Bob all of sudden freezes, “uh-oh, all this inspiration verses years of ego programming, huh??” Come on Bob, time to take the plunge, and be completely free of your programmed trappings. We can see what happens if Bob finds the strength, and conquers his fear. He evolves, living a better life, he gives up his old habits (old programming) replaces them with something of a higher vibration and he flourishes. The growth process repeats itself over and over again, constantly refining Bob, until all karma is resolved and his need for 3rd dimensional reincarnation no longer exists.

But Bob is a little hesitant about change, and let’s face it, humans are creatures of habit, who isn't? So Bob needs a little more time to make up his mind. He knows in his heart the importance of quiting smoking and drinking if he truly wants to see magnificent changes. Otherwise this low vibrational habit (vice/programming) will anchor him down and he will only grow so far.

So here comes the point, Bob is not convinced, and he feels he can grow without giving up his little habits. He does not yet realize that these will anchor him and bite him in the butt later on. Regardless of what our lower resonating habitual vices may be, they must at some point be dominated by the sheer power of our Will. Remember, souls knowledge and experience are two different things. We can take a man who knows every martial arts book in the world, and man who hasn't read a single one, but has been self taught and practicing every day for years, and find but one master. Bob grows to a certain degree, but only as long as he continues to feed his hunger for new information, because he associates new information with spiritual growth and freedom. After all, knowledge is power. But because the inner work was neglected in the initial steps of his spiritual journey, he begins to grow in an unbalanced manner, and certain things he begins to come across more and more have distortions of the truth.

Why is this? Because Bob refuses to learn that small little lesson of self love, and doesn't want to quit his nasty habits. So now, not only is he anchored to a carnal vice, but also his habits grow like a virus, or a weed. He is tricked into thinking he’s growing, but he’s not experientially learning like the martial artist, he only receiving information through books, articles and seminars. Once more, this creates the satisfaction of spiritual growth in his mind.

dark distractions imageHe learns of aliens, councils of light, and channeling. He is fascinated to discover Arcturians, and Syrians, the Greys, and all the other dark things previously mentioned. So Bob feels good doesn't he? He sure does, because this is new info, so it keeps releasing dopamine in his brain and he feels great. But he’s not quite ever fulfilled through study alone, and begins to compare this hollow feeling to the authentic satisfactions he experienced when he was  first putting his awakening into real action.

But Bob still refuses to go back to the root of the problem. He studies further and he buys into the fear based Illuminati articles, and the soul recycling, the reptilians and Annunaki articles. He soon he begins to give up hope, as the defense mechanism of the ego holds on, not letting Bob give up his programming/habit. The ego’s identity then creates a series of fear-based decisions and our now struggling character Bob, has fallen into his own egos trappings, and soon says “WTF who cares the battle is hopeless. Aliens, reincarnation recyclers, Illuminati, chemtrails.”

Bob begins to give up, and obsesses over the fear-based information he uncovered. All the while ignoring his simple lessons of life, Bob forgot to look within. In missing this key element of spiritual growth, Bob did not evolve to become the master; he has once more, become the servant.

healing distractionNow back to us. All of these things mentioned about the dark may be true to a certain degree, but yet here we are, still alive, with our ability to choose mastery and evolution over fear.  Remember that the knowledge that we were first presented with in our own awakening is the empowering fuel. We just have to keep feeding that, and not lose focus on our day-to-day lives, our daily thoughts and feelings, and our own actions. Closely analyze the things that no longer serve you, and cut them down like grass, as opposed to seeking new sources of information just so you can feel good, or temporarily mask that feeling of emptiness because we aren't carrying out your true mission.

Be prepared, to truly dominate the enemy does require the genuine fight. The solution has always been within. “Know thyself” is what the true Gnostic texts teach us. Empower thyself, AND PUT THY KNOWLEDGE TO USE IN ANYWAY YOU CAN. We all will do it in different ways, and that's what makes this a beautiful and wonderful dimension/ reality.

