Awakening Today

LBT member and spiritual teacher Igor Rybchinskiy brings us Awakening Today. A fresh perspective on living out your spiritual existence in today's paradigm.

Money, and its Place in Human Evolution

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     Greetings all, and thank you for taking the time to read this, as always, this article is but my own opinion and perspective on the matter of money. Only take what resonares within you as your own truth. If you follow my articles, you may notice an underlying theme in them. No matter what the topic of discussion and the theme is, YOU, the individual, always has the power to change your own life. This article will be no different. Please always use your own discernment, and with that being said, let us begin.

     MONEY!!! Oh money money money. We either love it or hate it, or anything in between. We often hear money makes the world go round and round, but no matter our view on it, or our personal feelings/attitudes towards it, one thing is for certain, if we live in “CIVILIZED” society, we rely on money for our survival. But why do you think that is? After all, we can’t eat it, it doesn’t make us grow, it doesn’t provide us with shelter, and it’s just paper or metal coin with a stamp on it. So to me, money is merely a value that we as humanity subscribe to, and we only value it due to our faith in it. If diamonds started raining from the sky they would no longer be considered as valuable as they are today due to the increased supply of said diamonds. For example, when there is excess of a currency, we suffer inflation, and the supposed value of this currency goes down because our faith in it decreases.


igor 1     Yet our faith in this world is often dictated to us by others or by society. So let’s pretend for a moment, that there was no money. Many historical scholars will say this happened long ago, where both simple and advanced societies thrived through the bartering system. Within this system, everybody contributed something practical and useful for the betterment of the community, like food, shelter, new innovation, medicine, etc. and all was free in the sense it required no physical currency to obtain. Within the barter system, everyone did what their heart drove them too, or at bare minimum, what they needed to do to provide, and in exchange receive, as opposed to being driven by a monitory earning to then purchase to provide.

    Everyday in our society we see examples of people who love their careers, and others who work just to survive. I.e., a doctor who truly cares for your health and treats a patient with sincere care is clearly passionate about his career. On the other hand, the doctor next door who only sees money to be made off of your illness and subjugates you to lots of costly medicines and procedures, could debatably be working only for monetary gain through his profession, having no passion whatsoever for the service to humanity. Naturally, this is a basic example, but shifting back to our barter system by comparison, this structure of society did, and would thrive, if we all would do our part and work for the greater good of the whole. Understandably, this requires an evolved or dissimilar outlook on existence.

igor 2     It may sound like a utopian fantasy, but this barter system described is in working condition is many present-day cultures around the world to this day. These societies no doubt work in a closer balance with the planet, and each other, than do our “civilized” excess driven societies. So lets examine a few perspectives here. Many would argue that this advanced barter system could only exist on paper as a fictitious EDEN of sorts. Others may feel that money has in a sense enslaved us. And I say to them, it is not only possible, but also a great probability. And while it is true that the monetary system has enslaved us in a paradoxical move, it has also quite literally empowered us, the consumer, in a consumer driven world. We are so intoxicated with all the great things we can buy; it’s almost become a psychological rush to purchase certain objects. Buying a new car, new clothes, perfumes, a new TV, new computer, among many other examples. Never do we stop to ask, at what cost is this gadget coming into our hands, and does our NEED for this item justify that cost?

igor 3     In most cases, we want, but do not need, the materialistic products we have to either survive or evolve. Lets imagine what could happen if we focused only on what we truly need to live comfortably and survive vs what we constantly want. For starters, many of us would save money or find more practical uses for it. We would shed our Karma associated with the materialistic addiction that holds so many in its grip. And best of all, we would begin the reversal of the control that money SUPPOSEDLY holds over us. For you see, this article was supposed to be about money controlling social tides, and the overall spiritual frequencies of the entire human entity through markets. After giving this matter some serious thought, I came to the same conclusion I did a while ago, and that is that money only controls us only to the degree and extent we allow it to.

  Both as a species, and a single organism, when humankind begins to examine itself, and work in unison with all the universal energies at it’s

igor 5disposal, we shall see the need for money begin to diminish rapidly. For we will all begin to recognize the value and worth of neighbors and ourselves. We will all begin to contribute not just physically, but energetically, to the greater whole. Many may say this sounds similar to us working like ants, and losing our individuality. However, this this is simply not the case. On the contrary, its requires us to live our individual lives to the fullest, while being aware and conscious of the simple fact that what one does to another, they merely do to themself, and vice a versa.

     So you see, this thing called money is such a funny thing really. It’s a placeholder for a system of measured value, which is kind of hilarious when you think about its juvenile role. We have all heard one man’s trash is another’s treasure. Value, just like beauty, is a simple matter of perception. I believe Wayne Dyer once said, “If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change”. As we shift our perspectives, (no easy task mind you) our value systems change.

     For example, Bob works 7 days a week overtime, and has friends he hangs out with at the Ferrari club. Bob owns a Ferrari because his friends do. (Like attracts like/group mentality) But all the while, his health is declining. Bob’s family relationship is stagnating all to support his car. We see this often in today’s world. After a while, Bob’s perspective shifts, and his reality begin to sift with it. He then decides that family and health are more important than his Ferrari club. He looks at his Ferrari, and when once he saw his golden ticket into the brotherhood of the Ferrari club, and the feeling of joy and acceptance that was once associated with it, he now only sees a burden, a chip on his shoulder, and realizes it’s just a car to him he doesn’t NEED it. For all practical purposes, he only ever wanted it. So he gets rid of the car and buys a functional car.

igor 7     Now let’s throw that scenario around a little. Let’s say BOB is a billionaire, and Ferraris and Lamborghinis are chump change to him. They are toys and status symbols, and he doesn’t struggle to afford them. One day, Bob becomes more in tune with the earth, and he begins to accelerate in spiritual growth. He begins to live by the simple fact we are all connected, and the planet earth, she lives too. Bob realizes while he may not struggle with owning these cars, but he begins to look at the deeper reason as to why he got them in the first place. Once more, a spiritually evolved Bob begins to question and wonder what his NEEDS vs WANTS are, and debated internally if the cars are toys, or pieces of art to him.

Bobs new perspective dictates that the cost of the cars production is too great a toll on the planets resources for his so called toy or work of art to take out to auto shows. Now please, this is not to say that you are evil if igor6you own expensive things, and it’s certainly true that sometimes you get what you pay for. And this is not to say if you spend money on nice things you’re a bad person, or not spiritually aware. All is allowed & nothing is forbidden, it’s just vital to ask ourselves, does this benefit my community, and do I really need it.

     So in closing, money in and of itself is a matter of personal perspective. We either subscribe to it, or we don’t. There are people who leave society, and live off the grid; there are tribes and cultures in today’s day and age where money doesn’t exist. From our “civilized” perspective, we look at many of them as backwards, confused, or even suffering. But perhaps there’s is great wisdom to be learned from these wonderful souls. Never forget that money, is what you make of it. A thousand years from now, a thousand years ago, or today, it will always be a matter of perspective, (PERSPECTIVE = REALITY) All is connected All is in communion, and so it is.


-Igor Rybchinskiy

Understanding Money

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