Not to discredit these articles as baloney or fear mongering, but what I urge all souls to do is ask yourself this question when looking for new information outside of yourself. (opposite of meditation) “does this information benefit me in the now”? Yes, negative aliens may exist, but hot diggity dang, is there anything that I can currently do about it? Am I about to go on some holy intergalactic crusade and round them all up in the name of peace love and light? Or will I trust the source and the creator/ my higher self that I am a part of these ET's and all life. And that because they are a part of me, I shouldn't get distracted from the task at hand in my current life/reincarnation, because if its not pertinent to the here and now. Am I just buying into this and begin to worry about something’s that's completely out of my immediate control or sphere of influence?

Healing from WithinUnless you are directly involved, in say chemtrails, as a government official who had an awakening, or lets say your the CEO of corrupt food corporation that poisons billions, I must ask, what is the value in constantly reading about negative things happening, and letting your imagination run wild with worst case scenarios? Truth be told we are all connected on an emotional and mental level on this planet. If you feels powerless over the wars going on because you constantly see it on the news, then take a good look inside yourself and realize maybe its time to stop watching mindless action movies after work every night. Or playing war video games, for when we go to sleep we dump our thoughts and feelings out into the emotional/mental planes of existence. If you see women getting raped everywhere in the news you might not be the one doing it directly (as within so without) maybe its time to stop watching degrading pornography that twists sacred sexuality. If you learn about poisonous foods, don’t buy them or eat them, make educated decisions through your own research.

Remember in the beginning I said perspective = reality? Well this applies to constantly seeing the dark everywhere you look. If you chase and obsess over these fears, pretty soon that will become your reality. So, I have delivered my point of look within yourself, and that your outside reality is but a reflection of your inside reality. As the famous saying goes, “be the change you want to see in the world.” The dark and the light will always coexist, you do not have one without the other, they give each other form and structure. It is your task here to remain balanced, and stay grounded in your journey. It is all too easy to get lost in the distractions.

Thank you, fellow souls, for taking the time to read this. As always, use the heart, your own discernment, and remember all is connected all is in communion, and so it is.


-Igor Rybchinskiy


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Comments (7)

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Just beautiful Igor! Weather Im speaking with you in person or reading your words, your message is authentic and inspirational. Many many thanks for this from all of us!

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I am glad to be of service

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Wonderful article :)
"Yes, negative aliens may exist, but hot diggity dang, is there anything that I can currently do about it? Am I about to go on some holy intergalactic crusade and round them all up in the name of peace love and light? Or will...

Wonderful article :)
"Yes, negative aliens may exist, but hot diggity dang, is there anything that I can currently do about it? Am I about to go on some holy intergalactic crusade and round them all up in the name of peace love and light? Or will I trust the source and the creator/ my higher self that I am a part of these ET's and all life". - Does the bird worry itself with the existence of the shark and fear for it's survival or does it concern itself with what is relevant in the here and now.

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Wonderful article :)
"Yes, negative aliens may exist, but hot diggity dang, is there anything that I can currently do about it? Am I about to go on some holy intergalactic crusade and round them all up in the name of peace love and light? Or will...

Wonderful article :)
"Yes, negative aliens may exist, but hot diggity dang, is there anything that I can currently do about it? Am I about to go on some holy intergalactic crusade and round them all up in the name of peace love and light? Or will I trust the source and the creator/ my higher self that I am a part of these ET's and all life". - Does the bird worry itself with the existence of the shark and fear for it's survival or does it concern itself with what is relevant in the here and now.

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Thank you, i like the bird and the shark analogy very well put.

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Wonderful article :)
"Yes, negative aliens may exist, but hot diggity dang, is there anything that I can currently do about it? Am I about to go on some holy intergalactic crusade and round them all up in the name of peace love and light? Or will...

Wonderful article :)
"Yes, negative aliens may exist, but hot diggity dang, is there anything that I can currently do about it? Am I about to go on some holy intergalactic crusade and round them all up in the name of peace love and light? Or will I trust the source and the creator/ my higher self that I am a part of these ET's and all life". - Does the bird worry itself with the existence of the shark and fall into fear for it's survival or does the bird concern itself with what is relevant in the here and now.

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Great article!

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